Zero to DevOps in

Under an Hour with

Who is this guy?

Dale Alleshouse



  • What is Kubernetes?

  • Kubernetes Goals

  • Kubernetes Basic Architecture

  • Awesome Kubernetes Demo!

  • What Now?

What is Kubernetes?

  • AKA K8S
  • Greek for Ship's Captain (κυβερνήτης)
  • Google's Open Source Container Management System
    • Lessons Learned from Borg/Omega
    • K8S is speculated to replace Borg
  • Released June 2014
  • 1.0 Release July, 2015
  • Currently in Version 1.6
  • Highest Market Share

K8S Goals

  • Container vs. VM Focus
  • Portable (Run everywhere)
  • General Purpose
    • Any workload - Stateless, Stateful, batch, etc...
  • Flexible (consume wholesale or a la carte)
  • Extensible
  • Automatable
  • Advance the state of the art
    • cloud-native and DevOps Focused
    • mechanisms for slow monolith/legacy migrations

K8S Architecture

More Architecture Info

  • Omega: flexible, scalable schedulers for large compute clusters
  • Large-scale cluster management at Google with Borg
  • Borg, Omega, and Kubernetes

Demo System


  • Azure CLI
  • Docker

Create Cluster

Create a new resource group


az acs create --orchestrator-type=kubernetes --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
    --name=$CLUSTER_NAME --dns-prefix=$DNS_PREFIX --generate-ssh-keys

Create Cluster


az group create --name=$RESOURCE_GROUP --location=$LOCATION


# Install kubectl
sudo az acs kubernetes install-cli

# Authorize and configure for new cluster
az acs kubernetes get-credentials --resource-group=$RESOURCE_GROUP --name=$CLUSTER_NAME

Install and configure

# View ~/.kube/config
kubectl config view

# Verify cluster is configured correctly
kubectl get cs



  • Deployments consist of pods and replica sets
    • Pod - One or more containers in a logical group
    • Replica set - controls number of pod replicas
# Create a deployment for three internal deployments
kubectl run java-consumer --image=dalealleshouse/java-consumer:1.0
kubectl run ruby-producer --image=dalealleshouse/ruby-producer:1.0
kubectl run queue --image=rabbitmq:3.6.6-management

# View the pods created by the deployments
kubectl get pods

# Run docker type commands on the containers
kubectl exec -it *POD_NAME* bash
kubectl logs *POD_NAME*

Internal Services

Services provide a durable end point

# Notice the java-consumer cannot connect to the queue
kubectl get logs *java-consumer-pod*

# The following command makes the queue discoverable via the name queue
kubectl expose deployment queue --port=15672,5672 --name=queue

# Running the command again shows that it is connected now
kubectl get logs *java-consumer-pod*

External Services

Create REST API Deployment and Load Balancer

# Create deployment
kubectl run status-api --image=dalealleshouse/status-api:1.0 port=5000

# Create Service
kubectl expose deployment status-api --port=80 --target-port=5000 --name=status-api \

# Watch for service to become available
watch 'kubectl get svc'

Create Load Balancer Service for Front End with env var pointing to REST API

kubectl run html-frontend --image=dalealleshouse/html-frontend:1.0 --port=80 \

kubectl expose deployment html-frontend --port=80 --name=html-frontend --type=LoadBalancer

Infrastructure as Code

The preferred alternative to using shell commands is storing configuration in yaml files. See the kube directory

# Delete all objects made previously
# Each object has a matching file in the kube directory
kubectl delete -f kube/

# Recreate everything
kubectl create -f kube/

Default Monitoring

K8S has a default dashboard

kubectl proxy

Navigate to


K8S will automatically load balance requests to a service between all replicas.

# Scale the NGINX deployment to 3 replicas
kubectl scale deployment html-frontend --replicas=3

K8S can create replicas easy and quickly


K8S can scale based on load.

# Maintain between 1 and 5 replicas based on CPU usage
kubectl autoscale deployment java-consumer --min=1 --max=5 --cpu-percent=50

# Run this repeatedly to see # of replicas created
# Also, the "In Process" number on the web page will reflect the number of replicas
kubectl get pods -l run=html-frontend

Self Healing

K8S will automatically restart any pods that die.

# View the html-frontend pods
kubectl get pods -l run=html-frontend

# Forcibly shut down container to simulate a node\pod failure
kubectl delete pod *CONTAINER*

# Containers are regenerated immediately
kubectl get pods -l run=html-frontend

Health Checks

If the endpoint check fails, K8S automatically kills the container and starts a new one

# Find front end pod
kubectl get pods -l run=html-frontend

# Simulate a failure by manually deleting the health check file
kubectl exec *POD_NAME* rm usr/share/nginx/html/healthz.html

# Notice the restart
kubectl get pods -l run=html-frontend
            path: /healthz.html
            port: 80
          initialDelaySeconds: 3
          periodSeconds: 2
            path: /healthz.html
            port: 80
          initialDelaySeconds: 3
          periodSeconds: 2

Specify health and readiness checks in yaml

Rolling Deployment

K8S will update one pod at a time so there is no downtime for updates

# Update the image on the deployment
kubectl set image deployment/html-frontend html-frontend=dalealleshouse/html-frontend:2.0

# Run repeadly to see the number of available replicas
kubectl get deployments

Viewing the html page shows an error. K8S makes it easy to roll back deployments

# Roll back the deployment to the old image
kubectl rollout undo deployment html-frontend

Delete Demo

az group delete -n kube-demo

What Now?

  • K8S Docs
  • Free Online Course from Google
  • Callibrity Training (
  • Maybe I can Help
    • @HumpbackFreak

Thank You!

Zero to DevOps in Under an Hour with Kubernetes - Azure Edition

By Dale Alleshouse

Zero to DevOps in Under an Hour with Kubernetes - Azure Edition

The benefits of containerization cannot be overstated. Tools like Docker have made working with containers easy, efficient, and even enjoyable. However, management at scale is still a considerable task. That's why there's Kubernetes. Come see how easy it is to create a manageable container environment. Live on stage (demo gods willing) you'll witness a full Kubernetes configuration. In less than an hour, we'll build an environment capable of: Automatic Binpacking, Instant Scalability, Self-healing, Rolling Deployments, and Service Discovery/Load Balancing.

  • 1,580