Composing Music in the Cloud
Counterpoint Composer from a technical perspective
James L. Weaver
Developer / Evangelist
Twitter: @JavaFXpert
If you attended the morning (overview) session
"This is called a neuralyzer. It's a gift from some friends from out of town. This red eye here will isolate the electronic impulses in your brains, more specifically the ones for memory."
—Agent K describing the neuralyzer to its soon to be targets.
Composing Music in the Cloud
Counterpoint Composer from a technical perspective
James L. Weaver
Developer / Evangelist
Twitter: @JavaFXpert
High-level architecture
Source code is in GitHub:
- CounterpointService and Counterpoint Composer UI:
- ChordAnalyzerService and Chord Analyzer Client:
Note: These Technical Presentation slides and Getting Started slides are available on the Help menu:
RESTful services & usage
Let's examine the ChordAnalyzerService
Resource controller
http://example/analyze?notes=G3 D4 B4
Note: Because Jackson 2 is on the classpath, Spring’s MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter is automatically chosen to convert the MusicChord instance to JSON
public class ChordAnalyzerController {
private MusicChord musicChord;
@RequestMapping("/analyze") // endpoints s/b nouns, so analysis is a better name
public MusicChord identifyChordByNotes(@RequestParam(value = "notes") String notes) {
return musicChord;
To learn more, see Building a RESTful Web Service Spring Guide
Resource representation
public class MusicChord {
private final String root;
private final String chordType;
private final String bassNote;
public MusicChord(String root, String chordType, String bassNote) {
this.root = root;
this.chordType = chordType;
this.bassNote = bassNote;
public String getRoot() {
return root;
public String getChordType() {
return chordType;
public String getBassNote() {
return bassNote;
Make the app executable
package com.culturedear.chord;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
public class ChordAnalyzerServiceApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
To learn more, see Building a RESTful Web Service Spring Guide
App build/deploy cycle
- $ mvn clean install
- $ cf push -p ./target/counterpoint-service.jar CounterpointService
Note: One method of deployment for Spring Boot apps is a JAR file, which contains an embedded Tomcat servlet container.
Pivotal Web Services Console
Chord Analyzer Client
- Leverages Web MIDI API (currently supported in Chrome)
- Use any MIDI keyboard controller
Counterpoint Composer
from a technical perspective
James L. Weaver
Developer / Evangelist
Twitter: @JavaFXpert
Hope you enjoyed
Adapt or Die conference - Counterpoint Composer Technical Perspective
By javafxpert
Adapt or Die conference - Counterpoint Composer Technical Perspective
Adapt or Die conference - Exploring the technologies employed in Counterpoint Composer
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