Matched-filtering Techniques

& Deep Neural Networks

—— Application for Gravitational-wave Astronomy

He Wang (王赫)

Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS

Member of KAGRA collaboration

Apache MXNet Day, 10:01 AM PST on December 14th^\text{th}, 2020 /


  • Gravitational-wave (GW) Astronomy
  • Challenges & Opportunities
  • Motivation
  • Matched-filtering Convolutional Neural Network (MFCNN)
  • Lessons Learned

Gravitational Wave

from binary black hole merges

  • 100 years from Einstein's prediction to the first LIGO-Virgo detection (GW150914) announcement in 2016.
  • General relativity: "Spacetime tells matter how to move, and matter tells spacetime how to curve."
  • Time-varying quadrupolar mass distributions lead to propagating ripples in spacetime: GWs.

Gravitational-wave Astronomy

LIGO Hanford (H1)

LIGO Livingston (L1)


  • Advanced LIGO observing since 2015 (two detectors in US), joined by Virgo (Italy) in 2017 and KAGRA (Japan) in Japan in 2020.
  • Best GW hunter in the range 10Hz-10kHz.

Challenges in GW Data Analysis

  • Event GW150914
    • On September 14th, 2015: GWs from two ~30 solar mass black holes (BHs), merging ~400Mpc from Earth (z~0.1), crossed the two LIGO detectors displacing their test masses by a small fraction of the radius of a proton.
    • Measuring intervals must be smaller than 0.01 seconds.

Credit: LIGO

  • Noise in the detector
    • The actual data from the detector is shown in gray.
    • The noise is much louder (~100x) than the expected signals
      in red, green and blue. (BHs with spinning/non-spining and two neutron stars)
    • It's non-Gaussian and non-stationary that containing anomalous non-Gaussian transients, known as glitches.

Challenges in GW Data Analysis

Noise power spectral density (one-sided)

  • Matched-filtering Technique
    • It is an optimal linear filter for weak signals buried in Gaussian and stationary noise n(t)n(t).
    • Works by correlating a known signal model h(t)h(t) (template) with the data.
    • Starting with data: d(t)=h(t)+n(t)d(t) = h(t) + n(t).
    • Defining the matched-filtering SNR ρ(t)\rho(t):




  • The 4-D search parameter space in the first observation run covered by a template bank to circular binaries for which the spin of the systems is aligned (or antialigned) with the orbital angular momentum of the binary.
  • ~250,000 template waveforms are used (computationally expansive).

The template that best matches GW150914 event

hh=40h~(f)h~(f)Sn(f)df\langle h|h \rangle = 4\int^\infty_0\frac{\tilde{h}(f)\tilde{h}^*(f)}{S_n(f)}df
\langle h|h \rangle = 4\int^\infty_0\frac{\tilde{h}(f)\tilde{h}^*(f)}{S_n(f)}df
dh(t)=40d~(f)h~(f)Sn(f)e2πiftdf\langle d|h \rangle (t) = 4\int^\infty_0\frac{\tilde{d}(f)\tilde{h}^*(f)}{S_n(f)}e^{2\pi ift}df
\langle d|h \rangle (t) = 4\int^\infty_0\frac{\tilde{d}(f)\tilde{h}^*(f)}{S_n(f)}e^{2\pi ift}df
ρ2(t)1hhdh(t)2\rho^2(t)\equiv\frac{1}{\langle h|h \rangle}|\langle d|h \rangle(t)|^2
\rho^2(t)\equiv\frac{1}{\langle h|h \rangle}|\langle d|h \rangle(t)|^2




Proof-of-principle studies

Production search studies


More related works, see Survey4GWML (

  • When machine & deep learning meets GW astronomy:
    • Covering more parameter-space (Interpolation)
    • Automatic generalization to new sources (Extrapolation)
    • Resilience to real non-Gaussian noise  (Robustness)

    • Acceleration of existing pipelines (Speed, <0.1ms)


Opportunities in GW Data Analysis

Stimulated background noises

Attempts on Real LIGO Noise

A specific design of the architecture is needed.


