AOE 5984: Introduction to Parallel Computing Applications

OpenFOAM for CFD Applications

Lecture 2:  Parallel Computing

Professor Eric Paterson
Aerospace and Ocean Engineering, Virginia Tech
14 November 2013

Lecture 2:  Parallel Computing

  • Objectives
    • Explain methodology of parallel simulation with OpenFOAM
    • Identify tools for parallel computing
    • Explore some of the options
  • Outcomes
    • Students will:
      • know which tools to use for decomposing  and recomposing data
      • understand parallel-computing command-line options for OpenFOAM solvers and utilities
      • understand domain-decomposition models available in OpenFOAM
      • be able to run basic tutorials in both serial and parallel on BlueRidge
      • appreciate the need for analysis and visualization of decomposed data
      • be prepared to undertake OpenFOAM Homework #2


Why do we want to use Parallel Computing?

Cases run faster

Run larger cases

Parallel Model

  • The method of parallel computing used by OpenFOAM, and CFD in general, is known as domain decomposition.   
  • Domain Decomposition Methods (DDM) are a specialized field of mathematics and computational science,

  • In DDM, geometry and associated fields are broken into pieces and allocated to separate processors for solution.

Parallel Utilities

To support DDM in OpenFOAM, there are 4 parallel processing utilities: 

[03:03:53][egp@egpMBP:parallelProcessing]542$ pwd
[03:04:09][egp@egpMBP:parallelProcessing]543$ ls -l
total 0
drwxr-xr-x  3 egp  staff  918 May 17 09:51 decomposePar
drwxr-xr-x  3 egp  staff  204 May 17 09:51 reconstructPar
drwxr-xr-x  3 egp  staff  170 May 17 09:52 reconstructParMesh
drwxr-xr-x  3 egp  staff  272 May 17 09:52 redistributePar 


  1. Case preparation
  2. Parallel executation
  3. Data analysis and visualization
  4. Reconstruction, only for special cases

Case Preparation

  • Typically, the case will be prepared in one piece: serial mesh generation
  • decomposePar:  parallel decomposition tool, controlled by the dictionary decomposeParDict
  • Options in the dictionary allow choice of decomposition and auxiliary data
  • Upon decomposition, processorNN directories are created with decomposed mesh and fields; solution controls, model choice and discretization parameters are shared.  Each CPU may use local disk space, however, on BlueRidge, disk space is shared across all compute nodes
  • decomposePar -cellDist  writes cell-to-processor decomposition for visualization


  • The goal of decomposition is to break up the domain with minimal effort but in such a way to guarantee a fairly economic solution (i.e., load balanced).
  • The geometry and fields are decomposed according to a set of parameters specified in a dictionary named decomposeParDict that must be located in the system directory.
  • In the decomposeParDict file the user must set the number of domains which the case should be decomposed into: usually it corresponds to the number of cores available for the calculation.
  • For example, on BlueRidge, where we have 16-cores/node, a 4-node simulation would result in 64-processors and Subdomains

  • numberOfSubdomains  64;     


  • The user has a choice of seven methods of decomposition, specified by the method keyword.
  • For each method there are a set of coefficients specified in a sub-dictionary of decompositionDict, named 
    <method>Coeffs, used to instruct the decomposition process:
    • simple: simple geometric decomposition in which the domain is split into pieces by direction, e.g. 2 pieces in the x direction, 1 in y etc.
    • hierarchical: Hierarchical geometric decomposition which is the same as simple except the user specifies the order in which the directional split is done, e.g. first in the y-direction, then the x-direction etc.


      • metis: METIS decomposition which requires no geometric input from the user and attempts to minimize the number of processor boundaries. The user can specify a weighting for the decomposition between processors which can be useful on machines with differing performance between processors.
      • scotch:  similar technology as metis, and with a more flexible open-source license,
      • manual: Manual decomposition, where the user directly specifies the allocation of each cell to a particular processor.
      • multilevel:   similar to hierarchical, but all methods can be used in a nested form
      • structured:  special case.


