Climate Changed

  • Genre & Translation (Medium)
  • Beginnings and Endings
  • Structure
  • Interpretive Questions

Comics as medium: Poetry/Design


"Comics does not propose linear reading in the same way prose does. Congitively, one's eye usually first takes in the whole page, even when one decides to start in the upper left corner and move left to right. This is sometimes called comic's 'all-at-onceness,' or its 'symphonic effect.' In comics, reading can happen in all directions; this open-endedness, and attention to choice in how one interacts with the pages, is a part of the appeal of comics narrative."


- Hillary Chute, Why Comics? From Underground to Everywhere. HarperCollins, 2017

Bearing Witness

"Graphic narratives that bear witness to authors' own traumas or to those of others materially retrace inscriptional effacement; they repeat and reconstruct in order to counteract."


-Hillary Chute, Disaster Drawn: Visual Witness, Comics, and Documentary Form. Belknap, 2016.

Beginnings and Endings

Why is this particular text obsessed with beginnings and endings?

"Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released... and here is the chart to prove it"

"Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and since the 1950s, many of the observes changes are unprecedented over decades to millenia" 








The risk of conflicts

Albrecht Altdorfer


The Battle of Alexander at Issus

Climage Changed

By edmorge

Climage Changed

Nathan Suhr-Sytsma: AFS/ENG 389

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