Feature extraction

Convolutional neural network (ConvNet or CNN)

  • CNNs always works pretty good on stimulated noises.
  • However, when on real noises from LIGO, this approach does not work that well.
  • It's too sensitive against the background + hard to find GW events)

Attempts on Real LIGO Noise

  • CNNs always works pretty good on stimulated noises.
  • However, when on real noises from LIGO, this approach does not work that well.
  • It's too sensitive against the background + hard to find GW events)

A specific design of the architecture is needed.


Feature extraction

Convolutional neural network (ConvNet or CNN)






Feature extraction

Convolutional neural network (ConvNet or CNN)

  • With the closely related concepts between the templates and kernels , we attempt to address a question of:

Matched-filtering (cross-correlation with the templates) can be regarded as a convolutional layer with a set of predefined kernels.

>> Is it matched-filtering ?
>> Wait, It can be matched-filtering!
  • In practice, we use matched filters as an essential component of feature extraction in the first part of the CNN for GW detection.

Matched-filtering CNNs (MFCNN)

Sn(f)S_n(|f|) is the one-sided average PSD of d(t)d(t)



Time domain

Frequency domain



hh=40h~(f)h~(f)Sn(f)df\langle h|h \rangle = 4\int^\infty_0\frac{\tilde{h}(f)\tilde{h}^*(f)}{S_n(f)}df
\langle h|h \rangle = 4\int^\infty_0\frac{\tilde{h}(f)\tilde{h}^*(f)}{S_n(f)}df
dh(t)=40d~(f)h~(f)Sn(f)e2πiftdf\langle d|h \rangle (t) = 4\int^\infty_0\frac{\tilde{d}(f)\tilde{h}^*(f)}{S_n(f)}e^{2\pi ift}df
\langle d|h \rangle (t) = 4\int^\infty_0\frac{\tilde{d}(f)\tilde{h}^*(f)}{S_n(f)}e^{2\pi ift}df
ρ2(t)1hhdh(t)2\rho^2(t)\equiv\frac{1}{\langle h|h \rangle}|\langle d|h \rangle(t)|^2
\rho^2(t)\equiv\frac{1}{\langle h|h \rangle}|\langle d|h \rangle(t)|^2
hh[hˉ(t)hˉ(t)]t=0\langle h|h \rangle \sim [\bar{h}(t) \ast \bar{h}(-t)]|_{t=0}
\langle h|h \rangle \sim [\bar{h}(t) \ast \bar{h}(-t)]|_{t=0}
dh(t)dˉ(t)hˉ(t)\langle d|h \rangle (t) \sim \,\bar{d}(t)\ast\bar{h}(-t)
\langle d|h \rangle (t) \sim \,\bar{d}(t)\ast\bar{h}(-t)
Snˉ(t)=+Sn1/2(f)e2πiftdf\bar{S_n}(t)=\int^{+\infty}_{-\infty}S_n^{-1/2}(f)e^{2\pi ift}df
\bar{S_n}(t)=\int^{+\infty}_{-\infty}S_n^{-1/2}(f)e^{2\pi ift}df
{dˉ(t)=d(t)Sˉn(t)hˉ(t)=h(t)Sˉn(t)\left\{\begin{matrix} \bar{d}(t) = d(t) * \bar{S}_n(t) \\ \bar{h}(t) = h(t) * \bar{S}_n(t) \end{matrix}\right.
\left\{\begin{matrix} \bar{d}(t) = d(t) * \bar{S}_n(t) \\ \bar{h}(t) = h(t) * \bar{S}_n(t) \end{matrix}\right.
x~1(f)x~2(f)e2πiftdf=x1(t)x2(t)\int\tilde{x}_1(f) \cdot \tilde{x}_2(f) e^{2\pi ift}df= x_1(t)*x_2(t)
\int\tilde{x}_1(f) \cdot \tilde{x}_2(f) e^{2\pi ift}df= x_1(t)*x_2(t)
x1(t)x2(t)=x1(t)x2(t)x_1(t)*x_2^*(-t) = x_1(t)\star x_2(t)
x_1(t)*x_2^*(-t) = x_1(t)\star x_2(t)
x~1(f)x~2(f)e2πiftdf=x1(t)x2(t)\int\tilde{x}_1(f) \cdot \tilde{x}^*_2(f) e^{2\pi ift}df= x_1(t)\star x_2(t)
\int\tilde{x}_1(f) \cdot \tilde{x}^*_2(f) e^{2\pi ift}df= x_1(t)\star x_2(t)
  • Transform matched-filtering method from frequency domain to time domain.
  • The square of matched-filtering SNR for a given data d(t)=n(t)+h(t)d(t) = n(t)+h(t):

