Revisiting gravitational wave background from primordial black holes

Heling Deng

Arizona State University



  • Primordial black holes
  • PBH binary merger rate
  • Gravitational wave background from PBH mergers
  • Revisiting PBH binary merger rate


  • Primordial black holes
  • PBH binary merger rate
  • Gravitational wave background from PBH mergers
  • Revisiting PBH binary merger rate
M_\text{Pl} \newline \sim10^{-5}\ \rm g
M_\odot \newline \sim10^{33}\ \rm g


Supermassive black holes

LIGO black holes

Dark matter

\mathcal O (10\text{-} 100) \ M_\odot


Primordial black holes (PBHs)

\mathcal{O}(10^6 \text{-} 10^{10})M_\odot

Astrophysical BHs

Observational constraints of PBHs as DM

\(M_\odot\sim 10^{33}\ \text{g}\)


  • Primordial black holes
  • PBH binary merger rate
  • Gravitational wave background from PBH mergers
  • Revisiting PBH binary merger rate

PBH binary

PBH binary

Semi-major axis: \(a\)

Coalescence time given by Peters formula 

P. C. Peters, Phys. Rev. 136, B1224 (1964)

\(t_P \propto \frac{a^4}{M^3}(1-e^2)^{7/2}\)

Eccentricity: \(e\)

(~ Physical separation when binary forms)

PBH merger rate: \(P(a,e)\to P(t)\)


1603.08338, Sasaki, Suyama, Tanaka and Yokoyama


\(M=10M_\odot, f=0.1\% \to t_c\sim 10^{19}\ \text{s}\) 

\(M=100M_\odot, f=0.1\% \to t_c\sim 10^{17}\ \text{s}\)

\(t_c=10^{42}f^7\left(\frac{M}{M_\odot}\right)^{-5/3}\ \text{s}\), \(f\) is fraction of DM in PBHs

\(\log(\text{Merger event \# within Hubble time})\)

\(\log(\text{cosmic time})\)





  • Primordial black holes
  • PBH binary merger rate
  • Gravitational wave background from PBH mergers
  • Revisiting PBH binary merger rate

PBH binary


Peters formula 

\(t_P \propto \frac{a^4}{M^3}(1-e^2)^{7/2}\)

\(e \to 1, t_P \to 0?\)

Free-fall time: \(t_{ff}\sim \sqrt{\frac{a^3}{M}}\)

Coalescence time can be estimated by Peters formula only if \(t_P > t_{ff}\)

\(t\sim t_P+t_{ff}\)

Coalescence time should be

**Some PBH binaries were formed much later than previously expected**

**Effect significant for huge PBHs**


\(M=10^5M_\odot, f=0.1\% \to t_c\sim 10^{13}\ \text{s}\) 



\(\log(\text{Merger event \# within Hubble time})\)




  • Primordial black holes
  • PBH binary merger rate
  • Gravitational wave background from PBH mergers
  • Revisiting PBH binary merger rate

1903.05924, Wang, Terada and Kohri

Examples of \(\Omega_{GW}\) from PBH mergers (small PBHs)

\(\Omega_{GW}\) has a peak near \(\nu \sim 10^4(M/M_\odot)^{-1}\ \text{Hz}\)

GWB from PBH mergers

Examples of \(\Omega_{GW}\) from PBH mergers taking into account the "free-fall time" effect

More stringent constraints on PBH abundance if we don’t see GWB in the future 

GWB from PBH mergers

Observational constraints of PBHs as DM

\(M_\odot\sim 10^{33}\ \text{g}\)

Observational constraints of large PBHs as DM


  • Peters formula underestimates merger rate of large PBHs
  • GWB spectrum for mergers of PBHs with \(M>10^5M_\odot\) develops an extra peak
  • If future missions do not see such a background, the fraction of dark matter in PBHs is constrained to \(f < 10^{−6} \text{-}10^{−4}\) for \(M\sim10\text{-}10^9M_\odot\)

PBH binary

Peters formula: \(t\propto\frac{x^{37}}{y^{21}} \to x\propto\left(\frac{y^{21}}{t}\right)^{1/37}\)


  • \(x<f^{1/3}\bar{x}\) -- ensure the binary is formed during the radiation era
  • \(y<\bar{x}\) -- probability that two PBHs with separation > \(\bar{x}\) is exponentially suppressed

curves with constant \(t\)

