Drupal Secure Coding
Insecure code is buggy code
One man's bug is another man's hack
$username = 'hacker">LOL <img alt="';
print '<a title="' . $username . '">Not funny</a>';
<a title="hacker">LOL<img alt="">Not funny</a>
Rule of Thumb
- Avoid using db_query
- Don't use eval()
- Avoid using $_GET $_POST, especially in custom code
- Use t() function properly
- Try to use theme functions as much as possible, but...
- Be weary of unsanitized theme functions and properties (#markup, #prefix/suffix, #description, etc)
- Other wise know your sanitation functions
- Double sanitation is a female dog
t() Function
- check_plain() - kills (escapes) any html
- check_markup() - allows limited html (a, strong, br, etc)
- filter_xss - allows all markup but inline js and css
Sanitation functions
- Use string parameters
- ! for evil unsanitized strings (if you must use html)
- @ for sanitized strings (also %)
- Good: t('Name from db: @name', array('@name' => $name);
- Bad: t('Name from db: !name' . array('!name' => '<div>'.$name.'</div>'));
- OK: t('Name from db: !name' . array('!name' => '<div>'.check_plain($name).'</div>'));
- ! parameter removed in D8
Drupal Secure Coding
By dofinity
Drupal Secure Coding
- 285