federica bianco
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Machine Learning &
unsupervised learning
what is machine learning
a model is a low dimensional representation of a higher dimensionality datase
the best way to think about it in the ML context:
what is a model?
[Machine Learning is the] field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.
Arthur Samuel, 1959
parameters: slope, intercept
[Machine Learning is the] field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.
Arthur Samuel, 1959
[Machine Learning is the] field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.
Arthur Samuel, 1959
parameters: slope, intercept
ML: any model with parameters learnt from the data
Machine Learning models are parametrized representation of "reality" where the parameters are learned from finite sets of realizations of that reality
(note: learning by instance, e.g. nearest neighbours, may not comply to this definition)
Machine Learning is the disciplines that conceptualizes, studies, and applies those models.
Key Concept
what is machine learning?
used to:
unsupervised vs supervised learning
partitioning the feature space so that the existing data is grouped (according to some target function!)
partitioning the feature space so that the existing data is grouped (according to some target function!)
Unsupervised learning
All features are observed for all datapoints
unsupervised vs supervised learning
partitioning the feature space so that the existing data is grouped (according to some target function!)
Classifying & regression
finding functions of the variables that allow to predict unobserved properties of new observations
Unsupervised learning
All features are observed for all datapoints
unsupervised vs supervised learning
partitioning the feature space so that the existing data is grouped (according to some target function!)
Classifying & regression
finding functions of the variables that allow to predict unobserved properties of new observations
Unsupervised learning
Supervised learning
All features are observed for all datapoints
Some features are not observed for some data points we want to predict them.
unsupervised vs supervised learning
Unsupervised learning
Supervised learning
All features are observed for all datapoints
and we are looking for structure in the feature space
Some features are not observed for some data points we want to predict them.
The datapoints for which the target feature is observed are said to be "labeled"
Semi-supervised learning
Active learning
A small amount of labeled data is available. Data is cluster and clusters inherit labels
The code can interact with the user to update labels.
unsupervised vs supervised learning
extract features and create models that allow prediction where the correct answer is known for a subset of the data
supervised learning
identify features and create models that allow to understand structure in the data
unsupervised learning
k-Nearest Neighbors
Support Vector Machines
Neural networks
Classification/Regression Trees
Principle Component Analsysis
Apriori (association rule)
validating a model
How do we measure if a model is good?
We will talk more about this later...
but for now focus on
regression performance metrics
validating a model
How do we measure if a model is good?
Absolute error
Squared error
Mean squared error
Root mean
squared error
Relative mean
squared error
R squared
We will talk more about this later...
but for now focus on
regression performance metrics
validating a model
How do we measure if a model is good?
Absolute error
Squared error
Mean squared error
Root mean
squared error
Relative mean
squared error
R squared
do you recognize these??
We will talk more about this later...
but for now focus on
regression performance metrics
validating a model
How do we measure if a model is good?
We will talk more about this later...
but for now focus on
regression performance metrics
Split the sample in test and training sets
Train on the training set
Test (measure accuracy) on the test set
validating a model
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
def line(x, intercept, slope):
return slope * x + intercept
def chi2(args, x, y, s):
a, b = args
return sum((y - line(x, a, b))**2 / s)
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test, s_train, s_test = train_test_split(
x, y, s, test_size=0.25, random_state=42)
initialGuess = (10, 1)
chi2Solution_goodsplit = minimize(chi2, initialGuess,
args=(x_train, y_train, s_train))
print("best fit parameters from the minimization of the chi squared: " +
"slope {:.2f}, intercept {:.2f}".format(*chi2Solution_goodsplit.x))
print("R square on training set: ", Rsquare(chi2Solution_goodsplit.x, x_train, y_train))
print("R square on test set: ", Rsquare(chi2Solution_goodsplit.x, x_test, y_test))
ML standard
In ML models need to be "validated":
The performance on the model is the performance achieved on the test set.
