The beautiful, open source framework for developing hybrid mobile apps with HTML 5

"So you want to build a native app?"
More Platforms. More Problems.
Why are we still coding for multiple platforms?

The Downsides of Native
Proficiency in each platform required
Entirely separate code bases
Timely & expensive development
Diminishing returns
"Is there an alternative?"
Web code
wrapped in native layer
with direct access
to device APIs

"Hybrid apps are slow!"
"The Times They Are a-Changin"
Mobile devices have rapidly improved!
Year | Device | Processor | RAM |
2007 | iPhone | 620 MHz | 128 MB |
2010 | iPhone 4 | 1 GHz | 512 MB |
2015 | iPhone 6 | 1.4 GHz dual-core | 1 GB |
There is

Web Technologies You
Already Know and Love

Supported Devices

iOS 6+
Android 4+
Are people using it?
Ionic's Adoption
over 13, 000+ stars on GitHub
Top 50 most popular open source projects
400,000+ apps have been created
Released Alpha: November 2013
Released Beta: March 2014
Release Candidate: Winter 2014

- The personal stylist in your pocket
- Pulls in over 2 million products from 100 big name fashion brands
- Next generation fashion mall for whatever style you require.

- Offical app of the ng-europe conference.
- Used to get the schedule, speakers, venue address, news, chat and more

- Like Uber for commercial trucking
- Connect to thousands of freight shippers and brokerages across the country

- Fitness app that guides anyone thru 5-60 minute circuits
- Downloaded over 3 million times
- Been featured in multiple Health and Fitness lists within both the App Store and Google Play
Ionic Built-In UI Elements
Over 600 MIT licensed font-icons included


<div class="list">
<div class="item item-divider">
Candy Bars
<a class="item" href="#">
<a class="item" href="#">
Kit Kat
Complex List

ng-repeat="item in items"
<img ng-src="{{ item.pic }}">
<h2>{{ }}</h2>
<p>{{ item.quote }}</p>

<ion-tabs class="tabs-icon-only">
<ion-tab title="Home"
<ion-tab title="Feedback"
<ion-tab title="Messages"
Side Menu

<ion-side-menu side="left">
<header class="bar bar-header bar-positive">
<div class="title">Projects</div>
<ion-content has-header="true">
<div class="list">
<a href="#/work" class="item">Work</a>
<a href="#/home" class="item">Home</a>
Slide Box

Slide 1
Slide 2
Slide 3
Action Sheet

titleText: 'Modify your album',
buttons: [
{ text: 'Share' },
{ text: 'Move' },
destructiveText: 'Delete',
cancelText: 'Cancel',
buttonClicked: function(index) {
console.log('BUTTON CLICKED', index);
return true;
Pull to Refresh

<ion-content on-refresh="refreshData()">
<!-- content -->

<!-- content -->
How to get started?
But Not So Fast
Install NodeJs
Install Git
$npm install -g cordova ionic gulp
Installing Ionic
- ant
- Java SDK 7
- Android Studio
- Android SDK (API 19)
- XCode (Mac Required)
- Google Chrome (for debugging)
- Genymotion
Ionic on Windows Setup
Automated using Chocolatey and BoxStarter:
Read the "How To Use this Gist File Section" for instructions
Ionic on a Mac Setup
What's building an app like?
Create ionic app
Create new project
Test on web browser
Add mobile platform (Android or iOS)
Run test on device/emulator
ionic start myApp [blank/tabs/sideMenu]
ionic serve
ionic platform add [android/ios]
ionic [run/emulate] [ android/ios]
Additional Tooling from Ionic
Ionic View
View/Share/Test Ionic apps across devices
$ ionic start myApp tabs
$ cd myApp
$ ionic upload
$ ionic share [email address]

Ionic Creator

Ionic and Crosswalk
Specify version of Chrome to run your Cordova App.
Up to 10x performance increase
App will grow ~10-15 mb in size.
$ionic start my_app
$cd my_app
$ionic browser add crosswalk
$ionic run android

Side by Side
Android and iOS Phone
Supports Live Reload
Ionic Lab
$ ionic serve --lab
Additional Tools
- Push Notifications
- Deploy
- Analytics
Demo Time
thank you
i'm Justin.
@digitaldrummerj -
San Diego Code Camp - Ionic Framework Overview
By Justin James
San Diego Code Camp - Ionic Framework Overview
Presentation for an Ionic Framwork Overview. Learn what the Ionic Framework is, what is provides, and how to start using it.
- 3,006