The Presenter pattern in Rails



  • What are software patterns?
  • What is the presenter pattern?
  • Why is it used?
  • How is it implemented at LP?
  • Related patterns.

A design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem.

Why use design patterns?

1 We don't want to re-create the wheel.

2 Patterns are proven solutions.

3 Reduces coupling, increases cohesion.

4 Patterns make communication more efficient.

5 Avoid antipatterns (big ball of mud).

The real reason 4 patterns

Related software patterns

MVC (Model–view–controller)

Factory Pattern

Decorator Pattern

MVVM (Presenter Pattern)

Factory Pattern

Factory Pattern

// Types.js - Constructors used behind the scenes
// A constructor for defining new cars
function Car( options ) {
  // some defaults
  this.doors = options.doors || 4;
  this.state = options.state || "brand new";
  this.color = options.color || "silver";
// A constructor for defining new trucks
function Truck( options){
  this.state = options.state || "used";
  this.wheelSize = options.wheelSize || "large";
  this.color = options.color || "blue";
// FactoryExample.js
// Define a skeleton vehicle factory
function VehicleFactory() {}
// Define the prototypes and utilities for this factory
// Our default vehicleClass is Car
VehicleFactory.prototype.vehicleClass = Car;
// Our Factory method for creating new Vehicle instances
VehicleFactory.prototype.createVehicle = function ( options ) {
    case "car":
      this.vehicleClass = Car;
    case "truck":
      this.vehicleClass = Truck;
    //defaults to VehicleFactory.prototype.vehicleClass (Car)
  return new this.vehicleClass( options );
// Create an instance of our factory that makes cars
var carFactory = new VehicleFactory();
var car = carFactory.createVehicle( {
            vehicleType: "car",
            color: "yellow",
            doors: 6 } );
// Test to confirm our car was created using the vehicleClass/prototype Car
// Outputs: true
console.log( car instanceof Car );
// Outputs: Car object of color "yellow", doors: 6 in a "brand new" state
console.log( car );

Decorator Pattern

Decorator Pattern

var User = function(name) { = name;
    this.say = function() {
        log.add("User: " +;
var DecoratedUser = function(user, street, city) {
    this.user = user; =;  // ensures interface stays the same
    this.street = street; = city;
    this.say = function() {
        log.add("Decorated User: " + + ", " +
                   this.street + ", " +;
// logging helper
var log = (function() {
    var log = "";
    return {
        add: function(msg) { log += msg + "\n"; },
        show: function() { alert(log); log = ""; }
function run() {
    var user = new User("Kelly");
    var decorated = new DecoratedUser(user, "Broadway", "New York");

=   MVC

Mr. Waldorf chooses

Rails MVC + Presenter


MVC .... P?

Presenter Design Pattern

Presenter benefits

  • Testable view layer
  • Package data as the view likes it (formatting , aggregate model data)
  • Validate data + consolidate errors
  • Lean Views and Controllers
  • rails_helper.rb vs presenter?

Let's look at CODE


MV ?

By Gabriel Cziprusz

MV ?

Explaining the presenter pattern in Ruby on Rails.

  • 272