Enum in Scala
As a Result
sealed abstract class Status(val code: Int)
object Status {
case object OK extends Status(0)
case object NG extends Status(1)
case object RESERVE extends Status(2)
case object NA extends Status(9)
val values = Vector(OK, NG, RESERVE, NA)
def withName(s: String): Option[Status] = values.find(_.toString()==s)
def withCode(c: Int): Option[Status] = values.find(_.code==c)
I have to use int numbers for DB records like '0','1','2'...
It's old technology.
We should use the name of enums like 'OK','NG'...
First Question
Which is the best practice for Scala Enum?
I was supposed to talk about the rank of search result
Result of google Japanese version is so nice.
object DNA {
// objectで定義するとsingletonになる
case object A extends DNA(0)
case object C extends DNA(1)
case object G extends DNA(2)
case object T extends DNA(3)
case object N extends DNA(4)
// DNAの文字列をすべて並べる。
val values = Array(A, C, G, T, N)
// 用途によって別の集合を定義することもできる
val exceptN = Array(A, C, G, T)
private val codeTable = Array(A, C, G, T, N, N, N, N)
def complement(code:Int) : DNA = codeTable((~code & 0x03) | (code & 0x04))
// sealedを付けると、DNAを拡張したクラスはこのファイル内でしか定義できない
// abstractを付けると、DNAを拡張したクラスはA, C, G, T, N以外にないことを保証できるので
// match文がexhaustive(すべてのケースを網羅)になる
sealed abstrat class DNA(val code:Int) {
// A, C, G, T, Nをcase objectとすると、クラス名を表示するtoStringが実装される
val name = toString
// DNAクラスには自由にメソッドを定義できる
def complement = DNA.complement(code)
Useful but..
Unusable example. I always need like 'withName()' method.
def complement(code:Int) : DNA = codeTable((~code & 0x03) | (code & 0x04))
There are so many comments, I couldn't understand smoothly.
They are acceptable, the problem is next.
// Attenderエンティティ
case class Attender(name: String, status: Attender.Status = Attender.Status.Maybe) {
def attend = copy(status = Attender.Status.Going)
def absent = copy(status = Attender.Status.NotGoing)
object Attender {
// 列挙型の定義はここ
sealed abstract class Status
object Status {
case object Going extends Status
case object NotGoing extends Status
case object Maybe extends Status
val attender = Attender("Hidehito Nozawa")
It bothered me..
- The writer explain with sample code not only enums, but It made me more difficult to figure out that enum should be written.
- Does he use enum from one class? I confused.
- This page is googled upper than xerial.org/scala-cookbook and he quoted it. So I thought this is improved way of cookbook.
Second Question
def withName(s: String): Option[Status] = values.find(_.toString()==s)
Everytime finding in loop is not fast.
But it is not smart writing HashMap cache for every enum making.
val cache = HashMap[String,Status]()
def withName(s:String) = cache.getOrElse(s, find(_))
private[this] find(s:String) = {
val r = values.find(_.toString()==s))
For need efficiency, write cache like this?
Mutable HashMap or make all in initializer?
※Scala doesn't have Map#computeIfAbsent
Third Question
Which collection class I should use for enum values?
By hakaicode
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