Some useful useless stuff
Cléber Zavadniak
Cléber Zavadniak
- ~1999: "Apostila de C"
- 2004: Computing Science (incomplete)
- 2004: C(microcontrollers) / C++
- Linux+Networks
- 2013: Python[Django]+MySQL+integrations
- Python[Django]+Postgres+EDA+Microservicos+REST
- Python[Django]+Postgres+RPC+Mezzoservices+REST
- Python[Flask]+SQLAlchemy+Postgres+QuasiREST
- 2020: Go+Postgres+GraphQL
- 2021: Lucid
"How do I create a JS function
to be called recursively
that retains state
but without access to global/outer scope?"
% 1- The "interface" function:
fib(N) -> fib_iter(N, 0, 1).
% 2- The break:
fib_iter(0, Result, _Next) -> Result;
% 3- The iteration:
fib_iter(Iter, Result, Next) ->
fib_iter(Iter-1, Next, Result+Next).
Erlang example
fib(N) -> fib_iter(N, 0, 1).
fib_iter(0, Result, _Next) -> Result;
fib_iter(Iter, Result, Next) ->
fib_iter(Iter-1, Next, Result+Next).
fib(3) % interface
fib_iter(3, 0, 1) % iteration
fib_iter(2, 1, 1) % iteration
fib_iter(1, 1, 2) % iteration
fib_iter(0, 2, 3) % break
2 % result
Index: 0 1 2 3
Sequence: 0 1 1 2
Some honorable mentions
Before we really start,
of (probably) very useful "useless" things.
It's Redis! See
Now, forget everything.
Logical Programming
Logical Programming
- Based in... Logic.
- Basically, the structured study of the truth
- Among other things, "predicate calculus"
- The core of a Prolog program: find the truth.
You sure you forgot everything?
- Variables
- Functions
- Flow control
Forget it.
In the terminal
swipl -f
swipl -f
path(a, e, Path, Distance).
path(a, e, Path, Distance), [H|T] = Path, [H2|T2] = T, H2 = b.
append([a], [b], X).
append(A, B, [a, b, c, d]).
<comma> = AND | <semicolon> = OR/ELSE | <period> = END
Use cases
- Logic
- Combinatorial Analisys
- Artificial Inteligente
- Compilers (semantic checks)
- Automatic tests generators
Interesting example: "julian"
Date and time, based only on constraints.
:- use_module(library(julian)). :- use_module(library(clpfd)). solution(Year) :- % Eisenhower presidency had % Fourth of July on Sunday in ... form_time([dow(sunday), Year-07-04]), Year in 1953..1961. ?- solution(Y). Y = 1954.
In other languages
- Python
- kanren ("logpy")
- Go
- golog
- Javascript
- tau-prolog
Concatenative languages
See also:
"Stack based"
- Operations always from the stack
- The stack is pure
"concatenative" is not a synonym
with "stack based".
Prog_A <concat operation> ProgB =
- [] # Empty
- 100 → [100]
- 200 → [100, 200]
- 300 → [100, 200, 300]
- + → [100, 500]
- * → [50000]
Code sample
\ Display indexes of a 2D array : INDEXES ( rows columns -- ) SWAP ( columns rows ) 0 ?DO \ For number of rows CR \ CR goes to next line DUP \ DUPlicate columns 0 ?DO \ For number of rows J . \ Display row index I . \ Display column index SPACE \ SPACE displays a space LOOP \ End of inner loop LOOP ; \ End of outer loop 3 4 INDEXES
But... WHY?
Imagine you have only
32 bytes
of available memory
and have to run some fairly complex algorithms.
Too far fetched?
Argo Submersible Vehicle
(Now retired) Space Shuttle
- 2 stacks:
- Values
- Return addresses
- Partially compiled, partially interpreted
- Threaded code
- Built-in words are compiled
- User-defined words are a sequence of jumps between other words
- 1 stack:
- Activation records
- Arguments and runtime addresses share the same space
- Compiled?
- Yes (C)
- No (shell)
- Yes, to VM (Python)
- +FFI
Le Fin
My advice:
Take some time to study some absurd topic.
Copy of Técnicas Alternativas de Programação
By Cléber Zavadniak
Copy of Técnicas Alternativas de Programação
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