Edmonton Python User Group

When standing as a group of people, always leave room for 1 person to join your group.

The Pac-Man Rule



  • SAM Inc.: Senior Full Stack Developer
  • MEDO.ai: ML Engineer & Software Dev Intern


Looking for a job? Looking to hire great people?

Please visit #opportunities at devedmonton.slack.com


PyCon US 2020


Tutorials and talks from PyCon speakers



Python Tip

>>> from faker import Faker  # https://faker.readthedocs.io/en/master/index.html
>>> fake = Faker()
>>> fake.pydict()
{'in': Decimal('61070179075.9'), 'bag': 'clatCqYLcKNByUbydOvN', 'clearly': 'vqIlchEYCbyMFPfDpTPw', 'fine': datetime(1991, 11, 19, 12, 17, 7), 'if': 'ALCOfkIblUZSJlOhUZeX', 'sound': 'http://fritz.info/privacy.php', 'position': 'https://ford.net/homepage/', 'study': datetime(1993, 5, 28, 6, 48, 37), 'certainly': 'QHutLMvLwamPgqpielfC', 'worker': 2.3, 'woman': 'BgGGcxCqAFgaWZBwFBvY'}  # My eyes!
>>> from pprint import pp  # New in 3.8; pprint still works
>>> pp(fake.pydict())
{'sing': 'ISbRoGFVBDVGzaGtBZmT',
 'field': 'ZpyrwzmYuBOfjfjSaQyI',
 'television': 'KhCpNpYLlNjjELFedDrW',
 'none': -34313785.9,
 'raise': 'afcNPcrPTxfXTLwBCCFl',
 'door': 'andrea61@yahoo.com',
 'I': 'nZNNBwqhNHKvIYiNBdLd',
 'language': 'vXXwKzvkylaIzSaPhPpn',
 'beat': -44249648626.482,
 'pretty': 'iOaEOlgGzgxuVicNJArD',
 'meet': 'https://www.sullivan-taylor.org/main/category/explore/register.php'}
>>> # Much better!

The pprint module

Large dictionaries and lists can be hard to read

Next Meetup

Possibly June

We are looking for presenters

Message one of
@aaron.yong, @Ashia, @data-get, @dgmouris
on Dev Edmonton Slack

Beginners are more than welcome!
Talks vary in topic, they just have to do with Python in some way. 🐍

Today's Talks!

Debugging with pdb

Aaron Yong


Really Basic Optical Mark Recognition w/OpenCV in Python

Abram Hindle

May 2020

By EdmontonPy

May 2020

EdmontonPy met online on May 11, 2020 at 7PM MDT. These are their slides!

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