Matched-filtering CNNs (MFCNN)

Sn(f)S_n(|f|) is the one-sided average PSD of d(t)d(t)



Time domain

Frequency domain



hh=40h~(f)h~(f)Sn(f)df\langle h|h \rangle = 4\int^\infty_0\frac{\tilde{h}(f)\tilde{h}^*(f)}{S_n(f)}df
\langle h|h \rangle = 4\int^\infty_0\frac{\tilde{h}(f)\tilde{h}^*(f)}{S_n(f)}df
dh(t)=40d~(f)h~(f)Sn(f)e2πiftdf\langle d|h \rangle (t) = 4\int^\infty_0\frac{\tilde{d}(f)\tilde{h}^*(f)}{S_n(f)}e^{2\pi ift}df
\langle d|h \rangle (t) = 4\int^\infty_0\frac{\tilde{d}(f)\tilde{h}^*(f)}{S_n(f)}e^{2\pi ift}df
ρ2(t)1hhdh(t)2\rho^2(t)\equiv\frac{1}{\langle h|h \rangle}|\langle d|h \rangle(t)|^2
\rho^2(t)\equiv\frac{1}{\langle h|h \rangle}|\langle d|h \rangle(t)|^2
hh[hˉ(t)hˉ(t)]t=0\langle h|h \rangle \sim [\bar{h}(t) \ast \bar{h}(-t)]|_{t=0}
\langle h|h \rangle \sim [\bar{h}(t) \ast \bar{h}(-t)]|_{t=0}
dh(t)dˉ(t)hˉ(t)\langle d|h \rangle (t) \sim \,\bar{d}(t)\ast\bar{h}(-t)
\langle d|h \rangle (t) \sim \,\bar{d}(t)\ast\bar{h}(-t)
Snˉ(t)=+Sn1/2(f)e2πiftdf\bar{S_n}(t)=\int^{+\infty}_{-\infty}S_n^{-1/2}(f)e^{2\pi ift}df
\bar{S_n}(t)=\int^{+\infty}_{-\infty}S_n^{-1/2}(f)e^{2\pi ift}df
{dˉ(t)=d(t)Sˉn(t)hˉ(t)=h(t)Sˉn(t)\left\{\begin{matrix} \bar{d}(t) = d(t) * \bar{S}_n(t) \\ \bar{h}(t) = h(t) * \bar{S}_n(t) \end{matrix}\right.
\left\{\begin{matrix} \bar{d}(t) = d(t) * \bar{S}_n(t) \\ \bar{h}(t) = h(t) * \bar{S}_n(t) \end{matrix}\right.
x~1(f)x~2(f)e2πiftdf=x1(t)x2(t)\int\tilde{x}_1(f) \cdot \tilde{x}_2(f) e^{2\pi ift}df= x_1(t)*x_2(t)
\int\tilde{x}_1(f) \cdot \tilde{x}_2(f) e^{2\pi ift}df= x_1(t)*x_2(t)
x1(t)x2(t)=x1(t)x2(t)x_1(t)*x_2^*(-t) = x_1(t)\star x_2(t)
x_1(t)*x_2^*(-t) = x_1(t)\star x_2(t)
x~1(f)x~2(f)e2πiftdf=x1(t)x2(t)\int\tilde{x}_1(f) \cdot \tilde{x}^*_2(f) e^{2\pi ift}df= x_1(t)\star x_2(t)
\int\tilde{x}_1(f) \cdot \tilde{x}^*_2(f) e^{2\pi ift}df= x_1(t)\star x_2(t)
  • Transform matched-filtering method from frequency domain to time domain.
  • The square of matched-filtering SNR for a given data d(t)=n(t)+h(t)d(t) = n(t)+h(t):
  • In the 1-D convolution (*) on Apache MXNet, given input data with shape [batch size, channel, length] :
output[n,i,:]=j=0channelinput[n,j,:]weight[i,j,:]output[n, i, :] = \sum^{channel}_{j=0} input[n,j,:] \ast weight[i,j,:]
output[n, i, :] = \sum^{channel}_{j=0} input[n,j,:] \ast weight[i,j,:]

