salvēte comitēs!

(hi friends!)

salvē comes!

(hi friend!)

Gradus Latīnus Prīmus


Colloquia III minūta

  • Describe your day using the verbs "ambulare," "laborare," and "dormire." Share your experiences with a partner.
  • Imagine you live on an "insula." Discuss with a partner what your daily life might be like, and how it might be different from living in an "urbs."
  • Talk about your favorite activities and hobbies, using the verbs "legere," "spectare," and "pugnare." Compare your interests with a partner.
  • Discuss a journey you took with a partner. Use the words "iter," "venire," and "appropinquare" in your conversation.
  • Share a funny story about a "puer" or "puella" with a partner. Incorporate the verbs "ridere," "currere," and "clamare" in your narrative.
  • Have a conversation about a recent "epistula" (letter) you received or sent. Use the verbs "rogare," "narrare," and "laudare" to describe its content.
  • Discuss the importance of family with a partner. Use words such as "pater," "mater," "frater," "filius," and "filia" in your conversation.
  • Talk about a recent celebration or event you attended. Use words like "dies," "templum," and "domus" to describe the setting, and verbs such as "dico," "venio," and "maneo" to explain what happened during the event.
  • Share a dream you had with a partner. Use words like "nox," "somnium," and "horror" to describe the dream, and verbs such as "effugere," "teneo," and "timeo" to explain your feelings and actions in the dream.
  • Discuss your favorite foods and drinks with a partner. Use words like "cibus," "vinum," and "aqua," and verbs such as "edere," "bibere," and "vendere" in your conversation.

Fābulae Datīvae

  • Axel īnsulae appropinquat. Īnsula tradit rem familiae. Familia vīnum canibus dat. Puellae canis clāmat.
  • Puella puerō cantat. Puer canī appropinquat. Canī televisificō labōrat. Televisificum puellae respondet.
  • Ego negōtiātōrī labōrō. negōtiātor dēbet pecūniam Axelī. Axel mātrī vendēbat tua māla. māter patrī appropinquat.
  • Ego legō patrī. pater fīliō trādēbat vīnum. fīlius patrī clamat. pater dat māla mātrī.
  • Puella legi mātrī. Māter respondet puellae. puella labōrat nōbīs. nōs clāmāmus tuae mātrī. māter gymnasiō appropinquat.
  • Ego laborō frātrī. meus frāter dat cibum patrī. pater cantat puellae. puella rīdet amīcō. 
  • ego placeō mātrī. māter Lawsōnī respondet. Lawson parvīs equīs rīdet. Equī laborant mātrī. māter vendit cibum fīli

Colloquia III minūta

  • Quis est tuus amīcus optimus? Cūr?
  • Quid facis cum amīcīs tuis? (What do you do with your friends?)
  • Quid vīs esse cum magnus es? (What do you want to be when you grow up?)
  • Quid puer Rōmānus facit in forō? (What does the Roman boy do in the forum?)
  • Quid ōlim in urbe accidit? (What happened once in the city?)
  • Dēscribe tuam domum. (Describe your house.)
  • Nārrā quid in templō vīdistī. (Tell what you saw in the temple.)
  • Quid geris in labōre tuō? (What do you do at your job?)
  • Quid cupis discere in scholā? (What do you want to learn in school?)
  • Quālem diem optimum censes esse? (What kind of day do you think is the best?)
  • Quid facis cum nox venit? (What do you do when night comes?)
  • Quomodo māter et pater vel amīcī tē adiuvant? (How do your mother and father or friends help you?)

Colloquia III minūta

  • Ubi labōrās? Quid ibi facis? (Where do you work? What do you do there?)
  • Dēscribe tuum amīcum optimum. (Describe your best friend.)
  • Quid facis cum familia tua in diēbus fēstīs? (What do you do with your family on holidays?)
  • Quālēs cibōs et potiōnēs amās? (What kind of food and drinks do you love?)
  • Quō locō in urbe habitās? (Where do you live in the city?)
  • Quō in itinere iuvenis et puella ambulant? (Where are the young man and girl walking on the journey?)
  • Quid senex in forō quaerit? (What is the old man looking for in the forum?)
  • Quid facit nauta cum in portū est? (What does the sailor do when he is in the harbor?)
  • Dēscribe quid vidēs cum per viam urbis ambulās. (Describe what you see when you walk through the city streets.)
  • Cūr puer et puella in silvā festīnant? (Why are the boy and girl hurrying in the forest?)
  • Quid amīcī tūī faciunt in scholā? (What do your friends do at school?)
  • Ubi est tua domus? Quid in eā facis? (Where is your house? What do you do there?)
  • Dēscribe diem optimum. (Describe the perfect day.)
  • Quomodo ad scholam venīs? (How do you get to school?)
  • Quid facis postquam schola finita est? (What do you do after school is over?)


By jaalin


Introduction to myself, procedures, getting to know each other

  • 93