federica bianco PRO
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Artificial Neural Networks
this slide deck:
The discipline that deals with extraction of information from data in a specific domain context, from data collection through inference
(Problem Identification and Planning)
The discipline that deals with extraction of information from data in a specific domain context, from data collection through inference
(Problem Identification and Planning)
remote sensing
survey science
instrumental design and development
data retrieval
The discipline that deals with extraction of information from data in a specific domain context, from data collection through inference
(Problem Identification and Planning)
data types
identify correlation
missing variable
The discipline that deals with extraction of information from data in a specific domain context, from data collection through inference
(Problem Identification and Planning)
Scaling and
The discipline that deals with extraction of information from data in a specific domain context, from data collection through inference
(Problem Identification and Planning)
what is the goal:
statistical analysis
anomaly detection
structure identification
what is the task:
The discipline that deals with extraction of information from data in a specific domain context, from data collection through inference
(Problem Identification and Planning)
The discipline that deals with extraction of information from data in a specific domain context, from data collection through inference
(Problem Identification and Planning)
Data driven models for exploration of structure and prediction that learn parameters from data.
Machine Learning
Reinforcement Learning
Active Learning
unupervised learning supervised learning
Data driven models for exploration of structure, prediction that learn parameters from data.
unupervised ------ supervised
set up: All features known for all observations
Goal: explore structure in the data
- data compression
- understanding structure
- anomaly detection
Algorithms: kMeans clustering, DBSCAN, Agglomerative clustering
Machine Learning
Data driven models for exploration of structure, prediction that learn parameters from data.
unupervised ------ supervised
set up: All features known for a sunbset of the data; one feature cannot be observed for the rest of the data
Goal: predicting missing feature
- classification
- regression
Algorithms: regression, (SVM), Classification and Regression Tree methods, k-nearest neighbors, neural networks, (...)
Machine Learning
unupervised ------ supervised
unupervised ------ supervised
Machine Learning
set up: All features known for a sunbset of the data; one feature cannot be observed for the rest of the data
Goal: predicting missing feature
- classification
- regression
Algorithms: regression, (SVM), Classification and Regression Tree methods, k-nearest neighbors, neural networks, (...)
set up: All features known for all observations
Goal: explore structure in the data
- data compression
- understanding structure
- anomaly detection
Algorithms: kMeans clustering, DBSCAN, Agglomerative clustering
Learning relies on the definition of a loss function
learning type | loss / target |
unsupervised | intra-cluster variance / inter cluster distance |
supervised | distance between prediction and truth |
Machine Learning
model parameters are learned by calculating a loss function for diferent parameter sets and trying to minimize loss (or a target function and trying to maximize)
e.g. supervised
L1 = |target - prediction|
Learning relies on the definition of a loss function
Machine Learning
supervised and unsupervised
e.g. unsupervised
Inertia =
Interaction with the environment builds a reward function
Machine Learning
The goal of the agent is to maximize a cumulative reward signal over time
The objective is not to predict a specific output but to learn a policy or strategy that maximizes the cumulative reward over time.
Supervised Learning tasks
regression ------ classification
Target Variable: CONTINUOUS
(age, income, temperature...)
Target Variable: Categorical
(color, shape, income class...)
The definition of a loss function requires the definition of distance or similarity
Machine Learning
Minkowski distance
Jaccard similarity
Great circle distance
The definition of a loss function requires the definition of distance or similarity
Machine Learning
Neural Networks
Neural Networks
M-P Neuron McCulloch & Pitts 1943
M-P Neuron
M-P Neuron McCulloch & Pitts 1943
M-P Neuron
M-P Neuron McCulloch & Pitts 1943
M-P Neuron
M-P Neuron
M-P Neuron
its a classifier
M-P Neuron McCulloch & Pitts 1943
M-P Neuron
M-P Neuron
M-P Neuron McCulloch & Pitts 1943
M-P Neuron
M-P Neuron
M-P Neuron McCulloch & Pitts 1943
M-P Neuron
what does have to be if
x1 = 0.1
x2 = 0.6
x3 = 0.2
and the target variable for this example is 1?
M-P Neuron
if is Bool (True/False)
what value of corresponds to logical AND?
M-P Neuron McCulloch & Pitts 1943
M-P Neuron
The perceptron algorithm : 1958, Frank Rosenblatt
M-P Neuron
The perceptron algorithm : 1958, Frank Rosenblatt
The perceptron algorithm : 1958, Frank Rosenblatt
linear regression:
Perceptrons are linear classifiers: makes its predictions based on a linear predictor function
combining a set of weights (=parameters) with the feature vector.
The perceptron algorithm : 1958, Frank Rosenblatt
activation function
The perceptron algorithm : 1958, Frank Rosenblatt
Perceptrons are linear classifiers: makes its predictions based on a linear predictor function
combining a set of weights (=parameters) with the feature vector.
The perceptron algorithm : 1958, Frank Rosenblatt
activation function
Perceptrons are linear classifiers: makes its predictions based on a linear predictor function
combining a set of weights (=parameters) with the feature vector.
ANN examples of activation function
The perceptron algorithm : 1958, Frank Rosenblatt
The Navy revealed the embryo of an electronic computer today that it expects will be able to walk, talk, see, write, reproduce itself and be conscious of its existence.
The embryo - the Weather Buerau's $2,000,000 "704" computer - learned to differentiate between left and right after 50 attempts in the Navy demonstration
July 8, 1958
Single-layer perceptrons are only capable of learning linearly separable patterns.
layer of perceptrons
input layer
hidden layer
output layer
1970: multilayer perceptron architecture
Fully connected: all nodes go to all nodes of the next layer.
