Copyright, Creative Commons, EIFL
Presentation delivered at KULeuven, May 4 2016
Gwen Franck
Existing copyright regulation is not adapted to the reality of research practice in 2015
- multiple authors in different countries
- text & data mining
- citizen science
- various Open Access policies
- Wikipedia ...
- social media
- education
- translations
- civil society
- ...
Research does no longer exclusively happen behind university walls
All icons found on The Noun Project
And Civil Society has an
interest as well!
All icons found on The Noun Project
Alll research is meant to be consulted, reused, reproduced and built upon
Unfortunately, the reality often looks more like this ...
"No access" by Lukas Benc on Flickr, CC BY-ND
"Some rights reserved"
4 building blocks
Can be combined into 6 licenses
- Creative Commons is a tool, not a silver bullet: It cannot fix bad science.
- Correct citation is essential to conduct scientific research
- Incorrect citation and use of CC licensed materials is not only bad science, it is a copyright infringement
- If you license your own work with CC - you have a legal basis to demand that you are cited correctly
Accident ! by clement127 found on Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Citing CC licensed content
a little common sense goes a long way!
- attribution (BY) is obligatory: name of the author and name of the work (if available)
- link to the original source
- mention and link to the license/(c) status (You don't need to credit PD works)
- mention if you remix/adapt, link to the original version of the work
Don't forget:
"I am so confused" by Ian Sane on Flickr CC BY 2.0
Using a Creative Commons license makes it easy for creators to determine what can be done with their work and provides clarity and legal certainty for users -
in one click
- @g_fra
"Copyright, Creative Commons, EIFL" by Gwen Franck is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except otherwise noted.
Thank you!
Copyright, Creative Commons, EIFL
By gwen
Copyright, Creative Commons, EIFL
Delivered at KULeuven, May 4 2016
- 2,473