    • copy pitzDaily tutorial and use as example
    • copy boilerplate decomposeDict from $FOAM_UTILITIES

    [03:41:22][egp@brlogin1:simpleFoam]13058$ cp -rf pitzDaily pitzDailyParallel
    [03:42:42][egp@brlogin1:pitzDailyParallel]13066$ cp $FOAM_UTILITIES/parallelProcessing/decomposePar/decomposeParDict system/.

    pitzDaily Backward Facing Step tutorial


    output from decomposePar
    code text box below is scrollable.   hover mouse, and scroll
    [05:12:36][egp@brlogin1:pitzDailyParallel]13097$ decomposePar -cellDist
    | =========                 |                                                 |
    | \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
    |  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  2.2.0                                 |
    |   \\  /    A nd           | Web:                      |
    |    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
    Build  : 2.2.0
    Exec   : decomposePar -cellDist
    Date   : Nov 14 2013
    Time   : 05:12:46
    Host   : "brlogin1"
    PID    : 61396
    Case   : /home/egp/OpenFOAM/egp-2.2.0/run/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDailyParallel
    nProcs : 1
    sigFpe : Floating point exception trapping - not supported on this platform
    fileModificationChecking : Monitoring run-time modified files using timeStampMaster
    allowSystemOperations : Disallowing user-supplied system call operations
    // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
    Create time
    Decomposing mesh region0
    Removing 4 existing processor directories
    Create mesh
    Calculating distribution of cells
    Selecting decompositionMethod scotch
    Finished decomposition in 0.07 s
    Calculating original mesh data
    Distributing cells to processors
    Distributing faces to processors
    Distributing points to processors
    Constructing processor meshes
    Processor 0
        Number of cells = 3056
        Number of faces shared with processor 1 = 86
        Number of faces shared with processor 2 = 60
        Number of processor patches = 2
        Number of processor faces = 146
        Number of boundary faces = 6222
    Processor 1
        Number of cells = 3056
        Number of faces shared with processor 0 = 86
        Number of processor patches = 1
        Number of processor faces = 86
        Number of boundary faces = 6274
    Processor 2
        Number of cells = 3065
        Number of faces shared with processor 0 = 60
        Number of faces shared with processor 3 = 57
        Number of processor patches = 2
        Number of processor faces = 117
        Number of boundary faces = 6237
    Processor 3
        Number of cells = 3048
        Number of faces shared with processor 2 = 57
        Number of processor patches = 1
        Number of processor faces = 57
        Number of boundary faces = 6277
    Number of processor faces = 203
    Max number of cells = 3065 (0.286299% above average 3056.25)
    Max number of processor patches = 2 (33.3333% above average 1.5)
    Max number of faces between processors = 146 (43.8424% above average 101.5)
    Wrote decomposition to "/home/egp/OpenFOAM/egp-2.2.0/run/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDailyParallel/constant/cellDecomposition" for use in manual decomposition.
    Wrote decomposition as volScalarField to cellDist for use in postprocessing.
    Time = 0
    Processor 0: field transfer
    Processor 1: field transfer
    Processor 2: field transfer
    Processor 3: field transfer

    Scotch Decomposition

    method          scotch;
    scotchCoeffs {

    simple Decomposition

    method          simple;
    simpleCoeffs {
    (2 2 1);     delta    

    Parallel Execution

    • Top-level code does not change between serial and parallel execution: operations related to parallel support are embedded in the library
    • Launch executable using mpirun with -parallel option
    • Data in time directories is created on a per-processor basis
    mpirun -np $PBS_NP simpleFoam -parallel 2>&1 | tee log.simpleFoam

    • $PBS_NP is an environment variable that holds the number of requested cores
    • mpirun is an application that launches the parallel job and farms out the tasks to the cores listed in $PBS_NODEFILE                                                   

    Parallel Performance

    • In Homework #2, you will need to perform a parallel performance study.
      • To increase the size of your mesh,  edit the  constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict and increase the number in each direction.   BE CAREFUL!  This is fragile!

