Civil vs Guerrilla

Civil War

  • war between rival factions of a country
  • develops over the disagreement of the direction, governmental system, or composition of a country.
  • the split can be ideological, regional, political, economic or religious
  • lack of a political system

Guerrilla War

  • war between irregular forces and established armies
  • tactical, strategic, and political goals are closely related
  • strategy varies depending on political goals, but most movements concentrate on national liberation
  • tactics rely on mobility and stealth

Spanish Civil War 1936-1939

  • Bullet One
  • Bullet Two
  • Bullet Three

The Angolan Civil War 1975-2002

  • Bullet One
  • Bullet Two
  • Bullet Three

The Algerian War of Independence 1954-1962

  • Bullet One
  • Bullet Two
  • Bullet Three

Cuban Revolution 1957-1959

  • Bullet One
  • Bullet Two
  • Bullet Three

Chinese Civil War 1922-1949

  • Bullet One
  • Bullet Two
  • Bullet Three


By gatescarolinel


  • 545