Elisa Beshero-Bondar PRO
Professor of Digital Humanities and Chair of the Digital Media, Arts, and Technology Program at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College.
Elisa Beshero-Bondar | Rikk Mulligan | Raffaele Viglianti:
@epyllia | @CritRikk | @raffazizzi
DH2019: Utrecht University, Fri. 12 July @ 2pm, panel LP-38: Location: Schele Maagd
Link to these slides: http://bit.ly/fv-change
Most immediate context: Darwin Online (ed. Barbara Bordalejo), except...
James Rieger, ed., first new edition of 1818 in 141
years : inline collation of "Thomas" w/ 1818,
1831 variants in endnotes
Stuart Curran and Jack Lynch: PA Electronic Edition (PAEE) , collation of 1818 and 1831: HTML
Nora Crook crit. ed of 1818, variants of "Thomas", 1823, and 1831 in endnotes (P&C MWS collected works)
Romantic Circles TEI conversion of PAEE ; separates the texts of 1818 and 1831; collation via Juxta
Charles Robinson, The Frankenstein Notebooks (Garland): print facsimile of 1816 ms drafts
Shelley-Godwin Archive publishes diplomatic edition of 1816 ms drafts
print edition
digital edition
Frankenstein Variorum Project :
assembly/proof-correcting of PAEE files; OCR/proof-correcting 1823; "bridge" TEI edition of S-GA notebook files; automated collation; incorporating "Thomas" copy text
Prepared from OCR new XML of 1823 edition
sample surface encoding from S-GA
<surface xmlns:mith="http://mith.umd.edu/sc/ns1#" lrx="3847" lry="5342"
partOf="#ox-frankenstein_volume_i" ulx="0" uly="0"
mith:folio="21r" mith:shelfmark="MS. Abinger c. 56"
<graphic url="http://shelleygodwinarchive.org/images/ox/ms_abinger_c56/ms_abinger_c56-0045.jp2"/>
<zone rend="bordered" type="pagination"><line>75</line></zone>
<zone type="library"><line>21</line></zone>
<!-- lines of text elided here -->
<line>to form. His limbs were in proportion</line>
<line>and I had selected his features <del rend="strikethrough">h</del> as</line>
<del rend="strikethrough">handsome</del>
<del rend="unmarked">.</del>
<anchor xml:id="c56-0045.01"/>
<del rend="strikethrough">Handsome</del>
<add hand="#pbs" place="superlinear">Beautiful</add>
</mod>; Great God! His</line>
<!-- at the end of the surface encoding, encoding material in a left-margin zone: --->
<zone corresp="#c56-0045.01" type="left_margin">
<del rend="strikethrough">handsome</del>
<add hand="#pbs" place="superlinear">beautiful.</add>
<!-- other marginal insertions encoded -->
<surface lrx="3847" lry="5342"
ulx="0" uly="0" folio="21r" shelfmark="MS. Abinger c. 56" base="ox-ms_abinger_c56/ox-ms_abinger_c56-0045.xml"
id="ox-ms_abinger_c56-0045" sID="ox-ms_abinger_c56-0045"/>
<graphic url="http://shelleygodwinarchive.org/images/ox/ms_abinger_c56/ms_abinger_c56-0045.jp2"/>
<zone type="main" sID="c56-0045__main"/>
<lb n="c56-0045__main__17"/>
<del rend="strikethrough" sID="c56-0045__main__d2e9811"/>But how<del eID="c56-0045__main__d2e9811"/> How can I describe
my <lb n="c56-0045__main__18"/> emotion at this catastrophe; or how
<w ana="start"/>deli<lb n="c56-0045__main__19"/>neate<w ana="end"/>
the wretch whom with such <lb n="c56-0045__main__20"/> infinite pains and care I had endeavoured <lb n="c56-0045__main__21"/> to form. His limbs were in proportion <lb n="c56-0045__main__22"/> and I had selected his features <del rend="strikethrough" sID="c56-0045__main__d2e9830"/>h<del eID="c56-0045__main__d2e9830"/> as <lb n="c56-0045__main__23"/>
<mod sID="c56-0045__main__d2e9835"/>
<del rend="strikethrough" sID="c56-0045__main__d2e9837"/>handsome<del eID="c56-0045__main__d2e9837"/>
<anchor xml:id="c56-0045.01"/>
<zone corresp="#c56-0045.01" type="left_margin" sID="c56-0045__left_margin"/>
<lb n="c56-0045__left_margin__1"/>
<add sID="c56-0045__left_margin__d2e9849"/>
<mod sID="c56-0045__left_margin__d2e9851"/>
<del rend="strikethrough" sID="c56-0045__left_margin__d2e9853"/>handsome<del eID="c56-0045__left_margin__d2e9853"/>
<add hand="#pbs" place="superlinear" sID="c56-0045__left_margin__d2e9856"/>beautiful.<add eID="c56-0045__left_margin__d2e9856"/>
<mod eID="c56-0045__left_margin__d2e9851"/>
<add eID="c56-0045__left_margin__d2e9849"/>
<zone eID="c56-0045__left_margin"/>
<mod eID="c56-0045__main__d2e9835"/>
<mod sID="c56-0045__main__d2e9863"/>
<del rend="strikethrough" sID="c56-0045__main__d2e9865"/>Handsome<del eID="c56-0045__main__d2e9865"/>
<add hand="#pbs" place="superlinear" sID="c56-0045__main__d2e9868"/>Beautiful<add eID="c56-0045__main__d2e9868"/>
<mod eID="c56-0045__main__d2e9863"/>; Great God! His <lb n="c56-0045__main__24"/>
1. Make visible and accessible a nonlinear, divergent edition history
2. Introduce textual scholarship to students, fans of Frankenstein
as well as text scholars, 19c specialists:
Gothenburg model : algorithm for computer-assisted collation, developed in 2009 workshop of collateX and Juxta developers.
