Edmonton Python User Group



  • QuoteToMe is hiring Senior and Intermediate Python Developers, slack @Andrew Langstone
  • Let us know if you'd like to us to share a position in our news!


Looking for a job? Looking to hire great people?

Please visit #opportunities at devedmonton.slack.com


PyCascades, 19 – 21 February 2021


For more events you can check out https://www.python.org/events/



class Circle():
    def __init__(self, radius):
        self.radius = radius

    def __add__(self, circle):
        # some validation to ensure it's a circle here.
        return Circle(circle.radius + self.radius)

    def __str__(self):
        return F"Circle of radius {self.radius}"

circle_one = Circle(5)
circle_two = Circle(6)

print(str(circle_one + circle_two)
# output:  "Circle of radius 11"

# output: "Circle of radius 5"

Python Tip: overloading methods

You can override default behaviour of python classes by overriding the "dunder" (double underscore) methods.

1st Annual Advent of Code Challenge of 2020


1. Group up in teams of up to 3 in varying experience. Come up with a team name, let me know what it is so I can add it to the scoreboard.

2. The use with the https://repl.it/ other folks in the team and work together to find the answer!

3. Solve https://adventofcode.com/2020/day/1 you get 3 points for every part of every day that you solve.

4. Let me know when you've solved it and you'll get a point on the scoreboard.

5. Have fun, be respectful of everyone's knowledge and skill level, and work as a team!

Advent of Code Challenge of 2020


!Punny: 12

Mall Santa Side Gig: 12

Gary the Christmas Python: 9

Snakes In Figgy Pudding: 7.9

Next Meetup

January 11th 2021

We are looking for presenters

Message one of
@data-get, @dgmouris, @abram
on Dev Edmonton Slack

Beginners are more than welcome!
Talks vary in topic, they just have to do with Python in some way. 🐍

Social Game


A pictionary-like game.

Go to the site

Type in a name and click "CREATE PRIVATE ROOM"

share the URL with your REMO.CO table!

Use your table local txt chat :)


P.S. We need talks for January and February!

And volunteers for: AV, Slides, Speaker Wrangling, Org-Committee

If you're interested reach out (on the slack):
@dgmouris @abramhindle @data-get

December 2020

By EdmontonPy

December 2020

EdmontonPy met online on September 20th, 2020 at 6:30PM MDT. These are their slides!

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