Justin James


Use Your Existing Web Skills to Create Native Mobile Applications


"So you want to build a native app?"

More Platforms.  More Problems.

Why are we still coding for multiple platforms?

"Is there an alternative?"


"I have heard hybrid apps are slow!"

Mobile devices have rapidly improved!

Year Device Processor RAM
2007 iPhone 620 MHz 128 MB
2010 iPhone 4 1 GHz 512 MB
2014 iPhone 6 1.4 GHz dual-core 1 GB
2015 iPhone 6s 1.8 GHz dual-core 2 GB

Web Technologies You

Already Know and Love

Native Focused

Performance Obsessed

Supported Devices

iOS 6+

Android 4+

Win Phone 10

Apache Cordova

Your App



Webview (Cordova)

Native SDK

What are we 



Lets Get Started

$ npm install -g gulp bower cordova ionic 

Installing Ionic

Create ionic project

ionic start todo blank
ionic serve

Project Created

  • Directory create for project

  • Project created using Ionic blank template 

  • Angular wired up

  • Basic Gulp File Created

  • Node web server wired up

Time to Code

Angular Module

Angular Module

angular.module('starter', ['ionic'])

collection of services, directives, controllers, filters, and configuration information

file: www\js\app.js

Angular Config

Angular Config

angular.module('starter', ['ionic'])
    .config(function () {  

Allows configurations to be applied before app runs.  

file: www\js\app.js

Angular Routes

Angular Routes

  1. Define navigation to specific states 

  2. Define configuration for each route 

  3. Ionic use Angular UI Router

Add a Route

    .state('about', {
        url: "/about",
        templateUrl: "templates/about.html"

Add parameter to .config function

Add our first state

Angular View

Angular View

  1. Interface that user sees

  2. Contains the Html markup

Add a View

<ion-view view-title="About">
    <ion-content class="padding">
        My About Page
  1. Create Directory www\templates

  2. Create file about.html

View About Page

  1. Run ionic serve 

  2. Navigate to http://localhost:8100/#/about

  3. Was It What You Expected?

Fixing View Display


  1. Renders templates

  2. Keeps track of history

  3. Can manage multiple histories

  4. Caches Views 

Fixing View Display

  1. Open www\index.html

  2. Clear out contents in <body> tag

  3. Add ion-nav-view in <body> tag

View About Page

  1. Navigate to http://localhost:8100/#/about

  2. This time you should see 

Angular Default Route

State to show when user hits home page

Uses the $urlRouterProvider otherwise method

Adding Default Route


Add additional parameter to .config 

Add otherwise statement to .config

View Home Page

  1. Run ionic serve

  2. Navigate to http://localhost:8100/

  3. Did it redirect you to /#/about?

Filling Out About Page

        <h1>Todo App!</h1>
        version 1.0
        <br/> designed & developed by
        <br/> [Your Name]
        <br/> Built using:
        <br/> JavaScript, AngularJS, Cordova, & Ionic

Viewing  About Page

Adding Class To About

<div class="card">
    <div class="item item-divider text-center">
        <h1>Todo App!</h1>
    <div class="item text-center">
        version 1.0
        <br/> designed & developed by
        <br/> [Your Name]
        <br/> Built using:
        <br/> JavaScript, AngularJS, Cordova, & Ionic

Viewing  About Page

Angular Directive

Angular Directives

Reusable elements that encapsulate behavior

  • Grids

  • Menus

  • Tabs

  • ng-click

  • ng-options

  • ng-repeat


Add a Side Menu

<ion-side-menus enable-menu-with-back-views="false">
    <ion-nav-bar class="bar-stable">

      <ion-nav-buttons side="left">
        <button  menu-toggle="left"
            class="button button-icon button-clear ion-navicon">
    <ion-nav-view name="menuContent"></ion-nav-view>

  <ion-side-menu side="left">
  1. Create file templates\menu.html

Add Sidemenu Title

<ion-header-bar class="bar-stable">
    <h1 class="title">Projects</h1>

Add Title to Menu

Add Side Menu Content

        <ion-item menu-close ng-href="#/app/about">

Add Route for Side Menu

.state('app', {
    abstract: true,
    'url': '/app',
    'templateUrl': 'templates/menu.html',
  1. Open app.js and add new route

Making about route work

.state('app.about', {
    url: '/about',
    views: {
      'menuContent': {
          'templateUrl': 'templates/about.html',

Fixing Otherwise Route


Angular Controller

Angular Controller

  1. Define methods/properties for view to interact with

  2. Should be lightweight

  3. Focused on view they are controlling

Add a Controller


AboutController.$inject = ['$scope'];

function AboutController($scope) {
  $scope.title = "About My Awesome App";
  1. Create Directory www\js\controllers

