Dr. Smothers
Quick Tips
A.I. Writing Tools
The Do's and Don'ts
Quick Facts
- A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) for word processing and documents are tools meant to augment or enhance our understanding of a topic, NOT replace our writing style and process.
- A.I. Writing tools (like Elicit.org or ChatGPT) could be called research assistants or topic assistants (like a more advanced Wikipedia experience).
- Academic Honesty means giving credit to where you find your information (book, article, website, blog, video, and YES... A.I.) If you want to avoid plagiarism... Do this...
*Free for Basic Use*
*Play around to practice with them*
Ask a question to gain more ideas.
The Do's of A.I.
Always use (parenthesis) for citations whether an author, organization, or A.I. tool
Type out ideas, but put in your own words.
Brainstorm a potential topic.
Gain new insights or directions about a concept.
If A.I. mentions a source, author, or text see if you can track that down for a citation.
Copy/Paste A.I. Generated Text into your own document.
The Dont's of A.I.
Allow a Writing Assistant feature to Auto-Fill your document with suggestions.
Pass off A.I. content as your own "work."
Failure to include in-text citations.
Use an "A.I." generated essay and simply add a few sentences of "I think" or your name in different places.
Lastly, when in doubt...
Ask your instructor what their expectations are or meet with them if you have further questions.
Check out these citation sources for further information:
A.I. Writing Tools Quick Tips
By codys
A.I. Writing Tools Quick Tips
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