

— James B. Wilson, CSU

Story problems
3-Cats & \(\cong\)-strats


Brenda the Bank manager knows the privacy laws.


If a client leaves the bank, their data leaves with them, like they where never there!

Privacy Law

db = ... 				// bank database
db2 = add(db,x)  		// Operation adds client 
db3 = remove(db2,x) 	// Operation removes client
d == db3				// Leave no Trace.

\(d\boxplus x\)

\(d\boxminus x\)

\(d = (d \boxplus x)\boxminus x\)

Algebra of the program

Other Laws of the Program

x == find(add(db,x),x)

\(x=(d\boxplus x)\cap x\)

add(db,x) == add(add(db,x),x)

\(d\boxplus x=(d\boxplus x)\boxplus x\)

Adding works

Adding happens once

None == find(remove(db,x),x)

\(\emptyset=(d\boxminus x)\cap x\)

Removing works

add(add(db,x),y) == add(add(db,y),x)

\((d\boxplus x)\boxplus y=(d\boxplus y)\boxplus x\)

Adding commutes

The "Algebra of the API"

Used to design software and test it.

IT Planning

Alarmed by ransomware the IT department make snapshots of all database transactions to be restore everything identically after an attack.

More operators, more laws

transactions(db)+1 == transactions(add(db,x))
transactions(db)+1 == transactions(remove(db,x))

\(\#(d)+1 = \#(d\boxplus x)\)

\(\#(d)+1=\#(d\boxminus x)\)

Log Transactions Laws

\[\#(d) = \#( (d\boxplus x)\boxminus x) = \#(d\boxplus x)+1=\#(d)+2\]


Elementary Abstract Algebra Solves This.

But it might go by too fast to be noticed...

Free Algebra \(F\langle X\rangle\)

  • \[\begin{aligned} F\langle X\rangle & = \emptyset\\ & \mid (d:F\langle X\rangle)\boxplus (x:X)\\ & \mid (d:F\langle X\rangle)\boxminus (x:X)\\ \end{aligned}\] E.g. \((\emptyset \boxplus x)\boxminus y):F\langle x,y\rangle\)
  • Laws \(R\):  equations you want to be true, e.g. \[d=(d\boxplus x)\boxminus x\].
  • Test: Quotient \[F\langle X\rangle/\langle R\rangle\] is nontrivial.
  • Church-Rosser, Todd-Coxeter, Schreier-Sims, Tait-Martin-Lof, ....

Consistency testing

by algebra

  • Free algebra \(F\langle X\rangle\): the algebra of all formulas using variables \(X\) and the given operations.  E.g. polynomials, words in groups, \((d\boxplus x)\boxminus x)\), &c.
  • Laws \(R\):  equations you want to be true, e.g. \(d=(d\boxplus x)\boxminus x\).
  • Test: Show \[F\langle X\rangle/\langle R\rangle\] is nontrivial.
  • Church-Rosser, Todd-Coxeter, Schreier-Sims, Tait-Martin-Lof, ....


Consistency is a

solved problem.  Use GAP4




  • Which VS code Linter checks this?
  • Is this what Rust is doing?
  • I watched Wadler at \(\lambda\)-con and he lost me at "aliens and C++". 

Not solved...

Algebra rewriting is "solved" on homogeneous algebra, e.g.

\[*:A\times A\to A\]

Most applications are heterogeneous, e.g.

\[*:A\times B\to C\]


Operads overshot the generality end up with topology questions not algebra.

Fix the problem

Disagree about equality.

Equals is different things to different people.

  • Bank manager: databases are equal if have the same clients.
  • IT manager: databases are equal if one is a backup of the other.

Equality you begin with

E.g. IT/Software company

Coarser equality e.g. bank manager

Equivalence Relations

A solution

IT keeps two notions of equal.

  • \(d=f\) for interchangeable databases.
  • \(d\equiv f\) for equal client data.


Manager axioms are true under \(\equiv\) only.

Implement \(\equiv\) by a function \[\pi:DBSnaps\to DB\qquad \pi(d,actions)=d\] that makes technical IT data private to management system.

Circle back to reality

More disagree about equality.

Equals is different things to the same people.

  • Bank manager: databases are equal if have the same clients.
  • IT manager: databases are equal if one is a backup of the other.
  • Bank manager: storing multiple copies of the same thing is not as cheap as storing fewer!

Equality you begin with

E.g. IT/Software company

Refined equality, e.g. power company

Coarser equality e.g. bank manager

Equivalence Relations


Story problems
3-Cats & \(\cong\)-strats

How to refine equality

  • Admit you have a problem. \[S=T\Longleftrightarrow S\subset T \vee T\subset S\] is not a open to interpretation.  Set theory is not capable of performing interesting equality.
  • Appeal to a higher power...
    • Higher Inductive Types
    • Higher Categories (next talk)


\[x=y\Longleftrightarrow (\forall P)(P(x)\Leftrightarrow P(y))\]

Coarser equality

looks at fixed \(P_i\)



only \[x=x\]

Equivalence Relations are removing properties

Refine is to add properties

Ex. Manger's database

\[\begin{aligned} DB[X] & = 0:DB \\ & \mid (d:DB)\boxplus (x:X)\\ & \mid (d:DB)\boxminus (x:X)\\ & / \text{refl}(d): (d=_{DB}d)\\ & / \text{priv}(x): (d=_{DB} (d\boxplus x)\boxminus x)\\ & / duplicate(d):(d=_{BD} copy(d))\end{aligned}\]

Ex. IT's database

\[\begin{aligned} DB[X] & = 0:DB \\ & \mid (d:DB)\boxplus (x:X)\\ & \mid (d:DB)\boxminus (x:X)\\ & / \text{refl}(d): (d=_{DB}d)\\ & / duplicate(d):(d=_{BD} copy(d))\end{aligned}\]

Ex. Full database

\[\begin{aligned} DB[X] & = 0:DB \\ & \mid (d:DB)\boxplus (x:X)\\ & \mid (d:DB)\boxminus (x:X)\\ & / \text{refl}(d): (d=_{DB}d)\end{aligned}\]

Story problems
3-Cats & \(\cong\)-strats

Testing =

So equals is not absolute but variable.


New problem: 

  • Given level \(i\)
  • Want level \(j\)

Basic equality refinement

Less basic equality test

Less basic equality test

Non-basic equality test

Breakit up

When frontal assualt fails, go the other direction!


1. Relax equality until it is easy.

2. Do the successive refinement with groupoid isomorphism.

Next...Cats acting on cats


By James Wilson


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