  2. Create file about.controller.js

Using Controller

        templateUrl: 'templates/about.html',
        controller: 'AboutController'
  1. Open app.js

  2. Need to tell route about controller

Updating Title in View

  1. Open about.html

  2. Add ion-nav-title as 1st element in view


  3. Remove view-title="About" from ion-view

Add Script Tag


Add about.controller.js to index.html

Updated Title

Making Text Wrap


Angular $scope

Angular $scope

Glue between the controller and view




Projects List

in Menu

Add Project Controller

    .controller('ProjectController', ProjectController);

ProjectController.$inject = ['$scope'];

function ProjectController($scope){

Create js\controllers\project.controller.js 

Add to Route

.state('app', {
        abstract: true,
        url: '/app',
        templateUrl: 'templates/menu.html',
        controller: 'ProjectController'

Open app.js and add another route

Add Projects Data 

 $scope.projects = [
      "title": "Project 1"
      "title": "Project 2"      

Add data to ProjectController

Add to Menu

<ion-item ng-repeat="project in projects">

Add Project title to Side Menu

Add Script Tag


Add project.controller.js to index.html

View in Browser

Get Tasks
for Project


What do you think?

Add New Tasks View

    <ion-content class="padding">
                ng-repeat="task in activeProject.tasks">

Create file templates\tasks.html

Add New Controller

    .controller('TasksController', TasksController);

TasksController.$inject = ['$scope'];

function TasksController($scope) {

Create js\controllers\tasks.controller.js 

Add New Route

.state('app.tasks', {
        url: '/tasks',
        views: {
          'menuContent': {
            templateUrl: 'templates/tasks.html',
            controller: 'TasksController'

Open app.js and add new route

Select Project

    ng-repeat="project in projects" 

Add ng-click, menu-close, and ng-href  

Add selectProject function

$scope.selectProject = function (project) {
    $scope.activeProject = project;

Add function to ProjectController

Add Tasks

  "title": "Project 1",
  "tasks": [
      "title": "Task 1",
      "completed": false
      "title": "Task 2",
      "completed": true

Add some tasks to the Project 1

Add Script Tag


Add tasks.controller.js to index.html

Check Out Your Work

Angular Service

Angular Service

  1. Provide common functionality

  2. Shared across application

  3. Only gets instantiated once

Types of Services

value store simple values that may change
constant store values that will never change
service Service created using constructor function.

Good for devs that prefer OOP-style programming and like using the this keyword
factory Service created using constructor function

Good for devs using Revealing Module pattern
provider Most control over defining service but more complex and verbose.


    .factory('ProjectService', ProjectService);

ProjectService.$inject = [];

function ProjectService() {
  1. Create Directory www\js\services

  2. Create file project.service.js

Create Service Method

function getProjects() {
    return [
        "title": "Project 1",
        "tasks": [ 
          { "title": "Task 1", "completed": false },
          { "title": "Task 2", "completed": true  }
        "title": "Project 2",
        "tasks": []

Create Method to Get Project List

Update Service Return

    .factory('ProjectService', ProjectService);

ProjectService.$inject = [];

function ProjectService() {
  return {
    "getProjects": getProjects

Expose getProjects as a callable method

Use Project Service

 $scope.projects = ProjectService.getProjects();
  1. Open project.controller.js

  2. Inject ProjectService


  3. Update $scope.projects to call getProjects 

ProjectController.$inject = [
    '$scope', '$state', 'ProjectService'];

function ProjectController($scope, $state, ProjectService) {

Everything should still work

Angular Big Picture

Add New Project

Add Project - Plus Icon

<i class="button button-icon ion-plus"
  1. Open menu.html

  2. Add + icon in header

Add Project - ionicModal

ProjectController.$inject = [

function ProjectController(
    $scope, $state, ProjectService, $ionicModal) {
  1. Open project.controller.js

  2. Inject $ionicModal

Add Project - set modal

    function (modal) {
        $scope.projectModal = modal;
      scope: $scope
  1. Open project.controller.js

  2. Add following

Add Project - create html


  <!-- Modal header bar -->
  <ion-header-bar class="bar-secondary">

  <!-- Modal content area -->

  1. Add templates\new-project.html

  2. Add Basic Modal template

Add Project - modal header

 <!-- Modal header bar -->
<ion-header-bar class="bar-secondary">
    <h1 class="title">New Project</h1>
        class="button button-clear button-positive"  

Add Project - modal body

    <form ng-submit="saveNewProject(project)">
        <div class="list">
            <label class="item item-input">
                <input type="text" 
                    placeholder="Project Name" 
        <div class="padding">
            <button type="submit" 
                class="button button-block button-positive"
            Create Project

Add Project - open modal

$scope.showProjectModal= function () {
  1. In project.controller.js

  2. Add $scope.showProjectModal function

Add Project - close modal

$scope.closeProjectModal = function () {
  1. In project.controller.js

  2. Add $scope.closeProjectModal function

Add Project - save

$scope.saveNewProject = function (project) {
    var projectTitle = project.title;
    if (projectTitle) {
      var newProject = ProjectService.addProject(project);
        disableBack: true



    project.title = "";

In project.controller.js

Add Project - service save

function ProjectService() {
    return {
        "getProjects": getProjects,
        "addProject": addProject

    function addProject(project) {
        return {
          "title": project.title,
          "tasks": [
            { "title": "first tasks" }

In project.service.js

Check Your Work

menu doesn't hide!

