
Web: YYC Data Society

Meetup: PyData Calgary



Meetup: PyYYC

YouTube: PyYYC

Local Jobs

  • Viewpoint Investment Partners: Careers
    • Investment Management Firm, YYC/Remote
    • Machine Learning Developer & Data Scientist

Looking for a job? Looking to hire great people?

Please visit #opportunities at

Remote Jobs


News & Articles

Tonight's Talks

Python f-string formatting

Carson Z.

Feel free to post questions in Remo

We will try our best to answer them at the end of the talk, thanks!

Full-Stack Development of Machine Learning in Production

Hadi R. (Website)

Next Meetup


Message one of @aaron.yong, @abram, @data-get

or visit #meetup-edmontonpy on Dev Edmonton Slack

We are looking for presenters

Beginners are encouraged

A talk just has to do with Python in some way 🐍

Social Game

A Pictionary-like game


  1. Go to the site
  2. Type in a name and click CREATE PRIVATE ROOM
  3. Share the Room URL with your table
  4. Use your table for localized banter 😄

May 2022

By EdmontonPy

May 2022

  • 498