An upgrade on this workflow is to create a training, a test, and a validation test. Iterate between training and test to achieve optimal performance, then measure accuracy on the validation set.This is because you can use the test set performance to tune the model hyperparameters (model selection) but then you would report a performance that is tuned on the test set.
a significance performance degradation on the test compared to training set indicates that the model is "overtrained" and does not generalize well.
supervised and unsupervised learning
[Machine Learning is the] field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Arthur Samuel, 1959
slope, intercept
ML: any model with parameters learnt from the data
feature selection
supervised learning
understanding structure
organizing/compressing data
anomaly detection dimensionality reduction
unsupervised learning
feature selection
supervised learning
understanding structure
organizing/compressing data
anomaly detection dimensionality reduction
unsupervised learning
k-Nearest Neighbors
Support Vector Machines
Classification/Regression Trees
Neural networks
used to:
understand structure of feature space
classify based on examples,
regression (classification with infinitely small classes)
should be interpretable:
predictive policing,
selection of conference participants.
ethical implications
should be interpretable:
prective policing,
selection of conference participants.
why the model made a choice?
which feature mattered?
ethical implications
causal connection
should be interpretable:
ethical implications
ML model have parameters and hyperparameters
parameters: the model optimizes based on the data
hyperparameters: chosen by the model author, could be based on domain knowledge, other data, guessed (?!).
e.g. the shape of the polynomial
observed features:
(x, y)
GOAL: partitioning data in maximally homogeneous,
maximally distinguished subsets.
all features are observed for all objects in the sample
(x, y)
how should I group the observations in this feature space?
e.g.: how many groups should I make?
internal criterion:
members of the cluster should be similar to each other (intra cluster compactness)
external criterion:
objects outside the cluster should be dissimilar from the objects inside the cluster
zoologist's clusters
internal criterion:
members of the cluster should be similar to each other (intra cluster compactness)
external criterion:
objects outside the cluster should be dissimilar from the objects inside the cluster
photographer's clusters
how you define similarity/distance
internal criterion:
members of the cluster should be similar to each other (intra cluster compactness)
external criterion:
objects outside the cluster should be dissimilar from the objects inside the cluster
Scalability (naive algorithms are Np hard)
Ability to deal with different types of attributes
Discovery of clusters with arbitrary shapes
Minimal requirement for domain knowledge
Deals with noise and outliers
Insensitive to order
Allows incorporation of constraints
A Spatial Clustering Technique for the Identification of Customizable Ecoregions
William W. Hargrove and Robert J. Luxmoore
thinking about distances spatially helps intuition
but exercise in abstracting these distances to non-spatial features
A Spatial Clustering Technique for the Identification of Customizable Ecoregions
William W. Hargrove and Robert J. Luxmoore
50-year mean monthly temperature, 50-year mean monthly precipitation, elevation, total plant-available water content of soil, total organic matter in soil, and total Kjeldahl soil nitrogen
Minkowski family of distances
Minkowski family of distances
N features (dimensions)
Minkowski family of distances
N features (dimensions)
Minkowski family of distances
Manhattan: p=1
features: x, y
Minkowski family of distances
Manhattan: p=1
features: x, y
Minkowski family of distances
Euclidean: p=2
features: x, y
Minkowski family of distances
Great Circle distance
latitude and longitude
Uses presence/absence of features in data
: number of features in neither
: number of features in both
: number of features in i but not j
: number of features in j but not i
1 | 0 | sum | |
1 | M11 | M10 | M11+M10 |
0 | M01 | M00 | M01+M00 |
sum | M11+M01 | M10+M00 | M11+M00+M01+ M10 |
observation i
observation j
Simple Matching Distance
Uses presence/absence of features in data
: number of features in neither
: number of features in both
: number of features in i but not j
: number of features in j but not i
Simple Matching Coefficient
or Rand similarity
1 | 0 | sum | |
1 | M11 | M10 | M11+M10 |
0 | M01 | M00 | M01+M00 |
sum | M11+M01 | M10+M00 | M11+M00+M01+ M10 |
observation i
observation j
Simple Matching Distance
Uses presence/absence of features in data
: number of features in neither
: number of features in both
: number of features in i but not j
: number of features in j but not i
Simple Matching Coefficient
or Rand similarity
1 | 0 | sum | |
1 | M11 | M10 | M11+M10 |
0 | M01 | M00 | M01+M00 |
sum | M11+M01 | M10+M00 | M11+M00+M01+ M10 |
observation i
observation j
Simple Matching Distance
Uses presence/absence of features in data
: number of features in neither
: number of features in both
: number of features in i but not j
: number of features in j but not i
Simple Matching Coefficient
or Rand similarity
1 | 0 | sum | |
1 | M11 | M10 | M11+M10 |
0 | M01 | M00 | M01+M00 |
sum | M11+M01 | M10+M00 | M11+M00+M01+ M10 |
observation i
observation j
Jaccard similarity
Jaccard distance
1 | 0 | sum | |
1 | M11 | M10 | M11+M10 |
0 | M01 | M00 | M01+M00 |
sum | M11+M01 | M10+M00 | M11+M00+M01+ M10 |
observation i
observation j
Jaccard similarity
Jaccard distance
1 | 0 | sum | |
1 | M11 | M10 | M11+M10 |
0 | M01 | M00 | M01+M00 |
sum | M11+M01 | M10+M00 | M11+M00+M01+ M10 |
observation i
observation j
Jaccard similarity
Application to Deep Learning for image recognition
Convolutional Neural Nets
Data can have covariance (and it almost always does!)
