Machine Learning
Workshop Devoxx/Poland

About Presenter Katharine Beaumont
Freelance software developer, technical writer, interviewer, student, Pluralsight Author, developer for fun :-)
Perpetual student, wandering into software development from maths, science, publishing, politics, law...

Developer / Writer / Mathematician / Speaker

From introductory video in Machine Learning course (Stanford University & Coursera) taught by Andrew Ng.

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Self-driving cars
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Generating image descriptions

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Supervised Learning

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Supervised learning regression problem

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Unsupervised Learning

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Unsupervised learning finds structure in unlabeled data

(e.g. market segment discovery, and social network analysis)
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Reinforcement Learning

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
AlphaGo is a recent reinforcement learning success story

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Supervised Learning

(Let's dive in now)
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Supervised learning regression problem

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Workshop 1
Linear Regression

Workshop 2
Lab Exercise:

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

- Select the Circle dataset icon and only the X1 & X2 features.
- Using a total of six neurons allocated among any number of hidden layers, modify the hyperparameters in such a way that minimizes the number of Epochs required to make the Test loss and Training loss each <= 0.009
- Tweet screenshot with your lowest Epochs result using #MachineLearningExposed and presenters' Twitter IDs
Practice tuning neural network hyperparameters
Is Optimizing your Neural Network a Dark Art ?

Excellent article by Preetham V V on neural networks and choosing hyperparameters
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Convolutional neural networks
Recognizing images
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Convolutional neural network architecture
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

[by Adit Deshpande]
Peeking into a convolutional neural network

http://scs.ryerson.ca/~aharley/vis/ [by Adam Harley]
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Time series prediction with neural networks

What is happening? What is most likely to happen next?
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
This is a job for a Recurrent Neural Network
What is happening? What is most likely to happen next?
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Music composition with an RNN

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Predicting the most likely next note

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Playing a duet with neural networks

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Playing a duet with neural networks

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Unsupervised Learning

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
(Let's dive in now)
Using unsupervised learning to map artworks

@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Workshop 3
K Means

Reinforcement Learning

(Let's dive in now)
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Workshop 4
Q Learning

Through the Eyes of a Self-Driving Tesla
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
Summary of links

Andrew Ng video:
Iris flower dataset:
Visual neural net server:
Visual neural net client:
Deep Learning for Java: http://deeplearning4j.org
Spring initializr: http://start.spring.io
A.I Duet application: http://aiexperiments.withgoogle.com/ai-duet/view/
Self driving car video: https://vimeo.com/192179727
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert

Machine Learning
Introduction to Machine Learning

Machine Learning Exposed: Workshop Devoxx/Poland
By javafxpert
Machine Learning Exposed: Workshop Devoxx/Poland
Shedding light on machine learning, being gentle with the math.
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