"Success Guide"

Read your Success Guide that came with your Welcome Pack if you ordered one when you signed up. If you didn't get one you can order one from your back office. Try to re-read it every 6 months or so. You will appreciate it more, and it will help you in different ways each time at every stage of your business as it grows and changes.

When you get your welcome kit if you ordered one upon sign up, post a photo of your products when you get it and say something like 'I am so excited to get started on this new journey and am looking forward to starting on the road to better health!'

I also love to post a welcome message to a new Amb's fb page. This tells everyone on their friends list that they're now a Plexus Ambassador and helps to share the opportunity for better health and wealth!

Watch the 18 Business Building Tips videos in your back office under Resources - THEY ARE VERY HELPFUL!!


We'll go over a some of them tonight :)

Training calls & meetings


"Knowledge is power"

"The more you know, the more you grow!"

Subscribe to the Plexus Channel on YouTube

Subscribe to Sara Marble's YouTube


Subscribe to Sonya Dudley's YouTube


“Like” the official Plexus Slim Facebook page

Listen to the 15 minute Wednesday Plexus Opportunity call which comes out every Wednesday afternoon. Post the link to your fb pages and invite other people to call in and listen.

This is ANOTHER powerful tool for us to use!

These calls provide product information, new testimonies, and new business building tips every week.

group pages

Danna's Plexus Team

This is our core/home group for my entire downline. Be sure to add any Ambassadors that you might sponsor to this group (in addition to the ones below)

Diamond Ambassador Amy Cunnington’s Plexus Proteges:


Plexus Compliance:

Can we post product prices publicly? Can we tell people that Plexus cures illnesses? Can we sell in a retail store? Can we be in 2 MLMs? Certain rules and policies are in place for our protection and for the protection of Plexus Worldwide. Although I can and will help and guide you, I am NOT an expert when it comes to Compliance issues. Please join this group to be sure that you remain compliant. (Can always refer to back office & P&Ps)

Plexus Approved Graphics With Approval Code that you can use for your own FB pages:

group pages

USE your web site!

Go to your website and look through all the links and pages. Get familiar with it so you know how to use it and so you see what your customers see. Review the product information for each product. Walk through the steps of placing an order (up until checkout) so you are more familiar with the process and so that you can see what your customer experiences on your web site.

You can also find product information in our back office under Resources, and in our group page.


Your web site and the back office are great places to look if a customer has a ? or if you have a ? about something!

Get started immediately. Don't wait for perfection or even your own testimony. There are thousands you can use until you have your own.



get started!

So you haven't lost 100 pounds yet?


Did you notice a suppressed appetite when you got started on the products? More energy? Slept better? Have less pain?

If you said yes to any of those things, then you HAVE a testimony!


Post about it, share it and add to it as you experience more benefits. In the mean time get started right away - things don't have to be perfect for you to get started and be successful!

"People who get business cards stay in business longer than people who don't"

  • Business cards make you look more professional.
  • Business cards are an easy inexpensive way to get the word out and share Plexus with others. 
  • Business cards are a simple way to give people your contact information and promote your business. 
  • Try to give business cards out each time you go out, while you're shopping or running errands. 


{TIP!} To prevent losing contact with a prospect, ask them for one of their business cards as you hand one of yours to them. If they don't have one, enter their contact information into your phone right then and there, or take out another card and write their contact information on the back and put it back into your bag.

 (Look in our team page for a list of compliant approved vendors if you need business cards.)

get business cards asap

Order the ten 3-day trial packs from your back office and sell or give them out to people - So many times once someone tries Plexus they usually love it!

Remember that this is about building relationships & consistency - someone might not order from you 5 min's after they get the trial pack. That's ok. Follow up. Be consistent. It will pay off.

You gave out or sold a trial pack - NOW WHAT?!
You got an order - NOW WHAT?!
You signed/sponsored an Ambassador - NOW WHAT?!

No one cares what you know (or have) until they know that you care

NOW what!?

 Have patience. Big income will not happen overnight. Time is going to pass no matter what. Work on your business and success will happen.. don't be in a rush - that will set you up to get discrouaged and give up after a short amount of time.

Be realistic. Know that rejection will happen, and its OK. Not everyone is going to want Plexus, not everyone is going to want what you have. It's just a reality. DONT get discouraged, just move on. There ARE a million people who DO want it.

