Composing Music in the Cloud

Counterpoint Composer from a technical perspective

James L. Weaver
Developer / Evangelist


Twitter: @JavaFXpert


Where we'll go today

Composing music algorithmically

  • Examine about counterpoint music
  • Demo/analyze CounterpointComposer

Composing music via machine learning

  • Discuss machine learning
  • Demo A.I. Duet

Live demo of CounterpointComposer chord analysis microservice while playing


High-level architecture


Source code is in GitHub:

Note: These Technical Presentation slides and Getting Started slides are available on the Help menu:

RESTful services & usage


Exploring other music composition approaches

We'll come back to CounterpointComposer in a bit


Other Music Composition Approaches

Music composition games popularized in 1800s


Music Composition with Machine Learning

Pivotal Cloud Foundry now runs on Google Cloud Platform


Definition of Machine Learning

"Machine learning is the science of getting computers to learn, without being explicitly programmed"

- Andrew Ng (co-founder of Coursera, Chief Scientist of Baidu)


Anatomy of an Artificial Neural Network


Modeled after the brain


Artificial Neural Network


Predicting/classifying an elephant


Predicting/classifying a cat


Time series prediction with neural networks

What is happening?  What is most likely to happen next?


This is a job for a Recurrent Neural Network

What is happening?  What is most likely to happen next?


Music composition with an RNN


Predicting the most likely next note


Playing a duet with neural networks


Playing a duet with neural networks


Now back to CounterpointComposer

Let's examine the ChordAnalyzerService


Let's examine the ChordAnalyzerService


Resource controller

http://example/analyze?notes=G3 D4 B4

Note: Because Jackson 2 is on the classpath, Spring’s MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter is automatically chosen to convert the MusicChord instance to JSON

public class ChordAnalyzerController {
  private MusicChord musicChord;
  @RequestMapping("/analyze")  // endpoints s/b nouns, so analysis is a better name
  public MusicChord identifyChordByNotes(@RequestParam(value = "notes") String notes) {
    return musicChord;

To learn more, see Building a RESTful Web Service Spring Guide


Resource representation

public class MusicChord {
  private final String root;
  private final String chordType;
  private final String bassNote;

  public MusicChord(String root, String chordType, String bassNote) {
    this.root = root;
    this.chordType = chordType;
    this.bassNote = bassNote;

  public String getRoot() {
    return root;

  public String getChordType() {
    return chordType;

  public String getBassNote() {
    return bassNote;


Make the app executable

package com.culturedear.chord;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;

public class ChordAnalyzerServiceApplication {
  public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

To learn more, see Building a RESTful Web Service Spring Guide


App build/deploy cycle

$ mvn clean install

$ cf push

Note: One method of deployment for Spring Boot apps is a JAR file, which contains an embedded Tomcat servlet container.


Pivotal Web Services Console



Chord Analyzer Client


Counterpoint Composer

from a technical perspective

James L. Weaver
Developer / Evangelist


Twitter: @JavaFXpert

Hope you enjoyed


Counterpoint Composer Technical Perspective

By javafxpert

Counterpoint Composer Technical Perspective

Exploring the technologies employed in Counterpoint Composer

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