Styleguides, Atomic Design, Pattern Lab Done Quick

Christopher Bloom, Phase2 Technology

"Digital Styleguides"

Standardized Components + Living Style Guide = Brand Extension & Consistency

  • Documentation of design system
  • Cost and time savings when designing additional pages
  • A “shelf” of reusable components. Searchable, auditable. Brings discipline to development
  • Establish conventions within the site for a better experience

The How

  • Break designs down into: Atoms, Molecules, Organisms, Templates, Pages
  • Mental framework for design
  • Process and discipline at the design level that carries forward to the implementation
  • Order and process brought to design for use in technical platforms

The How (continued)

Pattern Lab

  • Program to enforce Atomic Design at the HTML, CSS, Javascript level
  • Robust interface to navigate all components of a design
  • The actual, delivered styleguide as a fully  qualified website
  • Lives beside (and shares all assets with)  the final implementation (Drupal)

"Pattern Lab is a living styleguide, component library, and prototyping tool all in one."


Atomic Design

By Christopher Bloom

Atomic Design

  • 3,081