Curtin Cultural Makathon 10-11/11/16

Thanks to a research grant from Curtin University's School of Media, Culture and Creative Arts, funding and support from Curtin University Library, judges & data mentors, CIC & Scitech for prizes.

Glam VR, Cultural Makathon

Thanks to a Curtin MCCA Strategic Grant six reseachers and Library staff at Curtin University bought Virtual reality and Augmented reality equipment and ran two events to help staff develop digital prototypes and experiences using cultural data resources and digital humanities tools and techniques


earlier that day (10 Nov 2016)..
TROVE API Workshop

Kathryn Greenhill and Janice Chan of Curtin University organized a TROVE API exporting to Excel workshop.

I explained a bit about what an API is, analysed a Trove API query and then gave participants an activity to do. The activity is below the slides...

Judges for the Makathon

We are honoured to have the following people as judges:

  • Damian Shepherd, Acting General Manager SPUR, Landgate

  • Colin Walker, Executive Director, Arts & Cultural Development, DCA

  • Michele Willson, HoS, Media Culture & Creative Arts, Curtin University

  • Piers Higgs, Director, Gaia Resources
    NB between Damian & Colin are Drew and Nau, overall prize winners

  • Appropriate and imaginative application of one or more sets of cultural data
  • Design elegance
  • Usability and usefulness
  • Audience engagement
  • Market potential or research community significance

Judging Criteria

Thursday-the room

thanks Curtin University Library Makerspace!

Thursday-intro'ing data mentors

Keith Moss-Landgate

Sue Cook-CSIRO

Matthias Liffers-Curtin Uni

Andrew Rowe-WA Museum

Molly Tebo-State Library of WA

The Process Varied

..Yoga & Pizza..

..West Australian jokes...

..Melody & Chaos

More social than technical

Hipster VR


Drew Fordham & Dr S. Zaung Nau-Curtin Uni. (1st prize winner)

Matthew Robinson (twitter @mttrb) Curtin University Library

  • Team name: Kip - an iOS JCPML Image Viewer
  • Project brief: Develop an iPhone app to allow browsing of JCPML images
  • Datasets used: JCPML Picture Australia
  • Methods/tools used: Swift, UIKit, Xcode
  • Dropbox/Google drive/GitHub URL:

Michael Wiebrands & Sebastian Becker (Curtin Student)

  • Team name: The John Sanders VR Experience
  • Project brief: An exploration of Jon Sanders triple circumnavigation of the globe.
  • Watch Jon Sanders travel across the globe from space or zoom down to the ocean to..
  • Datasets used: John Sanders Noon Summaries, Curtin University. Curtin JCPML Project Endeavor Website
  • Methods/tools used: Unity 3D, HTC Vive
  • Dropbox/Google drive/GitHub URL:

Rebecca Lange, Curtin Institute of Computation

  • WebsiteTeam name: Shiny Trove
  • Project brief: Creating a shiny app to access the Trove API and download data as csv
  • Datasets used: Trove API
  • Methods/tools used: Shiny
  • Dropbox/Google drive/GitHub URL:

Carol Igglesden & Fiona Logan (& Brenda as observer)

  • Team name: Curious Sandgopers: down the rabbit hole
  • Project brief: Creating the physical, making it digital (and back again)..Learning how to play in the digital space
  • Datasets used: Sandpaintings inspired by the Curtin University Library Maker Space
  • Methods/tools used: Omeka, Prism, 3d scanning

Thanks to (from left): Sebastian, Drew, Damian, Nau, Michael, Michele, Matthew, Piers, Karen, Colin, Lise, Rebecca, Janice, Marie, me(!), Brenda, Carol & Fiona. Big thank you to the Judges, the Data Mentors, Rosie, Aditya, Curtin University Library, Scitech, CIC & MCCA for the grant!

Thanks to all!

Cultural Makathon

By Erik Champion

Cultural Makathon

The 10 - 11 November 2016 event, Curtin Cultural Makathon, hosted at the Curtin University Library Makerspace.

  • 4,195