Tiziana Mancinelli
Corso di Iformatica per gli studi umanistici 2018
BIFLOW PROJECT – Bilingualism in Florentine and Tuscan Works
(ca. 1260- ca. 1416)
ERC-2014-Starting Grant – 637533
P.I. Prof. Antonio Montefusco
The first goal of the BIFLOW project is to achieve a full catalogue of the texts, codices and manuscript transmissions of the translation corpora between 1260 - 1412 in Europe.
Since this will be the first tool conceived for the study of multilingualism in a medieval context, it may in turn serve as model for the study of other European areas.
BIFLOW PROJECT – Bilingualism in Florentine and Tuscan Works
(ca. 1260- ca. 1416)
ERC-2014-Starting Grant – 637533
P.I. Prof. Antonio Montefusco
The catalogue will address the following data:
Modelling the catalogue:
Modelling the catalogue:
Latin document
By Tiziana Mancinelli