federica bianco PRO
astro | data science | data for good
LSST:opportunities forfast transient science |
University of Delaware
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Biden School of Public Policy and Administration
Data Science Institute
Rubin Legacy Survey of Space and Time
Deputy Project Scientist, Construction
Acting Head of Science, Operation
federica b. bianco
University of Delaware
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Biden School of Public Policy and Administration
Data Science Institute
Rubin Legacy Survey of Space and Time
Deputy Project Scientist, Construction
Acting Head of Science, Operation
federica b. bianco
this slide deck is live at https://slides.com/federicabianco/grbmx24
The best way to view the slides is on the web (to see videos and animations). A flat (PDF) version of this deck would be largely diminished
LSST:opportunities forfast transient science |
Site: Cerro Pachon, Chile
Funding: US NSF + DOE
To accomplish this, we need:
1) a large telescope mirror to be sensitive - 8m (6.7m)
2) a large field-of-view for sky-scanning speed - 10 deg2
3) high spatial resolution, high quality images - 0.2''/pixels
4) process images in realtime and offline to produce live alerts and catalogs of all 37B objects
Objective: provide a science-ready dataset to transform the 4 key science area
At this level of precision,everything is variable, everything is blended, everything is moving.
LSST-like HSC composite
Field of View' Image resolution' DDFs' Standard visit' Photometric precision' Photometric accuracy' Astrometric precision' Astrometric accuracy' |
9.6 sq deg 0.2'' (seeing limited) 5 DDF 30 sec 5 mmag 10 mmag 10 mas 50 mas |
' requirement: ls.st/srd
SDSS 2x4 arcmin sq griz
MYSUC (Gawiser 2014) 1 mag shallower than LSST coadds
u,g,r,i,z,y | |
Photometric filters' saturation limit' # visits* mag single image* mag coadd* Nominal cadence |
u, g, r, i, z, y ~15, 16, 16, 16, 15, 14 53, 70, 185, 192, 168, 165 23.34, 23.2, 24.05, 23.55 22.03 25.4, 26.9, 27.0, 26.5, 25.8, 24.9 2-3 visits per night |
At this level of precision,everything is variable, everything is blended, everything is moving.
' requirement: ls.st/srd
8 SCs - 6 continents - 2000 people - 25 countries
number are quite a bit larger now! this plot is from ~2022
on the right is a connectivity network for the SCs
Rubin Observatory Status
5 / 2019
May 2022 - Telescope Mount Assembly
12/2022 TMA in action
weight 2e5 kg, max slew rate 0.2 rad/s
Most of the weight in a 10m disk
Angular momentum
3024 science raft amplifier channels
Camera and Cryostat integration completed at SLAC in May 2022,
Shutter and filter auto-changer integrated into camera body
LSSTCam undergoing final stages of testing at SLAC
July 2024 ComCam installed on the telescope after M1M2 installation - Comcam is a 144Mpix version of LSSTCam
artist (me) impression of the first image taken by ComCam
telescope's optical alignment close to optimal and the system delivering an image quality of around 1.5 arcseconds.
The Data Management system effectively processed images, providing astrometric and photometric solutions.
AOS commissioning successfully running the system in a closed-loop configuration.
Continuous improvements in image quality were observed, achieving sub-arcsecond PSF FWHM
achieving PSF FWHM of 0.7" on several nights.
Observations for science pipeline commissioning continued, including filter exchanges and initial tests of difference image analysis and photometric calibration.
AOS closed loop was operating with over 90% of the optical degrees of freedom enabled.
Full-color six-band (ugrizy) coverage of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS) LSST Deep Drilling Field.
Flux measurements demonstrated high repeatability across multiple nights and varying airmass.
The Data Management System successfully processed data with Difference Image Analysis, producing candidate sources and alerts.
Efforts were focused on increasing operational efficiency, including shutter open efficiency and telescope motion speed.
Repeated imaging in r and i bands allowed to build templates for six target fields.
First association of Solar System Object detections
A new single-night record of 99 in-focus visits taken with the automated scheduler.
data products
Alerts based
Catalog based
Deep stack
Deep stack
data right holders only
Rubin In-Kind Contribution Program
world public!
10Million alerts per night!
LSST survey strategy optimization
Exploring the Transient and Variable Optical Sky
Exploring the Transient and Variable Optical Sky
Exploring the Transient and Variable Optical Sky
Exploring the Transient and Variable Optical Sky
Exploring the Transient and Variable Optical Sky
Exploring the Transient and Variable Optical Sky
LSST Science Book (2009)
Operation Simulator (OpSim)
simulates the catalog of LSST observations + observation properties
Metric Analysi Framwork (MAF)
Python API to interact with OpSims specifying science performance on a science case with a metric
Lynne Jones
Peter Yoachim
~100s simulations
~1000s MAFs
Rubin has involved the community to an unprecedented level in survey design this is a uniquely "democratic" process!
