MediaOS DEV Training



  1. Overview of code architecture
  2. Setup of devBox instances  
  3. RAMS-ID and the setup of new users 
  4. Sandbox
  5. Git workflow + Code Review Process
  6. Setting up a new region theme
  7. Cheat sheet

Code Architecture

The MediaOS platform uses below codebase levels to create the CORE functionality in the CMS/Front-end and theming for each brand/region in the US and across the EUHUB.

For more info:








DevBox Setup

Using the HMI Dev Jenkins app and the AWS console, a full EC2 stack can be spun up with the below features. 


Please follow this tutorial to go through the spin-up process step-by-step:​



  • apache2
  • php54
  • memcached
  • mysql (client & server)
  • elasticsearch
  • imagemagick
  • phpunit
  • phpcs
  • composer
  • node
  • npm
  • grunt
  • ruby
  • sass
  • git flow

Jenkins settings

Use the below settings to setup a full stack EC2 instance, depending on which site/region you select jenkins will import the latest production DB with different release branches/versions for the CORE and themes 

Connecting to DevBox

After a devbox has been deployed via Jenkins, you can connect via SSH and mount the box to your local machine with SSH FS, similar to mounting a network drive.



  1. Pass your public SSH key ( and IP to HMI/HMUK web ops so they can add it to jenkins
  2. A your IP and key has been added to jenkins, run in ssh ec2-user@www-{env-id} in the command line
  3. Once connected navigate to /home/www to see the codebase



Mounting Devbox to local machine

Using SSHFS, a devbox can be mounted to your local machine to edit files on the devbox locally.


Creating CMS accounts

Using RAMS-ID, member accounts can be setup to access to multiple MediaOS sites in the US/EUHUB. Accounts are divided into the below 4 account types. For more info about specific permissions, please refer to :


  1. Admin
  2. Managing Editor
  3. Editor
  4. Contributor
  5. Front-end Only


Admin area:








URL structure


Within the CMS, the sandbox allows editorial to customise the home/section landing pages and top navigation menus.  


Features include:

  1. NavBar
  2. Top Pathing
  3. Custom promo for homepage,
  4. Pinned collection on home page
  5. Pinned content from must read on home page











More info here:







GIT workflow & code review


  1. Git flow installed (
  2. Public SSH key from local machine/devbox added to github account (



  1. Take JIRA ticket for development (
  2. Pull down the latest codebase from the develop branch with git pull origin develop
  3. Create a feature branch with git flow feature start {JIRA-ticket-no}-(feature-name}
  4. Publish feature to remote git repo so other developers can collaborate on the feature with git flow feature publish {JIRA-ticket-no}-(feature-name}
  5. Navigate to the repo on and create a pull request
  6. When development is complete, add a comment to the pull request and assigned to another developer for code review
  7. If the feature passes the code review, it is then passed over QA to test the feature on their devbox
  8. Once it has passed QA, it is then merged into the develop branch in preparation for a code release to the live site






More info:


Setting up a new theme

To create a country theme for a specific brand, pull down the theme repo and follow the below steps:


  1. Duplicate the "everything" folder in themes-{region}/sites and rename it what the site is
  2. Update the config file with that site's information
  3. Add in the favicon and apple touch icon to the images folder
  4. Add the logos and set which gets pulled in where in the config
  5. Create a fonts folder
  6. Upload all font files you want to use (make sure they are renamed to something that a human can read)
  7. Create a _font-faces.scss partial (you can look at any of the other sites to see the structure)


More info:

Editing SASS/JS templates


  1. Duplicate the "everything" folder in themes-{region}/sites and rename it what the site is
  2. Update the config file with that site's information
  3. Add in the favicon and apple touch icon to the images folder
  4. Add the logos and set which gets pulled in where in the config
  5. Create a fonts folder
  6. Upload all font files you want to use (make sure they are renamed to something that a human can read)
  7. Create a _font-faces.scss partial (you can look at any of the other sites to see the structure)

Cheat sheet

/* update DB on devbox */
cd /home/www/sites/cli; php Database.php migrations:migrate

/* clear cache on a page */

/* clear memcached layer to update the front-end */
sudo service memcached restart

/* bypass caching layer on the page */

/* display errors on the page */

/* compile grunt */
cd /www/sites; grunt build

/* download branches */
git fetch --all

/* checkout/change feature branch */
git checkout feature/{branch-name}

MediaOS Dev Training | Intro

By Hearst Magazines

MediaOS Dev Training | Intro

  • 1,690