DEV/Dev Ops News

Growing the  UK Dev team

Over the last couple of months we have been growing our UK Dev team members for the commercial and HMI dev teams.


The DEV team is split into 4 areas:

  1. Commercial - development for campaigns for local/int brands managed by Rez/Rob
  2. HMI - International development across the EU/Asia for MOS/Unity working closely with the NYC/DR dev teams managed by Bernardo/Dom Pascal
  3. ASDA - local EE projects managed by Francisco/Kuba
  4. Runners World - local EE project 



Floor News

New Desk Decorating Comp

Following a previous Town hall, the new desk theme as selected by our previous champions is Disney films.


The 'Frozen' theme has been selected for the DEV dept.


Batcave Meeting Room Rename Comp (Mar 17th cut off)

We are renaming the Bat cave in an effort to move away from the heavily dominated male names of the meeting rooms. Please send through your suggestions for name and designs before the next Town Hall, Thursday March 17th .  Voting will take place then.



  • The name must be a female comic book character.
  • You must include 2 window decal designs (or explain, google image search, etc. if you can’t use design software) like we have on Batman and Robin windows.



Next stage for tech ideas

There have been some great ideas that have come out of our tech catchups and on slack, so when we want to take this into the next stage like a POC, we are exploring the below process with product/project:


  1. Talk about the idea at tech catch ups and on slack
  2. Research/investigate the idea
  3. Business case and idea is presented to product/project (Joanna/Josina)
  4. Idea is added to the commercial/HMI roadmap if it fits within the prioritised projects for commercial/HMI Dev
  5. We start to develop a POC for this idea
  6. Idea requirements are defined/developed by Product/DEV and released like our other projects



I am noticing allot of absence for sickness across the DEV team and following conversations with HR we are going to try a new approach that includes:


  1. If you are feeling sick, you need to call your line manager 1 hour before you starting at work. For Commercial this is Rob and for HMI that would be me
  2. If you are sick and take the day off, this is not WFH
  3. WFH needs to be approved by the line manager before this is scheduled in timetastic
  4. After 6 days of for sickness, we will require a doctors note



DEV/Dev Ops News - Mar 2, 2016

By Hearst Magazines

DEV/Dev Ops News - Mar 2, 2016

EUHUB + News for DEV/QA

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