Integration largely determined by \(y_{max}\)




\(P(t)\propto\int x^2y^2|\frac{\text{d}x}{\text{d}t}|\text{d}y\)

PBH binary

\(P(t)\propto\int x^2y^2|\frac{\text{d}x}{\text{d}t}|\text{d}y\)




\(\left(\frac{t}{t_c}\right)^{-1/7},\ t > t_c\)

\(\left(\frac{t}{t_c}\right)^{3/37},\ t < t_c\)

where \(t_c\sim 10^{42}f^7\left(\frac{M}{M_\odot}\right)^{-5/3}\ \text{s}\)

curves with constant \(t\)





1603.08338, Sasaki, Suyama, Tanaka and Yokoyama


\(M=10M_\odot, f=0.1\% \to t_c\sim 10^{19}\ \text{s}\) 

\(M=100M_\odot, f=0.1\% \to t_c\sim 10^{17}\ \text{s}\)

Peters formula: \(t\propto\frac{x^{37}}{y^{21}} \to x\propto\left(\frac{y^{21}}{t}\right)^{1/37}\)

PBH binary

Peters formula: \(t= t_P(x,y) \to x=F(y)\)

curves with constant \(t\)

Integration largely determined by \(y_{max}\)




\(P(t)\propto\int x^2y^2|\frac{\text{d}x}{\text{d}t}|\text{d}y\)

PBH binary

\(t= t_P+t_{ff} = \frac{3\rho^4}{170M^7}\frac{x^{37}}{y^{21}} + \frac{\rho^{3/2}}{M^2}x^6\)

\(\to y\propto\left(\frac{x^{37}}{M^2\rho^{-3/2}t-x^6}\right)^{1/21}\)

Integration largely determined by \(y_{max}\)


**PBH binaries could have a significantly larger merger rate "at some point" than previously expected**

\(P(t)\propto\int x^2y^2|\frac{\text{d}x}{\text{d}t}|\text{d}y\)

Peters formula: \(t\propto\frac{x^{37}}{y^{21}} \to x\propto\left(\frac{y^{21}}{t}\right)^{1/37}\)

PBH binary

free-fall time

Hubble time

When do two neighboring PBHs decouple from Hubble flow?


free fall time should grow slower than Hubble time


binary should form during the radiation era

PBH binary



At dust-radiation equality (\(z_{eq}\sim3000\))

\(\rho\) -- dark matter density

\(M\) -- PBH mass

\(f\) -- fraction of dark matter in PBHs

\(\to\) \(n\sim \bar{x}^{-3} \sim\frac{f\rho}{M}\)

  • \(\bar{x}\) -- average physical separation between two PBHs
  • \({x}\) -- physical distance between two neighboring PBHs without Newton
  • \(y\) -- physical distance from the third nearby PBH to the binary

For a random PBH, the probability that a second BH is at \((x, x+\text{d}x)\) and a third BH is at \((y, y+\text{d}y)\) is

\(P(x,y)\text{d}x\text{d}y\propto x^2y^2\text{d}x\text{d}y\)



PBH binary

\(\to\) For a random PBH, the probability that a merger occurs at \((t, t+\text{d}t)\) is

\(P(t)\text{d}t\propto\int x^2y^2|\frac{\text{d}x}{\text{d}t}|\text{d}y\text{d}t\)

Peters formula: \(t\propto\frac{x^{37}}{y^{21}} \to x\propto\left(\frac{y^{21}}{t}\right)^{1/37}\)

GWB from PBH mergers

\(\Omega_{GW}(\nu_d)=\frac{\nu_d}{\rho_c}\int N(z)\frac{\text{d}E_{GW}(\nu_s)}{\text{d}\nu_s}\text{d}z\)

  • \(N(z)\text{d}z\) -- comoving number density of events at \((z,z+\text{d}z)\)
  • \(\nu_d \ (\nu_s)\) -- GW frequency in detector (source)
  • \(\frac{\text{d}E_{GW}(\nu_s)}{\text{d}\nu_s}\) -- GW energy spectrum from a single event

For PBH merger:

\(\frac{\text{d}E_{GW}(\nu_s)}{\text{d}\nu_s}\) from numerical work

\(N(z)\) from \(P(t)\)


By Heling Deng


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