Heling Deng
Arizona State University
- Primordial black holes
- PBHs from bubbles
- Gravitational waves from PBHs
- Conclusions
- Primordial black holes
- PBHs from bubbles
- Gravitational waves from PBHs
- Conclusions
Black Hole
A region of spacetime from which no particles can escape due to strong gravity
-- Prediction of the theory of general relativity
Can be formed by dying stars: astrophysical BHs with mass
Supermassive BHs were discovered at galactic centers with mass
which cannot be explained by astrophysical BHs
- Primordial black holes
- PBHs from bubbles
- Gravitational waves from PBHs
- Conclusions
Physics beyond the "standard model" at high energy
Phase transition in the early universe \(\to\) Bubbles
quantum tunneling
Fate of the bubble
Fate of the bubble
\(\Delta s^2\)= \(A^2(t,r)\Delta t^2 - B^2(t,r)\Delta r^2 - R^2(t,r)(\Delta \theta^2 + \sin\theta\Delta \phi^2)\)
Spherical spacetime (\(t,r,\theta,\phi\))
Radiation fluid: \(p=\frac{1}{3}\rho\)
Early stage of evolution of \(\rho \)
Evolution of \(\rho \) after BH formation (subcritical)
Evolution of \(\rho \) at late time (subcritical)
BH mass as a function of model parameters + Size distribution of bubbles\(\to\) BH mass distribution
\(\sim 10M_\odot\)
- Primordial black holes
- PBHs from bubbles
- Gravitational waves from PBHs
- Conclusions
Mass distribution of LIGO BHs
PBH binary
Event: \((m_1,m_2,z)\)
Mass distribution of LIGO BHs
A simple mass function
PBH mass function
Merger rate
Detection probability
Probability of each event \(p_i(m_1,m_2,z)\)
Likelihood of all LIGO events
Expected number of detection \(N_e\)
Mergers reaching earth today
Signals follow a Poisson process
Maximizing \(\mathcal{L}\) in a 4-parameter space
Is there a mechanism that can provide such a mass function?
- Primordial bubbles can be formed in the early universe due to phase transition
- Depending on their sizes after the big bang, bubbles can be classified into two categories: subcritical and supercritical, both leading to black hole formation
- PBH mass spectrum can range over many orders of magnitude
- With some parameter choices, these PBHs can account for SMBHs and black hole mergers observed by LIGO
PBHs from Primordial Bubbles
By Heling Deng
PBHs from Primordial Bubbles
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