Test - GateKeepers of our code
- we write a lot of code:
- we want to add a new feature -> we write code. How do we know it works?
- We want to fix a bug -> we write code. How do we know we didn't break anything?
- We want to refactor - we write code. How do we know we didn't break anything?
- As the company grows -> we have even more code
How do we deal with all that code?
Naive answer is QA people.
- Human Errors
- Expensive - Human resources
- Not repetitive
- Slow - not agile
Tests to the rescue!
What are Tests?
Test is code that checks that the code that you write in your app, also called “production code”, works as expected
Purpose of tests
- finding bugs
- verify the code does what the product describes
- verify the product is fit for use
small test example?
Types of tests
- unit tests
- integration tests
- e2e tests
Unit Tests
- The smallest testable part of an application
- Usually a method or a module
- Each test case is independent from the others
calculating cart total price
Integration Tests
- Combine independently units
- Verify that the combined units works as expected
- An integration test takes a small group of units, often two units, and tests their behavior as a whole, verifying that they coherently work together
E2E Tests
- Test that the complete flow of an application is performing as designed from start to finish
- cover sections of the application that unit tests and integration tests don’t cover
- TPA communication (Paypal)
1. full purchase product with checkout
2. navigation
pyramid of tests
- end-to-end tests do a better job of simulating real user scenarios
- poor feedback loop
Tests VS Manual
- Reliable
- Fast (quick feedback)
- Repetitive
- An integral part of our development (we don't get the bugs after a couple of days)
- Finding bugs in dev time and not on production
- Clean code - only code that we need
- clean code for our colleagues - we read more than we wrote (find stats)
- documentation
- easy to refactor
Disadvantages (?)
- Lack of human input on stability and UI
- Tests tools might have bugs
- Tests might be flaky
- Automation Environment and process might be expensive
- Might slow releasing features
- Tests maintenance
Automation VS Manual
- what is agile (philosophy)
- TDD is one way of implementing agile (methodology)
Agile (as a discipline)
- Approach to software development
- Deliver quick and small parts of the app
- Adjust well to Changing requirements
- Creating an environment that fits those needs
History of Agile
First Computer - 1945
Turing writes code
- invents subroutine
- invents the stack
- invents floating point
- Etc.
One of our difficulties will be the maintenance of an appropriate discipline,
so that we do not lose track of what we are doing.
Number of computers
in the world:
Number of programmers
in the world:
Programmers are drawn from:
- Engineers
- Scientists
- Mathematicians
Number of computers
in the world:
Number of programmers
in the world:
Not Enough:
- Engineers
- Scientists
- Mathematicians
- No CS Grads
Programmers drawn from:
- Accountants, Planners, etc.
- Tens of thousands of new CS grads
- very young
- (almost most of them male)
Test Driven Development
- software development process
- Test first
- Writing the minimal amount of code in order for the pass a failing test
- Failing test
- Passing test
- Refactoring
Live Demo
By danielagreen
- 384