FYI:       N=(NK+2P)/S+1N_\ast = \lfloor(N-K+2P)/S\rfloor+1

(A schematic illustration for a unit of convolution layer)

Matched-filtering CNNs (MFCNN)

Sn(f)S_n(|f|) is the one-sided average PSD of d(t)d(t)



Time domain

Frequency domain



hh=40h~(f)h~(f)Sn(f)df\langle h|h \rangle = 4\int^\infty_0\frac{\tilde{h}(f)\tilde{h}^*(f)}{S_n(f)}df
\langle h|h \rangle = 4\int^\infty_0\frac{\tilde{h}(f)\tilde{h}^*(f)}{S_n(f)}df
dh(t)=40d~(f)h~(f)Sn(f)e2πiftdf\langle d|h \rangle (t) = 4\int^\infty_0\frac{\tilde{d}(f)\tilde{h}^*(f)}{S_n(f)}e^{2\pi ift}df
\langle d|h \rangle (t) = 4\int^\infty_0\frac{\tilde{d}(f)\tilde{h}^*(f)}{S_n(f)}e^{2\pi ift}df
ρ2(t)1hhdh(t)2\rho^2(t)\equiv\frac{1}{\langle h|h \rangle}|\langle d|h \rangle(t)|^2
\rho^2(t)\equiv\frac{1}{\langle h|h \rangle}|\langle d|h \rangle(t)|^2
hh[hˉ(t)hˉ(t)]t=0\langle h|h \rangle \sim [\bar{h}(t) \ast \bar{h}(-t)]|_{t=0}
\langle h|h \rangle \sim [\bar{h}(t) \ast \bar{h}(-t)]|_{t=0}
dh(t)dˉ(t)hˉ(t)\langle d|h \rangle (t) \sim \,\bar{d}(t)\ast\bar{h}(-t)
\langle d|h \rangle (t) \sim \,\bar{d}(t)\ast\bar{h}(-t)
Snˉ(t)=+Sn1/2(f)e2πiftdf\bar{S_n}(t)=\int^{+\infty}_{-\infty}S_n^{-1/2}(f)e^{2\pi ift}df
\bar{S_n}(t)=\int^{+\infty}_{-\infty}S_n^{-1/2}(f)e^{2\pi ift}df
{dˉ(t)=d(t)Sˉn(t)hˉ(t)=h(t)Sˉn(t)\left\{\begin{matrix} \bar{d}(t) = d(t) * \bar{S}_n(t) \\ \bar{h}(t) = h(t) * \bar{S}_n(t) \end{matrix}\right.
\left\{\begin{matrix} \bar{d}(t) = d(t) * \bar{S}_n(t) \\ \bar{h}(t) = h(t) * \bar{S}_n(t) \end{matrix}\right.
x~1(f)x~2(f)e2πiftdf=x1(t)x2(t)\int\tilde{x}_1(f) \cdot \tilde{x}_2(f) e^{2\pi ift}df= x_1(t)*x_2(t)
\int\tilde{x}_1(f) \cdot \tilde{x}_2(f) e^{2\pi ift}df= x_1(t)*x_2(t)
x1(t)x2(t)=x1(t)x2(t)x_1(t)*x_2^*(-t) = x_1(t)\star x_2(t)
x_1(t)*x_2^*(-t) = x_1(t)\star x_2(t)
x~1(f)x~2(f)e2πiftdf=x1(t)x2(t)\int\tilde{x}_1(f) \cdot \tilde{x}^*_2(f) e^{2\pi ift}df= x_1(t)\star x_2(t)
\int\tilde{x}_1(f) \cdot \tilde{x}^*_2(f) e^{2\pi ift}df= x_1(t)\star x_2(t)
  • Transform matched-filtering method from frequency domain to time domain.
  • The square of matched-filtering SNR for a given data d(t)=n(t)+h(t)d(t) = n(t)+h(t):

Apache MXNet Framework

modulo-N circular convolution

Matched-filtering CNNs (MFCNN)