PLUTO Manhattan data (42,000 x 15)
axis 1 -> features
axis 0 -> observations
Data can have covariance (and it almost always does!)
Data can have covariance (and it almost always does!)
Pearson's correlation (linear correlation)
correlation = correlation / variance
PLUTO Manhattan data (42,000 x 15) correlation matrix
axis 1 -> features
axis 0 -> observations
Data can have covariance (and it almost always does!)
PLUTO Manhattan data (42,000 x 15) correlation matrix
A covariance matrix is diagonal if the data has no correlation
Data can have covariance (and it almost always does!)
Full On Whitening
find the matrix W that diagonalized Σ
from zca import ZCA import numpy as np
X = np.random.random((10000, 15)) # data array
trf = ZCA().fit(X)
X_whitened = trf.transform(X)
X_reconstructed =
assert(np.allclose(X, X_reconstructed))
: remove covariance by diagonalizing the transforming the data with a matrix that diagonalizes the covariance matrix
this is at best hard, in some cases impossible even numerically on large datasets
Data that is not correlated appear as a sphere in the Ndimensional feature space
Data can have covariance (and it almost always does!)
Generic preprocessing
Generic preprocessing
for each feature: divide by standard deviation and subtract mean
mean of each feature should be 0, standard deviation of each feature should be 1
K-means (McQueen ’67)
K-medoids (Kaufman & Rausseeuw ’87)
Expectation Maximization (Dempster,Laird,Rubin ’77)
Hard partitioning cluster method
Choose N “centers” guesses: random points in the feature space repeat: Calculate distance between each point and each center Assign each point to the closest center Calculate the new cluster centers untill (convergence): when clusters no longer change
Objective: minimizing the aggregate distance within the cluster.
Order: #clusters #dimensions #iterations #datapoints O(KdN)
Its non-deterministic: the result depends on the (random) starting point
It only works where the mean is defined: alternative is K-medoids which represents the cluster by its central member (median), rather than by the mean
Must declare the number of clusters upfront (how would you know it?)
Scales linearly with d and N
Objective: minimizing the aggregate distance within the cluster.
Order: #clusters #dimensions #iterations #datapoints O(KdN)
complexity scales linearly with
-d number of dimensions
-N number of datapoints
-K number of clusters
either you know it because of domain knowledge
you choose it after the fact: "elbow method"
total intra-cluster variance
Objective: minimizing the aggregate distance within the cluster.
Order: #clusters #dimensions #iterations #datapoints O(KdN)
Must declare the number of clusters
Objective: minimizing the aggregate distance within the cluster.
Order: #clusters #dimensions #iterations #datapoints O(KdN)
Must declare the number of clusters upfront (how would you know it?)
either domain knowledge or
after the fact: "elbow method"
total intra-cluster variance
‘k-means++’ : selects initial cluster centers for k-mean clustering in a smart way to speed up convergence. See section Notes in k_init for more details.
‘random’: choose k observations (rows) at random from data for the initial centroids.
If an ndarray is passed, it should be of shape (n_clusters, n_features) and gives the initial centers.