And that's what we want - We're looking for the people who are already looking for us! Our "job" is not to MAKE them want it. Our job is simply to share it :)

One thing I've noticed since I started building a downline over the last year and 1/2 - the ones who don't fully get that we share and not sell lose motivation fairly quickly and quit. The ones who are ONLY in it for quick cash won't be very successful. The ones who "share" Plexus and honestly care about helping others seem to keep going and see great success over a little time.


Just love the product. Share what it's doing for you. Share what it's doing for other people. Share it with people that truly need and want to improve their health.  

{I'll post this 5 minute video by Diamond Ambassador Sonya Dudley to our team page:}

Share, don't sell


You don't have to be a "salesperson" to be successful with Plexus. All you have to do is care about helping people and love the products and share what it's doing for you or for someone you know...

The Ambassadors that post the most about Plexus on their business and personal pages on Facebook typically have the highest PV (which means more commissions!) as opposed to those who don't.

This doesn't mean that you want to JUST post about Plexus 24/7 either! But post something about the positive changes you are feeling and seeing on your FB page(s) on a regular basis.

Just be real. People want to see the real you. Post about having more energy or feeling better, better mood, weight loss, lost an inch, lost a jean size, less pain, that you made enough $$ to pay your utility bill, rent or that you were able to go on a trip, or even just go out to dinner! Things that people can relate to.

I have to be a sales person to sell Plexus"

Network Marketing has been called "relationship marketing". Care about your customers and prospects. 


You DON'T have to talk about Plexus 24/7 in order to make money with this. Don't "hunt" people to "sign up" or buy buy buy buy from you. Network on purpose.

Build relationships

You can work part time or full time, just not SOME of the time...

Be consistent. Work on your business EVERYDAY even if its 15 minutes but be consistent and commit to the time you dedicate. Make sure what you do is "income producing activites". You can work a few hours a week, you can part time or you can work full time - but you can't work some of the time, and expect to be successful.


Goals are important in any area of life where you want to be successful. What do you want to accomplish as a Plexus Ambassador - today, this week, this month, short term and long term. These are good things to think about, for example, each morning, each Sunday to prepare for the week and on the last day of each month

Look at pages 10-13 of your Success Guide to help you with this. If you're not sure what they are I'd love to help you. 

to summarize...

"Important steps for your success"

1. Read your Success Guide and review and go over the Getting Started "48 hour Checklist" on page 5.


2. Think about your "why". Use or review pg's 9-13 in your Success Guide. (See pg 9-13 of your Success Guide)


3. Set goals. To be successful with anything we need to think about what our goals are. (See pg. 11-13 of your Success Guide)


4. Create a list of 20, 50, or 100 names/contacts (don't prejudge! put any and every name on the list that comes to mind! (See pg 15 of your Success Guide) From this list endeavor to share Plexus with them. The more people you contact, the more success you will have.

5. Pick your top 3 "power team" candidates that you would love to build a business with. This will help you to build a strong foundation if this is one of your goals. (Don't forget your $100 BONUS from Plexus when you sign 3 people & advance to SILVER!)


6. Set up an appt w/ your sponsor to set up 3 way calls with list of top 20 to introduce products, opportunity, and answer questions.
I'm always happy to do 3 way calls or in person meetings!


7. Let's plan your business launch party (this is the opportunity to get your business up and running by inviting friends and family over for info about your new endeavor) (See page 21 of your Success Guide)

to summarize...

to summarize...

AWESOME GOALS FOR FIRST 30 days or anytime!

- Have your launch party
- Become a Sliver Ambassador*
- Get 3 preferred customers**

* Once you advance to Silver you get a $100 bonus.

** You "GET" customers by "sharing" Plexus, loving the products and genuinely caring for other people!

I am here to support you! PLEASE CHECK IN with me to stay on track with your goals. Make sure to plug in to all of the available resources so you don't have to "reinvent the wheel" - Our team page, team calls, training calls, in person trainings and public opportunity meetings, our websites and back office are all provided to each one of us free of charge.

*** The magic happens when you learn this system, teach, train, and duplicate this down multiple levels! ***

If anyone has any questions type '?' in the chat box and I'll unmute you...

Plexus Business SUCCESS TIPS

By Danna Metcalf

Plexus Business SUCCESS TIPS


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