by Cheuk Ting Ho



using FuzzyWuzzy

Why matching similar company names?

What does similar names imply......?

@cheukting_ho #EuroPython

Somewhere in China...

@cheukting_ho #EuroPython

Matching Strings

"Starbucks" == "StarBucks"


"Starbucks" == "Star bucks"


"Starbucks" == "Starbuck"


String Methods


@cheukting_ho #EuroPython







upper() / lower()

replace(' ','')


Fuzzy Matching?

"Fuzzy matching is a technique used in computer-assisted translation as a special case of record linkage. It works with matches that may be less than 100% perfect when finding correspondences between segments of a text and entries in a database of previous translations."

​- Wikipedia


matching 2 strings that is similar but not exactly the same

@cheukting_ho #EuroPython

measure the similarity between two strings using

Levenshtein Distance

The distance is the number of deletions, insertions, or substitutions required to transform source into target.


The greater the Levenshtein distance, the more different the strings are.


Levenshtein distance is named after the Russian scientist Vladimir Levenshtein.

@cheukting_ho #EuroPython

Levenshtein distance interpretation

Dynamic Programming

@cheukting_ho #EuroPython


Fuzzy string matching like a boss.

  • Simple Ratio
    simply measuring the Levenshtein Distance

  • Partial Ratio
    finding best partial match

  • Token Sort Ratio
    tokenizing and match despite order difference

  • Token Set Ratio
    tokenizing and finding best partial match

@cheukting_ho #EuroPython

Company Data

The data we used is found on

It is an openly licensed publicly available dataset that contains a list of registered (limited liability) companies in Great Britain.


Num of Companies: 15889

@cheukting_ho #EuroPython

Trick 1 - Common words

Matching form common words like "LTD" and "COMPANY" is less meaningful and will be discounted automatically in the algorithm.


Find the 30 most common words in all company names and deduct the matching score of a pair if any keywords is present in the names.

from collections import Counter
all_names = df['CompanyName'][df['RegAddress.PostTown']=='CAMBRIDGE'].unique()
names_freq = Counter()
for name in all_names:
    names_freq.update(str(name).split(" "))
key_words = [word for (word,_) in names_freq.most_common(30)]

@cheukting_ho #EuroPython

Trick 2 - Match in Groups

Then we group the names by their 1st character. As the list is too long, it will take forever to match them all at once (15889 x 15889 pairs to consider).


The work around is to match them by groups, assuming if the names are not matched at the 1st character, it is unlikely that they are the same name.

all_main_name = pd.DataFrame(columns=['sort_gp','names','alias','score'])
all_main_name['names'] = all_names
all_main_name['sort_gp'] = all_main_name['names'].apply(lambda x: x[0])

@cheukting_ho #EuroPython



Here for each group, we use token_sort_ratio to matching the names.


Deduct 10 points if have common words.


If score 85 or more then it's a match!

rom fuzzywuzzy import fuzz

all_sort_gp = all_main_name['sort_gp'].unique()

def no_key_word(name):
    """check if the name contain the keywords in travel company"""
    output = True
    for key in key_words:
        if key in name:
            output = False
    return output

for sortgp in all_sort_gp:
    this_gp = all_main_name.groupby(['sort_gp']).get_group(sortgp)
    gp_start = this_gp.index.min()
    gp_end = this_gp.index.max()
    for i in range(gp_start,gp_end+1):
        # if self has not got alias, asign to be alias of itself
        if pd.isna(all_main_name['alias'].iloc[i]):
            all_main_name['alias'].iloc[i] = all_main_name['names'].iloc[i]
            all_main_name['score'].iloc[i] = 100
        # if the following has not got alias and fuzzy match, asign to be alias of this one
        for j in range(i+1,gp_end+1):
            if pd.isna(all_main_name['alias'].iloc[j]):
                fuzz_socre = fuzz.token_sort_ratio(all_main_name['names'].iloc[i],all_main_name['names'].iloc[j])
                if not no_key_word(all_main_name['names'].iloc[j]):
                    fuzz_socre -= 10
                if (fuzz_socre > 85):
                    all_main_name['alias'].iloc[j] = all_main_name['alias'].iloc[i]
                    all_main_name['score'].iloc[j] = fuzz_socre
        if i % (len(all_names)//10) == 0:
            print("progress: %.2f" % (100*i/len(all_names)) + "%")

@cheukting_ho #EuroPython


Matches consisted of:

  1. differ in spelling by 1 character: missing an 'L' or 'I' or 'S'
  2. highly similar names: 'No.3' instead of 'No.2' or 'EB' instead of 'EH'

Applying the matching:

  1. 57 names are caught similar to another name,
  2. less then 1% of the total.
  3. checking drastically reduce form 15889 total to only 57

@cheukting_ho #EuroPython

Happy matching!

@cheukting_ho #EuroPython

Fuzzy Matching - Smart Way of Finding Similar Names Using Fuzzywuzzy

By Cheuk Ting Ho

Fuzzy Matching - Smart Way of Finding Similar Names Using Fuzzywuzzy

Ever encounter a tricky situation of knowing there’s names that are the same, but matching strings straight away leads you no where? All you need is Fuzzywuzzy, a simple but powerful open-source Python library and some wit. This talk will demonstrate how to efficiently fuzzy match company names.

  • 6,015