2018 Potential Student Projects

Erik Champion

Archives, VR, AR, HMDs, Games

Disrupted Festival 2018 WA State Library

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CIC grant 1

Funded by a Curtin Institute of Computation grant ($7,100) to December 2017.

  1. cultural heritage tour, walk along a heritage trail using AR or HMD.
  2.  exemplar and online resources, white paper

CIC grant 2

 Pelagios Framework: online portal of maps, charts, documents, pictures and dynamic data, interactive visualisations and predictive cartographic  tools.

Display and dynamically link to 3D models and their subcomponents, using GIS Data (simple 3D stl models)

Interactive Fiction

Combine 2D, IF, 3D, Video, Panorama

Gesture tracking

2-3 trackers for mirrored gestures, virtual hands or greenscreening

Catastropic Library Game

The State Library of WA suggested using their climate and location data of state libraries to create a climage change crisis game..

Tilt Brush

  • 3D: HTC Vive +Tilt Brush+Google Blocks
  • Export to Unity
  • Integrate  3D objects with  Curtin campus 3D model
  • Experiment with gamification elements

Trove & 3D

Dynamically link 2D archive images to 3D surfaces..

Unreal Mayan

VR environment


Connect a chatbot to a robot or a web-based world

Cultural Agents

Mod a game, change the rules on inhabitation & visitors

Panoramic movies

HTC Vive, PlaystationVR, Oculus, HoloLens, FoveVR


By Erik Champion


Draft projects for 2018

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