Soft partitioning cluster method
Hard clustering : each object in the sample belongs to only 1 cluster
Soft clustering : to each object in the sample we assign a degree of belief that it belongs to a cluster
Soft = probabilistic
these points come from 2 gaussian distribution.
which point comes from which gaussian?
if i know which point comes from which gaussian
i can solve for the parameters of the gaussian
(e.g. maximizing likelihood)
if i know which the parameters (μ,σ) of the gaussians
i can figure out which gaussian each point is most likely to come from (calculate probability)
Guess parameters g= (μ,σ) for 2 Gaussian distributions A and B
calculate the probability of each point to belong to A and B
Guess parameters g= (μ,σ) for 2 Gaussian distributions A and B
calculate the probability of each point to belong to A and B
Guess parameters g= (μ,σ) for 2 Gaussian distributions A and B
calculate the probability of each point to belong to A and B
Guess parameters g= (μ,σ) for 2 Gaussian distributions A and B
1- calculate the probability p_ji of each point to belong to gaussian j
Bayes theorem: P(A|B) = P(B|A) P(A) / P(B)
Guess parameters g= (μ,σ) for 2 Gaussian distributions A and B
1- calculate the probability p_ji of each point to belong to gaussian j
2a - calculate the weighted mean of the cluster, weighted by the p_ji
Bayes theorem: P(A|B) = P(B|A) P(A) / P(B)
Bayes theorem: P(A|B) = P(B|A) P(A) / P(B)
Guess parameters g= (μ,σ) for 2 Gaussian distributions A and B
1- calculate the probability p_ji of each point to belong to gaussian j
2a - calculate the weighted mean of the cluster, weighted by the p_ji
2b - calculate the weighted sigma of the cluster, weighted by the p_ji
Bayes theorem: P(A|B) = P(B|A) P(A) / P(B)
Alternate expectation and maximization step till convergence
1- calculate the probability p_ji of each point to belong to gaussian j
2a - calculate the weighted mean of the cluster, weighted by the p_ji
2b - calculate the weighted sigma of the cluster, weighted by the p_ji
expectation step
maximization step
Last iteration: convergence
Bayes theorem: P(A|B) = P(B|A) P(A) / P(B)
Alternate expectation and maximization step till convergence
1- calculate the probability p_ji of each point to belong to gaussian j
2a - calculate the weighted mean of the cluster, weighted by the p_ji
2b - calculate the weighted sigma of the cluster, weighted by the p_ji
expectation step
maximization step
Choose N “centers” guesses (like in K-means) repeat Expectation step: Calculate the probability of each distribution given the points Maximization step: Calculate the new centers and variances as weighted averages of the datapoints, weighted by the probabilities untill (convergence) e.g. when gaussian parameters no longer change
Order: #clusters #dimensions #iterations #datapoints #parameters O(KdNp) (>K-means)
based on Bayes theorem
Its non-deterministic: the result depends on the (random) starting point (like K-mean)
It only works where a probability distribution for the data points can be defines (or equivalently a likelihood) (like K-mean)
Must declare the number of clusters and the shape of the pdf upfront (like K-mean)
Convergence Criteria
Any time you have an objective function (or loss function) you need to set up a tolerance : if your objective function did not change by more than ε since the last step you have reached convergence (i.e. you are satisfied)
ε is your tolerance
For clustering:
convergence can be reached if
no more than n data point changed cluster
n is your tolerance
it's deterministic!
it's deterministic!
computationally intense because every cluster pair distance has to be calculate
it's deterministic!
