Quantum Party Tricks
featuring grumpy cat
About Presenter James Weaver
IBM Quantum Developer Advocate
Java Champion
Developer / Author / Speaker
History repeating itself
Massive hardware, limited bits, software infancy
Quantum computers make direct use of quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as superposition, interference and entanglement, to perform operations on data.
Feasible on classical computers
Feasible on quantum computers
Solutions to problems
Why use a quantum computer?
Some problems may be solved exponentially faster
Near-term quantum computing domains
Machine Learning
My microscopic cat is often grumpy
sometimes he is actually happy
but I've never observed him in-between those states
Axiom 1: Superposition principle
Cat can be in any combination of grumpy and happy
Axiom 2: Unitary evolution
gates modeled as matrices
NOT gate (Pauli/X, bit-flip)
Making Grumpy Cat happy with an X gate
After measurement
Before measurement
Download QiskitBlocks from qisk.it/blocks
Hadamard gate
great for putting cats in equal superpositions
Hadamard gate
Making Grumpy Cat happy about half the time
After measurement
Before measurement
Axiom 3: Measurement
probability is amplitude squared
When observed there is a:
probability of being grumpy
probability of being happy
Quantum entanglement
spooky actions at a distance
Hadamard gate
CNOT gate
Mars - ESA
Alice Cat
Bob Cat
Venus - NASA
Entangling Alice Cat and Bob Cat
After measurement
Before measurement
Running on an IBM quantum computer
Right-click the Q block and paste QASM into IBM Quantum Experience Circuit Composer
IBM Q Experience Qiskit notebooks
Qiskit open source quantum computing framework
Developing quantum apps
Quantum Party Tricks
featuring grumpy cat
JJUG Lightning Talk: Grumpy and Happy Cats
By javafxpert
JJUG Lightning Talk: Grumpy and Happy Cats
Learn some Quantum Party Tricks!
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