Making Menu Hide

  1. Open project.controller.js

  2. Inject $ionicSideMenuDelegate


  3. In saveNewProject function add: 

ProjectController.$inject = [
    '$scope', '$state', 
    'ProjectService', '$ionicSideMenuDelegate'];

function ProjectController($scope, $state, 
    ProjectService, $ionicSideMenuDelegate) {

Side Menu Now Hides!

Add New Task

Add Task - Plus Icon


<ion-nav-buttons side="right">
      <button class="button button-icon" 
        <i class="icon ion-compose"></i>            
  1. Open tasks.html

  2. Add ion-compose icon in header

Add Task - ionicModal

    .controller('TasksController', TasksController);

TasksController.$inject = ['$scope', '$ionicModal'];

function TasksController($scope, $ionicModal) {
  1. Open tasks.controller.js

  2. Inject $ionicModal

Add Task - set modal

    function (modal) {
        $scope.taskModal = modal;
      scope: $scope
  1. Open tasks.controller.js

  2. Add following

Add Task - create html


  <!-- Modal header bar -->
  <ion-header-bar class="bar-secondary">

  <!-- Modal content area -->

  1. Add templates\new-task.html

  2. Add Basic Modal template

Add Task - modal header

 <!-- Modal header bar -->
<ion-header-bar class="bar-secondary">
    <h1 class="title">New Task for {{activeProject.title}}</h1>
        class="button button-clear button-positive"  

Add Task - modal body

    <form ng-submit="saveNewTask(task)">
        <div class="list">
            <label class="item item-input">
                <input type="text" 
                    placeholder="What do you need to do?" 
        <div class="padding">
            <button type="submit" 
                class="button button-block button-positive"
            Create Task

Add Task - open modal

$scope.showTaskModal= function () {
  1. In tasks.controller.js

  2. Add $scope.showTaskModal function

Add Task - close modal

$scope.closeTaskModal = function () {
  1. In tasks.controller.js

  2. Add $scope.closeTaskModal function

Add Task - task save

function ProjectService() {
    return {
        "getProjects": getProjects,
        "addProject": addProject,
        "addTask": addTask

    function addTask(task) {
        return {
          "title": task.title,
          "completed": false

In project.service.js

Task Add - Use ProjectService

  1. Open tasks.controller.js

  2. Inject ProjectService

    .controller('TasksController', TasksController;

TasksController.$inject = [

function TasksController($scope, $ionicModal, ProjectService) {

Add Task - save

$scope.saveNewTask = function (task) {
    if (!$scope.activeProject || !task || !task.title) {

    var newTask = ProjectService.addTask(task);

    task.title = "";

In tasks.controller.js

Add Task Should Work

Delete Project

Delete Project - Delete Icon

<i class="icon icon-accessory ion-close-circled"></i>
  1. Open menu.html

  2. Add ion-close-circled icon to project list

Delete Project - Wire Up Icon 

class="item item-icon-right"
  1. Add classes to ion-item for project


  2. Add ng-click to icon

ng-click="deleteProject(project, $index)"
class="item item-icon-right"

Delete Project - function

$scope.deleteProject = function (project, $index) {
    if (project === $scope.activeProject) {
      $scope.activeProject = {};

    $scope.projects.splice($index, 1);
  1. In project.controller.js

  2. Add deleteProject function on $scope

Project Delete Works

Delete Task

Delete Task - Add Delete Icon

        ng-repeat="task in activeProject.tasks" 
        class="item item-icon-right"
            class="icon ion-close icon-accessory" 
            ng-click="deleteTask(task, $index)">
  1. Open tasks.html

  2. Add  ion-close icon to task list

Delete Task - function

$scope.deleteTask = function (task, $index) {
    $scope.projects.tasks.splice($index, 1);
  1. In tasks.controller.js

  2. Add deleteTask function on $scope

Task Delete Works

Complete Task

Complete Task - Add  Icon

<i class="icon"
    ng-class="task.completed ? 
        'ion-checkmark-circled' : 
    ng-click="completeTask(task, $index)">
  1. Open tasks.html

