Websocket API (WAPI)
What is it?
- Web push technology
- HTML5 sepecification, supported since 2012 (94%)
- Requires a long running process in the background on the server
- CORS unrestricted
- Maintains a live connection (tunnel) between browser and server
- Port 80/443 recommended
- Highly performant (low bandwidth, low latency, no polling)
What is it useful for?
- Receiving updates to current page
- Browsing sessions without page requests (SPA's)
- state updates
- refresh page command
- Internal use websites (long running sessions)
- notifications
- Commerce
- Up to date stock status, prices, and cart
- Promotions and activities to current visitors
- Large userbase sites
- chat
- online status
- Mobile
- In app notifications
- Games and multi user apps
- Dashboards and metrics
- ....
Integration with Drupal
- Permission system
- Rules based broadcasts (?)
- Daemon management (including drush)
- Websocket plugins
- Request batching (performant polling)
- Browser notifications
- ReactPHP/Ratchet
Current status
NTH Goals
- Provide contrib
- Start a websocket service
- D7 Port
- Node js daemon
Websocket API
By dofinity
Websocket API
- 203