ICON Engineering, Inc.

  • Stormwater and Floodplain Management Specialists
    • Floodplain Modeling/Mapping
    • Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis
    • Master Plans, Stream Stabilization, Restoration and Water Quality
  • Locally Based (Centennial, CO)
    • Colorado & Front Range Clientele
    • Consultant to City of Boulder & CU-Boulder
    • Very Active Since 2013 Floods
  • FEMA DFIRMs & Letters of Map Revision (CLOMR/LOMR)
    • FEMA/CWCB DFIRM Contractor
    • UDFCD LOMC’s - Over 400+ Cases Reviewed

ICON Engineering, Inc.

Craig Jacobson, PE, CFM

  • 18 Years Consulting Experience
  • Hydrology and Hydraulics, Master Planning Manager
  • LOMR/CLOMR, MT2s, Modeling Preparation & Review
  • Other
    • Instructor:  ASFPM Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM)
    • Instructor:  UWRI FEMA Letters of Map Change Course
    • CASFM Organization:   Outreach and Training Co-Chair

Eben Dennis

  • GIS Coordinator
  • Web Mapping Developer
  • Nerd

National Flood Insurance Program

A voluntary program based on a mutual agreement between the Federal government and the local community.

In exchange for adopting and enforcing floodplain management regulations, Federally-backed flood insurance is made available to property owners throughout the community.

National Flood Insurance Program

1968 National Flood Insurance Act

  • Transferred costs from the taxpayers to floodplain property owners
  • Provided financial aid
  • Guide development away from flood hazard areas

1973 Flood Disaster Protection Act

  • More encouragement for participation!
  • Flood insurance required for federally-backed loans
  • Limited federal disaster assistance for communities without flood insurance

NFIP Participation

National Flood Insurance Program

1994 National Flood Insurance Reform Act

  • Community Rating System (CRS)
  • Increased flood coverage maximum
  • Strengthened mandatory purchase
  • Mitigation Grant Program

Biggert-Waters Reform Act 2012 / Homeowners Flood Insurance Affordability Act 2012

  • Reform ending subsidies for insurance
  • Mapping on a watershed basis

National Flood Insurance Program




Risk Mapping

By Eben Dennis