
Code Pipelines with Docker
- Ansible Container - Jenkinsfiles - AWS ECS -

Florian Dambrine - Senior DevOps Engineer


  > Agenda

  • Why do we need GumRef ?
  • What is GumRef ?
    • ​Ansible-container
    • Jenkins Pipelines
    • AWS Elastic container service (ECS)
  • Gumref Demo

  > Why do we need gumref ?

2017 Team ratios

~ 7 Engineers

~ 20 Engineers

~ 3 Engineers

~ 12 Engineers

10.5 Engineers for 1 DevOps

~ 4 Engineers

  > Why do we need gumref ?

250 servers for 1 DevOps

2017 GumGum Infrastructure

  > Why do we need gumref ?

  • Even with a DevOps team, developers are usually waiting for Ops to spin up environments or infrastructure components. Let's automate the last mile !
  • Environment parity and standardization
    • Parity:
      • feature branch > dev > stage > prod
    • Standardization:
      • An application should follow a certain skeleton
  • Development efficiency  (Image science builds -> ~1h )
  • Better integration between applications
  • Faster and safer deployments

  > What is gumref ?

  • It is a Framework made of:
    • Ansible Container -> Docker
    • Jenkins pipeline -> CI / CD
    • AWS ECS -> Infrastructure running containers
  • An application project implementing the Gumref framework must:
    • Contain the git submodule gumref (might change)
    • Copy the Gumref Jenkinsfile (CI / CD pipelines)
    • Copy and edit the Gumref (pipeline strategy)
    • Create and implement an ansible-container project for the application

  > gumref - Dockerfile VS ansible-container


Configuration Management


Ansible Container

Before 2000
2008 - 2014
2014 - 20XX
2016 - 20XX


### Dockerfile
FROM nvidia/cuda:7.5-cudnn5-devel-ubuntu14.04
RUN apt-get update \
    && apt-get -y install \
        software-properties-common python-software-properties \
    && add-apt-repository -y 'ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test' \
    && apt-get -y update \
    && apt-get -y install \
      gcc-4.9 \
      g++-4.9 \ 
      build-essential \
      cmake \
      git \
      wget \
      python-dev \
      python-pip \
      python-boto python-botocore \
      libssl-dev \     
      libcurl4-openssl-dev \
      libjsoncpp-dev \
      libprotobuf-dev \
      libleveldb-dev \
      protobuf-compiler \
      libgflags-dev \
      libgoogle-glog-dev \
      libsnappy-dev \
      liblmdb-dev \ 
      libhdf5-serial-dev \
      python$PYTHON_VERSION-dev \
      unzip \
      libatlas-base-dev \
      gfortran \
      libjasper-dev \
      libgtk2.0-dev \ 
      libavcodec-dev \
      libavformat-dev \
      libswscale-dev \ 
### container.yml
version: "2"

    image: "nvidia/cuda:7.5-cudnn5-devel-ubuntu14.04"
      - image-science-base
### roles/image-science-base/tasks/main.yml

- name: Install apt dependencies
    state: present
    name: "{{ item }}"
    update_cache: yes
    - software-properties-common
    - python-software-properties

- name: Add toolchain PPA
     state: present
     repo: 'ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test'

- name: Install apt packages
    state: present
    name: "{{ item }}"
    update_cache: yes
    - gcc-4.9 
    - g++-4.9  
    - build-essential 
    - cmake 
    - git 
    - wget 
    - python-dev 
    - python-pip 
    - python-boto python-botocore 
    - libssl-dev      
    - libcurl4-openssl-dev 
    - libjsoncpp-dev 
    - libprotobuf-dev 
    - libleveldb-dev 
    - protobuf-compiler 
    - libgflags-dev 
    - libgoogle-glog-dev 
    - libsnappy-dev 
    - liblmdb-dev  
    - libhdf5-serial-dev 
    - python$PYTHON_VERSION-dev 
    - unzip 
    - libatlas-base-dev 
    - gfortran 
    - libjasper-dev 
    - libgtk2.0-dev  
    - libavcodec-dev 
    - libavformat-dev 
    - libswscale-dev  
    - libjpeg-dev
  • Leverage DevOps ~200 Ansible roles
  • Keep things readable understandable and maintainable
  • Offer more than Docker:
    • Container orchestration
    • Dev to Prod Framework

  > Gumref - Jenkins pipelines

pipeline {
    agent any

    stages {
        stage('PREPARE') {...}

        stage('BUILD') {...}

        stage('UNIT_TESTS') {...}

        stage('INTEGRATION_TESTS - Start up containers') {...}

        stage('INTEGRATION_TESTS - Run integration tests') {...}

        stage('INTEGRATION_TESTS - Shutdown containers') {...}

        stage('CREATE_RELEASE') {...}

        stage('DEPLOY_DEV') {...}

        stage('QA_DEV') {...}

        stage('DEPLOY_STAGING') {...}

        stage('QA_STAGING') {...}

        stage('OPS_SIGNING') {...}

        stage('DEPLOY_PROD') {...}
  • Pipeline definition is part of the application Git repository
  • They define the way the application should be continuously integrated and deployed
  • They can track and integrate multiple Git branches

Ops Team still working on Branching strategy and will figure out exactly what to do in the coming week with them

  > Gumref - AWS ecs infrastructure

Web Team

Image Science Team

Data Science Team

Application Load Balancers (ALB)

ECS Clusters







Route 53 DNS

target B

target A

target C

target D

target F

target E

  > Gumref - Demo

  1. Create a branch from the Jira ticket
    • Check what happened on Jenkins Team server
    • Check what happened on AWS
  2. Prove I am not cheeting :)
  3. Show important things from container.yml and roles
  4. Build the ansible-container project locally
  5. Run the ansible-container project in dev mode
    • ​​Explain how to install new dependencies
  6. Run the ansible-container project in prod mode
    • Explain the results
  7. Commit and push
  8. Merge back to dev stage and master

  > Thanks !

You've got the power Now !

GumRef - Code Pipelines with Docker, Ansible Container, Jenkinsfiles, AWS ECS

By Florian Dambrine

GumRef - Code Pipelines with Docker, Ansible Container, Jenkinsfiles, AWS ECS

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