Ionic Authentication

Justin James



Intro to OAuth 2.0

Intro to OAuth 2.0

An open protocol to allow secure authorization in a simple and standard method from web, mobile and desktop applications.

OAuth 2.0 Roles

Resource Owner: the person/app that holds the data to be shared

Resource Server: the application that holds the resources

Authorization Server: app that verified the identity of the users.

Client: app that makes the request to the RS on behalf of the RO

I want to see projects

Hey Back&, could you please give me a list of projects?

This is a protected resource.  You will need to present me an access token

Hey Github, can I get an access token please? 

Back& is asking

Sure, just need to ask a few details to the user first

Could you please provider me your credentials?  I need to verify your identity

No probolem.  I am and my password is ****

The user is who he claims to be.  Here is your access token: 

Hi Back&, this is my token

Hi, I have been given

Could you please tell me who it belongs to?

Sure.  The token is still valid and belongs to

Here is your list of projects

Here is your list of projects

OAuth is a delegation protocol, as in the


has no idea about the credentials of the

Resource Owner

Example Token Response

 "access_token": "RsT5OjbzRn430zqMLgV3Ia",
 "token_type": "Bearer",
 "expires_in": 3600,
 "refresh_token": "e1qoXg7Ik2RRua48lXIV"

Back& Providers

  • Email/Password

  • Facebook

  • Twitter

  • Github

  • Google


Eliminating the friction of identity

What is it?

  • Identity as a service platform

  • Making authentication and authorization simple 

  • Makes it so developers do not need to become experts 

Tech Stack Support

  • Javascript / Angular

  • .NET

  • Node

  • iOS

  • PHP

  • Java

Virtually anything able to send HTTP request can integrate with Auth0

Social Identity Providers

  • AOL

  • Amazon

  • Basecamp

  • Evernote

  • Facebook

  • Fitbit

  • Github

  • Google 

  • Instagram

  • LinkedIn

  • Microsoft

  • PayPal

  • Salesforce

  • Twitter

  • Wordpress

  • Yahoo

Enterprise Identity Providers

  • ADFS

  • Active Directory

  • Azure Active Directory

  • Google Apps

  • LDAP

  • SharePoint Apps

  • WS-Federation

Database Identity Providers

Email / Username and password stored in Auth0 user store or your own database

Password Less Identity Providers

  • Email (One-Time Code)

  • SMS

  • iOS Touch ID

Multi-Factory Support

  • Google Authenticator

  • Duo Security

3rd Party Integration


* Active User: someone logged in in last 30 days

Status of Service

Coding Time

thank you

i'm Justin.


@digitaldrummerj -

Ionic Authentication

By Justin James

Ionic Authentication

  • 4,641