Where'd my JavaScript go?

by Ryan Edge

I build multiplatform applications for Web, Desktop, and Mobile

I ❤️ Flutter and React

What this talk is

  • Constant change
  • About TypeScript

What this talk is not

My first IDE

Reading JavaScript today like...

What went wrong?

  • Browser wars
  • Dreaded backwards compatibility
  • Build tools to the rescue!!!

Build tooling: transpilers & compilers

  • Transpilers compile code to the same level of code or abstraction
  • Compilers compile code to a lower level code

Increasingly, the bytes that get shipped to browsers will bear less and less resemblance to the source code that web developers write. - Tom Dale

Compilers are not new on the web

  • Google Web Toolkit (2006)
  • ClojureScript (2008)
  • CoffeeScript (2009)

These are just a few examples

Why do we have frameworks?

  • simplicity
  • organization
  • familiarity

Frameworks are not tools for organizing your code, they are tools for organizing your mind - Rich Harris

Can our frameworks be better?  

  • performance
  • framework fatigue

A React example: setState

class FullName extends React.Component<{}, { fullName }> {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { fullName: "Ryan Edge" };

  handleFullNameChange = e => {
    //Wrong, but isn't this what we want to do
    this.state.fullName = e.target.value;

    this.setState({ fullName: e.target.value });

  render() {
    const { fullName } = this.state;

    return (
        <input value={fullName} onChange={this.handleFullNameChange} />

A React example: useState

function FullName() {
  const [fullName, setFullName] = React.useState("Ryan Edge");

  function handleFullNameChange(e) {

  return (
      <input value={fullName} onChange={handleFullNameChange} />

Virtual DOM

  • Is awesome
  • Is fast enough
  • Is a performance bottleneck

Abstraction leaks

  • shouldComponentUpdate
  • React.PureComponent
  • useMemo
  • useCallback

Symptoms that your front-end technology is underpowered - Rich Harris

Compilers to the rescue?

What problems do compilers solve?  

JavaScript is fast, but it's not predictably fast." - Karl Guertin


  • writing performant JavaScript code is hard.
  • writing backward-compatible code is time-consuming.
  • low-level JavaScript primitives are imperative and complex. 

The rise of disappearing frameworks

Frameworks that compile the code you write, without the framework, resulting in a smaller and faster application.

Case Study #1: Svelte

  • Developed by Rich Harris
  • Compiles to imperative JavaScript
  • No Virtual Dom

Case Study #1: Svelte

	export let fullName = "Ryan Edge";
	$: greeting = `Hello ${fullName}`;

	//We could also just use bind:value
	function handleFullNameChange(e) {
	  fullName = e.target.value;

	h1 {
	  color: blue;

	 <!--We could also just use bind:value  -->
	<input value={fullName} on:input={handleFullNameChange} />

Case Study #1: Svelte

Svelte capabilities

  • Truly reactive w/o boilerplate
  • Magic happens at compile time
  • Compiler only includes what you need

Case Study #2: Stencil

  • Developed by Ionic
  • Compiles to WebComponents

Case Study #2: Stencil

import { h, Component, Prop } from "@stencil/core";

  tag: "full-name",
  styles: `
    h1 {
      color: blue;
  shadow: true
class FullNameComponent {
  @Prop({ reflect: true }) fullName: string = "Ryan Edge";

  handleFullNameChange = e => (this.fullName = e.target.value);
  render() {
    const { fullName, handleFullNameChange } = this;
    return (
        <input value={fullName} onInput={handleFullNameChange} />

Case Study #2: Stencil

Stencil capabilities

  • Complexity be gone!
  • Framework agnostic
  • Borrows from the best

What does the future hold for JavaScript?

Will JavaScript disappear? Probably not.

Keep betting on JavaScript


JavaScript will not die, but it will change.

WebAssembly, Reason, Flutter, oh my!

  • Reference variables allow DOM access from WASM, a game-changer
  • Reason makes a functional play for your heart
  • Flutter tries to put a Dart in every household

Younger me 10 minutes later...

Wrapping up

  • Modern frameworks improve our lives
  • Next-gen frameworks use compilers for performance, simplicity, and sharing
  • The code we write isn't the code we see, and that's OK.

Thanks 🐑

Where'd my JavaScript go?

By Ryan Edge

Where'd my JavaScript go?

"Increasingly, the bytes that get shipped to browsers will bear less and less resemblance to the source code that web developers write." Is this a good thing? What, if anything, do we sacrifice in our pursuit to eke out the most performance and provide rich experiences that are native-like?

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