GreenSock IDE Integration
Jack Doyle: Founder and Author of GSAP
Carl Schooff: Geek Ambassador
Innovating the GSAP API since 2006
Finding a strong IDE for GSAP coders
Workflow advantages of GSAP

Step 1: Layout all artwork in IDE
Step 2: Write some GSAP code for each panel

Step 3: Super smooth animation
Wide array of eases

Exclusive eases
repeat complex sequences
var animation = new TimelineMax({repeat:3, repeatDelay:2});
change duration of complex sequence
create staggered animations on multiple items
animation.staggerTo(".items", 1, {x:100}, 0.1);
staggered animation with alternating and
randomized values
Independent control of scale/rotation/position
(with unique eases)
Motion along a path (IE8+)
Advanced SVG Morphing
Zero file size cost!

Core Strengths of GSAP
It "just works"...everywhere!
Independent control of scale/rotation/position
Timeline architecture perfect for IDE integration
Runtime controls
More Strengths of GSAP
Popularity, especially in Ad industry
Plugin architecture
Support and documentation
Funded – not a side project or hobby
GreenSock IDE Integration
By GreenSock
GreenSock IDE Integration
- 1,905