  2. Add  ion-close icon to task list before delete

Complete Task - function

$scope.completeTask = function (task, $index) {
    if ($scope.activeProject.tasks[$index].completed) {
      $scope.activeProject.tasks[$index].completed = false;
    } else {
      $scope.activeProject.tasks[$index].completed = true;
  1. In tasks.controller.js

  2. Add completeTask function on $scope

Complete Task - icon position

    ng-repeat="task in activeProject.tasks" 
    class="item item-icon-left item-icon-right"
  1. In tasks.html

  2. Add item-icon-left to ion-item

Task Complete Works

Persist Data

Local Storage

  • Stored only in the user's browser

  • Storage is per domain and protocol

  • At least 5 MB in space

  • Never transferred to the server 

Persist Data - Local Storage

angular.module('ionic.utils', [])
.factory('$localstorage', ['$window', function($window) {
  return {
    set: function(key, value) {
      $window.localStorage[key] = value;
    get: function(key, defaultValue) {
      return $window.localStorage[key] || defaultValue;
    setObject: function(key, value) {
      $window.localStorage[key] = JSON.stringify(value);
    getObject: function(key) {
      return JSON.parse($window.localStorage[key] || '{}');
  1. Create File js\services\local.storage.service.js

Persist Data - Module Inject

angular.module('starter', ['ionic', 'ionic.utils'])
  1. Open app.js

  2. Inject ionic.utils into angular module

Persist Data - Service Inject

ProjectService.$inject = ['$localstorage'];

function ProjectService($localstorage) {
  1. Open project.service.js

  2. Inject $localstorage into ProjectService

Persist Data - Save Data

return {
    "getProjects": getProjects,
    "addProject": addProject,
    "addTask": addTask,
    "save": save

function save(projects) {
    $localstorage.set('projects', angular.toJson(projects));  
  1. Open project.service.js

  2. Inject $localstorage into ProjectService

Persist Data - Get Data

function getProjects() {
    var projects = $localstorage.get('projects');
    if (projects) {
      return angular.fromJson(projects);
    return [];
  1. Open project.service.js

  2. Modify getProjects function

Persist Data - Save Projects

  1. Open project.controller.js

  2. Call ProjectService.save in 

    • saveNewProject

    • deleteProject 

Persist Data - Call Tasks

  1. Open tasks.controller.js

  2. Call ProjectService.save in 

    • saveNewTask

    • deleteTask

    • completeTask 

Viewing Data

  • In Chrome, Open the Developer Tools

  • Click on Resources

  • Expand Local Storage

  • Select http://localhost:8100 


Plain ol' CSS



Setting up Sass

  1. Stop ionic serve

  2. Run ionic setup sass


Changing Theme

  1. Open about.html

  2. Add class

    • item-positive to header div

    • light to h1

<div class="item-positive item item-divider text-center">
    <h1 class="light">Todo App!</h1>

Theme - About Styled

Create Our Own Styles

  1. Open scss\ionic.app.scss

  2. At bottom of file add

.activeProject {
	background-color: $dark;
	  color: $light;

.completedTask {
	text-decoration: line-through;
	color: #A9A9A9;	

Using Our Styles

  1. Open task.html

  2. To ion-item add

ng-class="{completedTask: task.completed}"

Testing on Device

with Ionic View

Ionic View

Share without


App Store


$ ionic start myApp tabs
$ cd myApp
$ ionic upload
$ ionic share [email address]

Ionic Built-In UI Elements

i.e. Web SDK


Over 600 MIT licensed font-icons included 



Slide Box

Action Sheet


Pull to Refresh

Ionic Tooling

Automatically generate icons and splash screens


Creates size needed for each platform



Icons and Splash Screens

$ ionic resources
$ ionic resources --icon
$ ionic resources --splash

Ionic Market


Ionic Creator


Ionic IO


Interacting with the Device

Compiling for Devices

iOS Prerequisites

  • Mac only

  • XCode 

  • iOS Simulator 

  • Safari 

  • Apple Developers Account ($99 per year)

Android Prerequisites

  • Windows / Linux / OSx

  • Java SDK 7

  • Android Studio

  • Android SDK 

  • Google Chrome

  • Google Developers Account ($25 lifetime)

  • Optional:

    • Genymotion 

    • Visual Studio 2015 Cordova Tools 

Ionic Setup Details

Compiling for Devices

ionic platform add [android/ios]
ionic [run/emulate] [android/ios]

Run test on device/emulator

Add mobile platform (Android or iOS)

thank you

i'm Justin.


@digitaldrummerj - digitaldrummerj@gmail.com




List Views

  • Simple List

    • Data Only

  • Complex List

    • Edit / Delete / Reorder

  • Long List 

    • > 1000 items. 


Sorting Our Data



  • gulp inject
  • gulp minify
  • minification talk
  • ng-annotate

1 480 ??? ????

Ionic Workshop

By Justin James

Ionic Workshop

Workshop for Ionic

  • 2,934