Tokenization :
Break down the smallest unit of comparison: (words--with punctuation, or character-by-character): FV tokenizes words and includes punctuation
('&' = 'and')
Identify comparable divergence: what makes text sequences comparable units?
“Chunking” text into comparable passages (chapters/paragraphs that line up with identifiable start and end points). Collation proceeds chunk by chunk.
(study output, correct, and re-align after machine process, AND refine automated processing)
critical edition apparatus, graph displays
<app xml:id="C10_app44">
<rdgGrp xml:id="C10_app44_rg1"
del>beautiful.<del>handsome<del>beautiful;', 'great']"
<rdg wit="fMS"><lb n="c56-0045__main__23"/>
<del rend="strikethrough" sID="c56-0045__main__d2e9837"/>
handsome<del eID="c56-0045__main__d2e9837"/>
</mdel><lb n="c56-0045__left_margin__1"/>
<del rend="strikethrough" sID="c56-0045__left_margin__d2e9853"/>handsome<
del eID="c56-0045__left_margin__d2e9853"/>beautiful.
<del rend="strikethrough" sID="c56-0045__main__d2e9865"/>
Handsome<del eID="c56-0045__main__d2e9865"/>
Beautiful; Great </rdg>
<rdgGrp xml:id="C10_app44_rg2" n="['beautiful.', 'beautiful!—great']">
<rdg wit="f1818">beautiful. Beautiful!—Great </rdg>
<rdg wit="f1823">beautiful. Beautiful!—Great </rdg>
<rdg wit="fThomas">beautiful. Beautiful!—Great </rdg>
<rdg wit="f1831">beautiful. Beautiful!—Great </rdg>
gaps, alignments, relative string-length for each ”chunk”
For more on our document data modeling, see
Beshero-Bondar, Elisa E., and Raffaele Viglianti. “Stand-off Bridges in the Frankenstein Variorum Project: Interchange and Interoperability within TEI Markup Ecosystems.” Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 21 (2018). https://doi.org/10.4242/BalisageVol21.Beshero-Bondar01.
”Preparing diversely encoded documents for collation challenges us to consider inconsistent and overlapping hierarchies as a tractable matter for computational alignment—where alignment becomes an organizing principle that fractures hierarchies, chunking if not atomizing them at the level of the smallest meaningfully sharable semantic features.”
”We have negotiated interchangeability by cutting across individual text hierarchies to emphasize lateral connections and commonalities—making a new TEI whose hierarchy serves as a stand-off ”spine” or ”switchboard” permitting comparison and sharing of common data. Our goal of pointing to aligned data required us to locate the interchangeable structural markers in our source documents.”
HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap Javascript Library
HTML, CSS, XML rendered using CETEIcean Javascript Library
https://github.com/TEIC/CETEIcean 🐳
7 principles:
Design Team
Developer Team
Project Manager and Consultant
Dean Irvine
Version (Source: Edition, Witness)
Section (Pagination: Collation Unit)
Display (Text only, Text with Variants, Variants Only)
Variance (Degree: 3-levels, light, med, dark gray)
Dots (color match and clustering)
Variance (Degree: 3-levels, light, med, dark gray)
Dots (color match and clustering)
Additions: ^
Deletions: Strikethrough
Google Edit "style"
Future website: http://frankensteinvariorum.org
GitHub organization: https://github.com/PghFrankenstein;
GitHub pages (intro/methods/slides): : https://pghfrankenstein.github.io/Pittsburgh_Frankenstein/
Textual Editing, TEI, Variorum Interface
Elisa Beshero-Bondar (Pitt-Greensburg)
Raffaele Viglianti (MITH, Univ Maryland)
Rikk Mulligan (Carnegie Mellon)
Contextual Annotations
Jon Klancher (Carnegie Mellon)
Steven Gotzler (Carnegie Mellon)
Jack Quirk (Carnegie Mellon)
Avery Wiscomb (Carnegie Mellon)
GIS and Data Visualization
Emma Slayton (Carnegie Mellon)
Jack Quirk (Carnegie Mellon)
Avery Wiscomb (Carnegie Mellon)
Matthew Lincoln (Carnegie Mellon)
Project Interface
Rikk Mulligan (Carnegie Mellon)
Elisa Beshero-Bondar (Pitt-Greensburg)
Raffaele Viglianti (MITH, Univ Maryland)
Scott Weingart (Carnegie Mellon)
Agile Humanities Agency
Dean Irvine, Itay Zandbank, Talya Shraga, Shaindel Barkats, Bill Kennedy, Matthew Milner
By Elisa Beshero-Bondar
slide presentation for the DH2019 conference, July 9-12 2019 at Utrecht University.
Professor of Digital Humanities and Chair of the Digital Media, Arts, and Technology Program at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College.