RecSys Challenge 2018
Automatic Playlist Continuation
Атанас, 25858 Димитрина, 25620 Кристиян, 25625
Data Stats
1 000 000 playlists
2 262 292 unique tracks
295 860 unique artists
33 114 unique tokens in playlist names
58 795 704 items in playlist-track matrix
99.9969% sparsity
Dev Challenge Set
- Created from Million Playlist Dataset
- 10,000 incomplete playlists
- title only
- title and the first track
- title and the first 5 tracks
- first 5 tracks (no title)
- title and the first 10 tracks
- first 10 tracks (no title)
- title and the first 25 tracks
- title and 25 random tracks
- title and the first 100 tracks
- title and 100 random tracks
- Predict next 100
r_precision | ndcg | clicks | |
Popularity | 0.029134 | 0.019857 | 5.5032 |
Alternating Least Squares | 0.031051 | 0.019090 | 5.7655 |
Bayesian Personalized Ranking | 0.0331107 | 0.0174827 | 6.0186 |
Meta Prod2Vec
Neural CF
r_precision | ndcg | clicks | place | |
Popularity | 0.027219 | 0.069189 | 14.4024 | 93/107 |
GRU4Rec | Pending | Pending | Pending | Pending |
Meta Prod2Vec | Pending | Pending | Pending | Pending |
Neural CF | Pending | Pending | Pending | Pending |
Thank you!
Spotify Task
By Dimitrina Zlatkova
Spotify Task
- 494