Perceptrons by Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert 1969
layer of perceptrons
layer of perceptrons
layer of perceptrons
layer of perceptrons
Fully connected: all nodes go to all nodes of the next layer.
layer of perceptrons
Fully connected: all nodes go to all nodes of the next layer.
layer of perceptrons
w: weight
sets the sensitivity of a neuron
b: bias:
up-down weights a neuron
learned parameters
Fully connected: all nodes go to all nodes of the next layer.
layer of perceptrons
w: weight
sets the sensitivity of a neuron
b: bias:
up-down weights a neuron
f: activation function:
turns neurons on-off
hyperparameters of DNN
how many parameters?
input layer
hidden layer
output layer
hidden layer
how many parameters?
input layer
hidden layer
output layer
hidden layer
input layer
hidden layer
output layer
hidden layer
how many parameters?
input layer
hidden layer
output layer
hidden layer
how many hyperparameters?
GREEN: architecture hyperparameters
RED: training hyperparameters
training DNN
Fully connected: all nodes go to all nodes of the next layer.
1986: Deep Neural Nets
f: activation function:
turns neurons on-off
w: weight
sets the sensitivity of a neuron
b: bias:
up-down weights a neuron
In a CNN these layers would not be fully connected except the last one
Seminal paper
Y. LeCun 1998
Any linear model:
y : prediction
ytrue : target
Error: e.g.
Find the best parameters by finding the minimum of the L2 hyperplane
at every step look around and choose the best direction
how does linear descent look when you have a whole network structure with hundreds of weights and biases to optimize??
Training models with this many parameters requires a lot of care:
. defining the metric
. optimization schemes
. training/validation/testing sets
But just like our simple linear regression case, the fact that small changes in the parameters leads to small changes in the output for the right activation functions.
define a cost function, e.g.
Training models with this many parameters requires a lot of care:
. defining the metric
. optimization schemes
. training/validation/testing sets
But just like our simple linear regression case, the fact that small changes in the parameters leads to small changes in the output for the right activation functions.
define a cost function, e.g.
Training a DNN
feed data forward through network and calculate cost metric
for each layer, calculate effect of small changes on next layer
how does linear descent look when you have a whole network structure with hundreds of weights and biases to optimize??
think of applying just gradient to a function of a function of a function... use:
1) partial derivatives, 2) chain rule
define a cost function, e.g.
Training a DNN
Lots of parameters and lots of hyperparameters! What to choose?
An article that compars various DNNs
An article that compars various DNNs
accuracy comparison
An article that compars various DNNs
accuracy comparison
An article that compars various DNNs
batch size
Lots of parameters and lots of hyperparameters! What to choose?
What should I choose for the loss function and how does that relate to the activation functiom and optimization?
Lots of parameters and lots of hyperparameters! What to choose?
Lots of parameters and lots of hyperparameters! What to choose?
always check your loss function! it should go down smoothly and flatten out at the end of the training.
not flat? you are still learning!
too flat? you are overfitting...
loss (gallery of horrors)
jumps are not unlikely (and not necessarily a problem) if your activations are discontinuous (e.g. relu)
when you use validation you are introducing regularizations (e.g. dropout) so the loss can be smaller than for the training set
loss and learning rate (not that the appropriate learning rate depends on the chosen optimization scheme!)
Building a DNN
with keras and tensorflow
autoencoder for image recontstruction
What should I choose for the loss function and how does that relate to the activation functiom and optimization?
loss | good for | activation last layer | size last layer |
mean_squared_error | regression | linear | one node |
mean_absolute_error | regression | linear | one node |
mean_squared_logarithmit_error | regression | linear | one node |
binary_crossentropy | binary classification | sigmoid | one node |
categorical_crossentropy | multiclass classification | sigmoid | N nodes |
Kullback_Divergence | multiclass classification, probabilistic inerpretation | sigmoid | N nodes |
On the interpretability of DNNs
Deep Neural Net are not some fancy-pants methods, they are just linear models with a bunch of parameters
Because they have many parameters they are difficult to "interpret" (no easy feature extraction)
tha is ok becayse they are prediction machines
Deep Dream (DD) is a google software, a pre-trained NN (originally created on the Cafe architecture, now imported on many other platforms including tensorflow).
The high level idea relies on training a convolutional NN to recognize common objects, e.g. dogs, cats, cars, in images. As the network learns to recognize those objects is developes its layers to pick out "features" of the NN, like lines at a cetrain orientations, circles, etc.
The DD software runs this NN on an image you give it, and it loops on some layers, thus "manifesting" the things it knows how to recognize in the image.
The visual cortex learns hierarchically: first detects simple features, then more complex features and ensembles of features
The visual cortex learns hierarchically: first detects simple features, then more complex features and ensembles of features
The visual cortex learns hierarchically: first detects simple features, then more complex features and ensembles of features
The visual cortex learns hierarchically: first detects simple features, then more complex features and ensembles of features
The visual cortex learns hierarchically: first detects simple features, then more complex features and ensembles of features
The visual cortex learns hierarchically: first detects simple features, then more complex features and ensembles of features
The visual cortex learns hierarchically: first detects simple features, then more complex features and ensembles of features
The visual cortex learns hierarchically: first detects simple features, then more complex features and ensembles of features
Neural Network and Deep Learning
an excellent and free book on NN and DL
History of NN
By federica bianco
neural networks