        hex (0 6 7 1 22 28 29 23) (18 7 1) simpleGrading (0.5 1.8 1)
        hex (1 7 8 2 23 29 30 24) (18 10 1) simpleGrading (0.5 4 1)
        hex (2 8 9 3 24 30 31 25) (18 13 1) simpleGrading (0.5 0.25 1)
        hex (4 10 11 5 26 32 33 27) (180 18 1) simpleGrading (4 1 1)
        hex (5 11 12 6 27 33 34 28) (180 9 1) edgeGrading (4 4 4 4 0.5 1 1 0.5 1 1 1 1)
        hex (6 12 13 7 28 34 35 29) (180 7 1) edgeGrading (4 4 4 4 1.8 1 1 1.8 1 1 1 1)
        hex (7 13 14 8 29 35 36 30) (180 10 1) edgeGrading (4 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 1 1 1 1)
        hex (8 14 15 9 30 36 37 31) (180 13 1) simpleGrading (4 0.25 1)
        hex (10 16 17 11 32 38 39 33) (25 18 1) simpleGrading (2.5 1 1)
        hex (11 17 18 12 33 39 40 34) (25 9 1) simpleGrading (2.5 1 1)
        hex (12 18 19 13 34 40 41 35) (25 7 1) simpleGrading (2.5 1 1)
        hex (13 19 20 14 35 41 42 36) (25 10 1) simpleGrading (2.5 1 1)
        hex (14 20 21 15 36 42 43 37) (25 13 1) simpleGrading (2.5 0.25 1)

    blockMesh set-up

    • blockMesh is a simple algebraic mesh generator in OpenFOAM
    • It requires that you have a map of the point and blocks
    • This is important when adjusting mesh size for parallel performance studies
    • To generate a new mesh, run blockMesh

    Data Analysis

    • Post-processing utilities, including sampling tools, will execute correctly in parallel, e.g., 
      • mpirun -np $PBS_NP vorticity -parallel
      • mpirun -np $PBS_NP Q -parallel
      • mpirun -np $PBS_NP sample -parallel
      • etc.
    • This is VERY IMPORTANT for large simulations.   You want to avoid reconstruction, because:
      • It is time consuming
      • It duplicates large datasets and uses a lot of disk space

    sample utility for PitzDaily

    • sample utility can do many things
      • set sampling along lines and clouds
      • surface sampling on planes, patches, isoSurfaces, and specified triangulated surfaces
      • Allows you to focus on light-weight data vs. entire dataset!!  
    • To start, copy the boilerplate sampleDict from $FOAM_UTILITIES
    • As an example, let's  sample pitzDaily along the centerline and a vertical profile, and surface which is a uniform distance from the wall.   Next slides describe the modifications.
    • Then run sample in parallel

      cp $FOAM_UTILITIES/postProcessing/sampling/sample/sampleDict system/.

      mpirun -np 4 sample -latestTime -parallel


      sample velocity, pressure, and turbulence variables
              // Sample cell values off patch. Does not need to be the near-wall
              // cell, can be arbitrarily far away.
              type            patchInternalField;
              patches         ( ".*Wall.*" );
              interpolate     true;
              offsetMode  normal;
              distance    0.0001;

      sampleDict, cont.

              type        midPointAndFace;
              axis        x;
              start       (0.0 0.0 0.0);
              end         (0.3 0.0 0.0);
              type        midPointAndFace;
              axis        y;
              start       (0.206 -0.03 0.0);
              end         (0.206  0.03 0.0);

      Centerline plot

      Vertical Profile plot

      Near-wall surfaces

      Axial velocity
       Surface oil streamlines using  line-integral convolution (LIC)


      • Most common visualization tools read parallel OpenFOAM data:  Paraview, Tecplot, Ensight, Fieldview.   Again, avoid the use of reconstructPar

      next lecture:  more Data Analysis and Visualization

      AOE 5984: OPENFOAM Parallel Computing


      AOE 5984: OPENFOAM Parallel Computing

      OpenFOAM for AOE 5984, Fall 2013. This lecture will cover parallel computing for OpenFOAM CFD simulations.

      • 5,801