Cuba Before 1953

  • Widespread poverty
  • High unemployment
  • High volume of corruption; oppression by government (Batista seizes power in 1952)  
  • US controlled 75% of agriculture in Cuba 


  • Failed to use reform; he used brutal measures to control his people 
  • U.S. supported Batista intially, but then supported Castro
  • Batista was brutal toward rebels and lost the support of the public and the Catholic Church 

Castro's Rise to Power

  • Castro was a candidate for Congress in the Cuban People's Party
  • Castro and his brother Raul attempted to overthrow Batista by attacking the Moncada Army Barracks, but they failed and were sentenced to jail for fifteen years
  • fled to Mexico where they met Che Guevara 
  • sailed to Sierra Maestra and took over one town after the other (July 26th Movement, 1956
  • In the summer of 1958, over 1,000 of Batista's men had been killed or wounded
  • came to power January 1st, 1959 after Batista fled to the Dominican Republic 

Why was Castro successful in his bid to overthrow Batista? 


By gatescarolinel


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