Android development: 
Choose right IDE  


“Eclipse: reminding me every time I use why I normally don't use it” – Romain Guy

“I want to get work done and not fight the tool no matter how free it is” – Anonymous Eclipse Use

What does people say?


Why I hate Eclipse?

  1. It is slow
  2. Search and autocomplete is poor
  3. Require big amount of memory
  4. Crashing and hanging constantly
  5. Correct or incorrect way of closing Eclipse may cause workspace and settings crash

I have switched to IntelliJ IDEA which seems to be able to read my mind.

Here are some features it brings to you

Color preview

Build-in color selector


Android folder recognition

Smart XML values autocomplete


Resource is renamed in all folders and occurances.



When field is renamed get/set methods are re-named also


Powerful local history with ability to revert any change

Build in source code viewing


Abbreviate package

Diagram generator

 Ctrl + Alt + Shift + U

Copy / Paste Buffer

 Ctrl + Shift + V

Navigate to symbol

 Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N

Block selection

 Ctrl + W / Ctrl + Shift + W

Find action

 Ctrl + Shift + A

Pseudo lambda preview

Repository changes preview

Android live UI renderer

That's it. 


Android development: choose right IDE

By Dmytro Danylyk

Android development: choose right IDE

Why I hate Eclipse and choose Intellij IDEA

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