computationally intense because every cluster pair distance has to be calculate
it is slow, though it can be optimize:
compute the distance matrix
each data point is a singleton cluster
merge the 2 cluster with minimum distance
update the distance matrix
only a single (n) cluster(s) remains
It's deterministic
It's greedy (optimization is done step by step and agglomeration decisions cannot be undone)
It's computationally expensive
it is
(like k-mean)
it is
(like k-mean)
it is greedy -
just as k-means
two nearby points
may end up in
separate clusters
it is
(like k-mean)
it is greedy -
just as k-means
two nearby points
may end up in
separate clusters
it is high complexity for
exhaustive search
But can be reduced (~k-means)
Calculate clustering criterion for all subgroups, e.g. min intracluster variance
repeat split the best cluster based on criterion above untill each data is in its own singleton cluster
Order: (w K-means procedure)
It's non-deterministic: the result depends on the (random) starting point (like K-mean) unless its exaustive (but that is )
It's greedy (optimization is done step by step)
distance between a point and a cluster:
single link distance
D(c1,c2) = min(D(xc1, xc2))
distance between a point and a cluster:
single link distance
D(c1,c2) = min(D(xc1, xc2))
complete link distance
D(c1,c2) = max(D(xc1, xc2))
distance between a point and a cluster:
single link distance
D(c1,c2) = min(D(xc1, xc2))
complete link distance
D(c1,c2) = max(D(xc1, xc2))
centroid link distance
D(c1,c2) = mean(D(xc1, xc2))
distance between a point and a cluster:
single link distance
D(c1,c2) = min(D(xc1, xc2))
complete link distance
D(c1,c2) = max(D(xc1, xc2))
centroid link distance
D(c1,c2) = mean(D(xc1, xc2))
Ward distance (global measure)
DBSCAN is one of the most common clustering algorithms and also most cited in scientific literature
A point p is a core point if at least minPts points are within distance ε (including p).
A point q is directly reachable from p if point q is within distance ε from core point p. Reachable from p if there is a path p1, ..., pn with p1 = p and pn = q, where each pi+1 is directly reachable from pi.
All points not reachable from any other point are outliers or noise points.
ε : minimum distance to join points
min_sample : minimum number of points in a cluster, otherwise they are labeled outliers.
metric : the distance metric
p : float, optional The power of the Minkowski metric
ε : minimum distance to join points
min_sample : minimum number of points in a cluster, otherwise they are labeled outliers.
metric : the distance metric
p : float, optional The power of the Minkowski metric
its extremely sensitive to these parameters!
for each point P count neighbours within minPts: label=C for each point P ~= C measure distance d to all Cs if d<minD: label = DR for each point P not C and not DR if distance d to C or DR > minD: label = outlier if distance d to C or DR <= minD: find path to closet C and cluster
Deals with noise and outliers
Can be used with any definition of distance or similarity
Not entirely deterministic.
Only works in a constant density field
Clustering : unsupervised learning where all features are observed for all datapoints. The goal is to partition the space into maximally homogeneous maximally distinguished groups
clustering is easy, but interpreting results is tricky
Distance : A definition of distance is required to group observations/ partition the space.
Common distances over continuous variables
Common distances over categorical variables:
Models assume that the data is not correlated. If your data is correlated the model results may be invalid. And your data always has correlations.
- whiten the data by using the matrix that diagonalizes the covariance matrix. This is ideal but computationally expensive if possible at all
- scale your data so that each feature is mean=0 stdev=2.
Partition clustering:
Hard: K-means O(KdN) , needs to decide the number of clusters, non deterministic
simple efficient implementation but the need to select the number of clusters is a significant flaw
Soft: Expectation Maximization O(KdNp) , needs to decide the number of clusters, need to decide a likelihood function (parametric), non deterministic
Divisive: Exhaustive ; at least non deterministic
Agglomerative: , deterministic, greedy. Can be run through and explore the best stopping point. Does not require to choose the number of clusters a priori
Density based
DBSCAN: Density based clustering method that can identify outliers, which means it can be used in the presence of noise. Complexity . Most common (cited) clustering method in the natural sciences.
encoding categorical variables:
variables have to be encoded as numbers for computers to understand them. You can encode categorical variables with integers or floating point but you implicitly impart an order. The standard is to one-hot-encode which means creating a binary (True/False) feature (column) for each category of a categorical variables but this increases the feature space and generated covariance.
model diagnostics for classifiers: Fraction of True Positives and False Positives are the metrics to evaluate classifiers. Combinations of those numbers include Accuracy (TP/ (TP+FP)), Precision (TP/(TP+FN)), Recall ((TP+TN)/(TP+TN+FP+FN)).
ROC curve: (TP vs FP) is a holistic metric of a model. It can be used to guide the choice of hyperparameters to find the "sweet spot" for your problem
a comprehensive review of clustering methods
Data Clustering: A Review, Jain, Mutry, Flynn 1999
required reading: a blog post on how to generate and interpret a scipy dendrogram by Jörn Hees
By federica bianco