Edmonton Python User Group

Some essential reading and research on race and technology


Algorithms of Oppression by Dr. Safiya Noble


Race After Technology by Ruha Benjamin


Technicolor: Race, Technology, and Everyday Life by Alondra Nelson; Race, Rhetoric, and Technology by Dr. Adam J. Banks


Artificial Unintelligence: How Computers Misunderstand the World by Meredith Broussard.



  • Let us know if you'd like to us to share a position in our news!


Looking for a job? Looking to hire great people?

Please visit #opportunities at devedmonton.slack.com


Python Universe Web Edition 2020 https://python.geekle.us/

PyCon Sweden



  • Expanding Exposure to good code (here)
  • Boston Dynamics Inspired Robots (here)
  • High Demand For Python-Driven ML tools to boost Robot Farming (here)
  • Python, Javascript, R and Julia Contribute Billions to GDP (here)
  • Python Dependency Injection (here)
  • Beyond the Cache (here)

Python Tip

import random

languages = ['Python', 'JavaScript', 'Dart', 'Golang', 'Rust']

# get a random choice from a list

# get a random choice of two elements in a list
print(random.choices(my_list, k=2))

# shuffle a list randomly

omg so random

Source: here

Next Meetup

Possibly October 12th

We are looking for presenters

Message one of
@aaron.yong, @Ashia, @data-get, @dgmouris
on Dev Edmonton Slack

Beginners are more than welcome!
Talks vary in topic, they just have to do with Python in some way. 🐍

Today's Talks!

 A Live Security Vulnerability Demo.

Paul Malcolm

September 2020

By EdmontonPy

September 2020

EdmontonPy met online on September 14th, 2020 at 6:30PM MDT. These are their slides!

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