Introduction to Nuxt.js

Christopher Kade

Front-end consultant @Zenika



  • What is Nuxt.js?
  • Structure of a Nuxt project + Live coding

What is             ?

Powerful, modular & enjoyable Vue.js framework for production-ready applications.

Why should I use             ?

🏗 Easily build production-ready applications

📁 Standardized folder structure

🔀 Routing configuration out of the box

🔎 SEO-friendly features

⏱ Low initial load time

💾 Server-rendering feature

🧩 Plugin & module integration (e.g: PWA)

And much more

Structure of a                     project

$ npx create-nuxt-app <project-name>

$ yarn create nuxt-app <project-name>

Live coding

Thank you 🎉



Introduction to Nuxt.js

By christopherkade

Introduction to Nuxt.js

  • 791