Why and how we adopted it at Slack
Hi, I'm Felix
Senior Staff Engineer, Slack
Battlefield 1
Nvidia GeForce Experience
Creative Suite
All the Electron Apps
Welcome to 2019
JavaScript isn’t just the most popular programming technology - Node.js is everywhere
JavaScript is used to build sophisticated applications.
More JavaScript,
More Worries
Vanilla JavaScript requires source code study
JSDoc/ESDoc requires trust in your fellow developer
Both methods are inefficient, frustrating, and failure-prone
Handling Large Code Bases
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.prop1
* @param {number} options.prop2
* @param {number} [options.prop3=42]
* @returns {number}
function myMethod(options) {
const { prop2, prop3 } = options
return prop1 * (prop3 || 42)
Handling Large Code Bases
More JavaScript,
More Worries
Vanilla JavaScript requires source code study
JSDoc/ESDoc requires trust in your fellow developer
Both methods are inefficient, frustrating, and failure-prone
To the Rescue
Superset of JavaScript
No modification of code at runtime
Excellent editor support
Excellent integration with the npm world
And of course… types.
Handling Large Code Bases
Demo Time
Starting the TypeScript Compiler
Modern JavaScript is valid TypeScript. You can use the compiler without changing a single line of code.
Porting Slack's App
Slowly port files over
We have features to ship and bugs to fix - we slowly ported file by file.
You’ll quickly dislike working with files not ported over.
Porting Slack's App
Committing with confidence
TypeScript gives us a guarantee that the structural dependencies in the code are sound.
Porting Slack's App
It might look scary
Advanced use of TypeScript involves interfaces, type declarations, and enums.
Nothing new for a developer who’s seen Java, C#, or other typed languages, but possible scary to junior JavaScript devs.
Porting Slack's App
Porting Slack's App
declare type Promisify<T> = T extends Promise<any> ? T : Promise<T>;
type ProxiedObject<T> = {
[P in keyof T]: T[P] extends (...args: infer Arguments) => infer R
? (...args: Arguments) => Promisify<R>
: ProxiedObject<T[P]>
export { ProxiedObject };
Slack's most difficult lines of TypeScript
Thank you for your interest
TypeScript: Why and how we adopted it at Slack
By Felix Rieseberg
TypeScript: Why and how we adopted it at Slack
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