  • The structure of MFCNN:



Matched-filtering CNNs (MFCNN)


  • The structure of MFCNN:
C0=argmaxCρ[1,C,N],N0=argmaxNdh[1,C0,N]C_0 = \mathop{\arg\max}_{C}\rho[1,C,N] \,,\\ N_0 = \mathop{\arg\max}_{N} \,\langle d \mid h\rangle[1,C_0,N]
C_0 = \mathop{\arg\max}_{C}\rho[1,C,N] \,,\\ N_0 = \mathop{\arg\max}_{N} \,\langle d \mid h\rangle[1,C_0,N]
  • In the meanwhile, we can obtain the optimal time N0N_0 (relative to the input) of feature response of matching by recording the location of the maxima value corresponding to the optimal template C0C_0.


Matched-filtering CNNs (MFCNN)

  • The structure of MFCNN:


C0=argmaxCρ[1,C,N],N0=argmaxNdh[1,C0,N]C_0 = \mathop{\arg\max}_{C}\rho[1,C,N] \,,\\ N_0 = \mathop{\arg\max}_{N} \,\langle d \mid h\rangle[1,C_0,N]
C_0 = \mathop{\arg\max}_{C}\rho[1,C,N] \,,\\ N_0 = \mathop{\arg\max}_{N} \,\langle d \mid h\rangle[1,C_0,N]
  • In the meanwhile, we can obtain the optimal time N0N_0 (relative to the input) of feature response of matching by recording the location of the maxima value corresponding to the optimal template C0C_0.


import mxnet as mx
from mxnet import nd, gluon
from loguru import logger

def MFCNN(fs, T, C, ctx, template_block, margin, learning_rate=0.003):
    logger.success('Loading MFCNN network!')
    net = gluon.nn.Sequential()         
    with net.name_scope():
        net.add(MatchedFilteringLayer(mod=fs*T, fs=fs,
        net.add(CutHybridLayer(margin = margin))
        net.add(Conv2D(channels=16, kernel_size=(1, 3), activation='relu'))
        net.add(MaxPool2D(pool_size=(1, 4), strides=2))
        net.add(Conv2D(channels=32, kernel_size=(1, 3), activation='relu'))    
        net.add(MaxPool2D(pool_size=(1, 4), strides=2))
	# Initialize parameters of all layers
    net.initialize(mx.init.Xavier(magnitude=2.24), ctx=ctx, force_reinit=True)
    return net

Lessons Learned


  •  Some benefits from MF-CNN architecture for GW detection:
    • Simple configuration for GW data generation and almost no data pre-processing.
    • It works on a non-stationary background.
    • Easy parallel deployments, multiple detectors can benefit a lot from this design.
    • Efficient searching with a fixed window.
  • Dr. Chris Messenger (University of Glasgow):
    “For me, it seems completely obvious that all data analysis will be ML in 5-10 years".
  • The main understanding of the algorithms for DL community:
    • GW templates are used as likely known features for recognition.
    • Generalization of both matched-filtering and neural networks.
    • Linear filtering (i.e. matched-filtering) in signal processing can be rewritten as deep neural networks (i.e. CNNs).
    • Rethinking the structure of neural networks? (data flow vs. weight flow)

Lessons Learned


  •  Some benefits from MF-CNN architecture for GW detection:
    • Simple configuration for GW data generation and almost no data pre-processing.
    • It works on a non-stationary background.
    • Easy parallel deployments, multiple detectors can benefit a lot from this design.
    • Efficient searching with a fixed window.
  • Dr. Chris Messenger (University of Glasgow):
    “For me, it seems completely obvious that all data analysis will be ML in 5-10 years".
  • The main understanding of the algorithms for DL community:
    • GW templates are used as likely known features for recognition.
    • Generalization of both matched-filtering and neural networks.
    • Linear filtering (i.e. matched-filtering) in signal processing can be rewritten as deep neural networks (i.e. CNNs).
    • Rethinking the structure of neural networks? (data flow vs. weight flow)
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Matched-filtering Techniques & Deep Neural Networks

By He Wang

Matched-filtering Techniques & Deep Neural Networks

Apache MXNet Day, 10:01 AM PST on December 14th, 2020

  • 1,240