Not gonna talk about facades
They're an antipattern
...and I need to clean up some code I have that uses them...
...and on-the-fly facades are some level 70 autoloader voodoo.
Binding classes
bind() (or singleton() for shared classes)
- null second param copies first param (for setting a class to be bound as a singleton)
- bindIf() - bind if not bound
- offsetSet($k, $v), __set() - bind(), wrap $v in a closure returning $v if it isn't a closure already
Contextual Binding
- when()->needs()->give()
- addContextualBinding($concrete, $abstract, $impl)
- instance() - Provide an already-instantiated class as the destination of a dependency
- forgetInstance($abstract) + forgetInstances() exist
Binding classes, Part 2
- Binding checks
- bound/has/offsetExists() - bindings, instances, aliases
- resolved() - resolved, instances, aliases
- getBindings()
- Tags
- tag() - assign an identifier to one or more tags
- tagged() - iterable of resolved deps assigned to a tag
- Aliases
- alias() - Map a concrete class name to an interface
- getAlias() - Returns the mapping set by alias()
Binding classes, Part 3
- extend() - Wrap a dep in a closure($dep, $container)
- forgetExtenders($abstract) exists
- Rebinding
- rebinding($abstract, $cb) - call $cb($instance, $container) any time $abstract is rebound
- refresh($abstract, $target, $method) - call $method on $target with $instance as a param on-rebind
- offsetUnset($k) drops from bindings/instances/resolved
- flush() drops all bindings/aliases/resolved classes
Resolving Classes
- make($abstract, $params) allows param overrides
- makeWith() is the same as make()
- offsetGet(), __get() are the same as single-arg make()
- factory($abstract) returns a Closure that calls make()
- get($abstract) is a PSR-11 compliant (exceptions) make()
- Events - can be global or specific to an abstract
- Global callbacks in a group are fired first
- $callback($instance, $container)
- Return value is unused
- resolving()
- afterResolving() - fired immediately after resolving()
get ready for some Reflection
Method bindings
- bindMethod($method, $callback)
- $method can be Class@method or array-style
- hasMethodBinding()
- callMethodBinding($method, $instance)
- $instance is first param passed to the bound method
- Container is second
injecting callables with call() and BoundMethod::call()
You can also curry closures with wrap($closure, $params = [])
Static Methods
- getInstance()
- setInstance()
- getClosure() returned function uses resolve() with on-resolve callbacks turned off (an ability itself added in 5.8) instead of make()
- tagged() iteratively builds bindings instead of building an array all at once (using a RewindableGenerator, which is now included in the package)
- Trying to alias a thing to itself is now caught on alias() rather than waiting until getAlias()
- Various docblock fixes
Thanks! QUestions?
Slides: (and I'm @iansltx)
A Look Inside the Illuminate Container - Laravel Austin March 2019
By Ian Littman
A Look Inside the Illuminate Container - Laravel Austin March 2019
- 1,549