Rubin has involved the community to an unprecedented level in survey design this is a uniquely "democratic" process!
Rubin has involved the community to an unprecedented level in survey design this is a uniquely "democratic" process!
85% submissins led by SC members
Rubin has involved the community to an unprecedented level in survey design this is a uniquely "democratic" process!
Survey Cadence Optimization Committee
Rubin has involved the community to an unprecedented level in survey design this is a uniquely "democratic" process!
Survey Cadence Optimization Committee
Rubin has involved the community to an unprecedented level in survey design this is a uniquely "democratic" process!
Survey Cadence Optimization Committee
Rubin has involved the community to an unprecedented level in survey design this is a uniquely "democratic" process!
Rubin has involved the community to an unprecedented level in survey design this is a uniquely "democratic" process!
Rubin has involved the community to an unprecedented level in survey design this is a uniquely "democratic" process!
Rubin has involved the community to an unprecedented level in survey design this is a uniquely "democratic" process!
LSST ToO program
The main Rubin assets are the 10 sqdeg FoV + rapid slew + depth
PSTN-055 (2022): The SCOC recommends a ToO program be enabled to respond to Gravitational Waves and MMA triggers with a fraction of ≤ 3% of dedicated survey time, with the possibility of extending it to additional types of targets in the future.
+80 authors!
What about fast transients in the main survey?
The minutes-second-subsecond Universe
Željko Ivezić et al 2019 ApJ 873 111
LSST: From Science Drivers to Reference Design and Anticipated Data Products
Marshall et al. 2017
Mortersen et al. 2019
Smith +2019
Ragosta+ et al. 2023
~800 per field
10 seasons, with each 6 months
2 visits per night (within ~30 min for Solar System Science)
revisit time => 4.5 nights
This will scatter significantly (weather, moon, ...)
The original survey plan didn't lead to good time domain astronomy (TDA) outcomes:
2 intranight obs in same filer +
2 intranight obs in another filter ~5 day later
GRB =>
~800 per field
10 seasons, with each 6 months
2 visits per night (within ~30 min for Solar System Science)
revisit time => 4.5 nights
This will scatter significantly (weather, moon, ...)
The original survey plan didn't lead to good time domain astronomy (TDA) outcomes:
2 intranight obs in same filer +
2 intranight obs in another filter ~5 day later
Current plan: rolling 8 out of the 10 years
# pairs of observations (1e5)
time gaps (days)
based on 2017 LSST simulations
2017 simulations: between 3 and 32 KN can be identified (~300 detected)
Proposed 3 intranight obs
2 within 1 hour in different filters
1 at 4-8 hours separation w repeat filter
Intranight color (near instantaneous)
Intranight rate of change (~hour time scales)
Current plan: rolling 8 out of the 10 years
Presto-Color, Bianco+ 2019
Proposed 3 intranight obs
2 within 1 hour in different filters
1 at 4-8 hours separation w repeat filter
Intranight color (near instantaneous)
Intranight rate of change (~hour time scales)
Ofek+ 2024
Proposed 3 intranight obs
2 within 1 hour in different filters
1 at 4-8 hours separation w repeat filter
Current plan: 4% of the survey is currently conducted in triplets
Intranight color (near instantaneous)
Intranight rate of change (~hour time scales)
Ofek+ 2024
newer simulations ->
<-bad good ->
2023 simulations: 62% improvement
newer simulations ->
4 – 24 hour gaps between epochs will enable kilonova parameter estimation
Andreoni+ 2022a
2023 simulations: 62% improvement
newer simulations ->
4 – 24 hour gaps between epochs will enable kilonova parameter estimation
Andreoni+ 2022a
GRB =>
2023 simulations: 62% improvement
newer simulations ->
4 – 24 hour gaps between epochs will enable kilonova parameter estimation
Andreoni+ 2022a
GRB =>
Proposed reduction to 6 rolling years (3 2-year cycles) to improve intrasurvey uniformity
8y rolling
no rolling
6y rolling
~7% loss in KN characterization
Proposed reduction to 6 rolling years (3 2-year cycles) to improve intrasurvey uniformity
Shar Daniels
NSF Graduate Student Fellow
University of Delaware
TVS Science Collaboration
Fast Transient Subgroup
join TVS! no fees no minimum req
Chair: Igor Andreoni
Shar Daniels
NSF Graduate Student Fellow
University of Delaware
TVS Science Collaboration
Fast Transient Subgroup
Fast Transients MetricsCOordinations and White Paper
Let's work together!
join the overleaf paper
This is urgent! results must come through in the next ~ 2 months or the strategy may be set for year 1
thank you!
University of Delaware
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Biden School of Public Policy and Administration
Data Science Institute
federica bianco
Rubin Construction
Deputy Project Scientist
By federica bianco
Fast Transients Opportunities with Rubin LSST